July 2013 Moms




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    I think I'm more excited about Halloween then the kids. I've been hyping DS1 about it for a few weeks now and so he's somewhat excited, but since he's never been trick-or-treating I don't think he knows what to be excited about. Sometimes it sucks to live in another country that you grew up in, but thankfully this tradition has made it down here!
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    Prunes are delicious
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
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    @PrimRoseMama‌ mmmmmmmmmm I like it too.
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    I agree with @econmama about adult food issues relating to restrictions.
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    I was anorexic for most of my life but I think it was mostly because of emotional trauma and because of some parent related things. Not because I wasn't allowed candy. And ftr I have never binged on candy, unless a couple of kitkats a week while pregnant (my one craving) counts. Not that everything that happened to me applies to everyone.

    Obviously I do not want to pass anything negative on to my daughter - but not giving her candy at home just because we don't keep candy at home or buy candy hopefully won't lead to that and I don't see how it would. Some people don't buy candy. She isn't getting candy as a toddler and I don't think she will remember to be able to care.
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    @PickleX‌ we don't keep candy in our house either. I ate the last Starburst weeks ago.
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    I just left Ty home with my 8yr old sd while I went and got her sister off the bus. Bus stop is at the corner of our street. He was asleep and it's raining.
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    FFC from DD:  I really like watching mommy get dressed.  And I get all happy when I see boobies and I like to touch nipples. 

    I have no clue where this desire comes from since she was not BF...but I hate to see what happens when she gets her own.
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    @maryannespier Hugs to your great uncle. Don't put it on your little guy - though I know I would hope for the same thing. Just be kind.

    On the food thing: While I haven't switched daycares over it, I was appalled when I visited ours for the second time - when S was a newbie. It was Valentine's day and there were parties in each room with trays resplendent with sugar and artificial coloring. Same stuff, different colors at today's Halloween party. I swore my child wouldn't eat that crap - and sent veggie trays to parties and fruit kabobs for his birthday. Today it was cheese and crackers. I know and understand that there are going to be cupcakes at parties at school and let him eat one (usually he doesn't finish it), but also understand the concern of @picklex's friend.

    I don't forbid foods as never ever, but think that in this country kids eat way too much sugar and that setting a good example and exposing them to healthier options is really important for establishing healthy eating habits. What slays me about treats at Halloween parties, is that most of these kids are about to go out collecting candy. They don't need to be fortified with sugar to go get sugar to binge on sugar.

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    It's @primrosemama 's friend @theuntaggablek . I'm the candy denier who is siding with the friend ;)
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    My FFFC: S has started wanting to have a rock collection. 
    Confession 1: I allowed him to take two landscaping stones from our church garden because I was tired and trying anything to get him to the car. 
    Confession 2: The stupid rocks were in the floor of the back seat for two weeks. (I had intended to return them).
    Confession 3: Yesterday, I dumped them in the garden at the library.
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    Whoops. I knew that. Short on sleep.

    THough it makes sense that @picklex would favor savory treats.

    Do you forbid pickles @ home, or just candy?
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    We love pickles! I wish we had some. Hubs is dieting so we have no snack food in general (not that we usually do - but we usually have like cereal or something). So I'm eating a parsnip :-/
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    I know :((
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