February 2015 Moms

Any homebirth moms?

HopeMurrayHopeMurray member
edited September 2014 in February 2015 Moms
Just wondering if there are any other moms planning a homebirth? We're having our first and I knew I wanted to do homebirth since before we were pregnant. We have a wonderful CNM(certified nurse midwife) with over 35 years experience and has assisted in the delivery of over 2,500 babies. :)

Re: Any homebirth moms?

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    You can also search a group on The Bump for "Natural Birth." It is not as lively as this group, but I definitely frequent it for insight on matters relating more specifically to non-medicated, non-intervention birth perspectives. There have definitely been home birth topics discussed! Good for you! I considered it, and even thought it might be worth paying out of pocket for as its very hard to get my insurance to cover them. I was also considering a birthing center but run into the same problems, although home births and birthing centers are a fraction of the cost if you don't consider insurance coverage. Anyway, definitely worth checking out the "Natural Birth" group!
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    We are. :) Had a terrible experience with OBs and the hospital last time so we decided out of default this couldn't be any worse and was worth trying. Lol So far I am much happier with my Midwife and her care than I ever was with any OB.
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    Almost my entire family has done home births. :) if my husband was gonna be here I'd seriously take it into consideration. As long as you love your midwife it'll be a beautiful experience
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    We considered it and met with a midwife but ultimately decided we are going back to our birthing center. The legality of home birth here is fuzzy and I didn't want to have to deal with extra paperwork and having to see extra doctors (because the MW would t be able to write out scripts for U/S's, bloodwork, etc). Our birthing center is about as close to a home birth as you can get and the midwives are awesome. Here very thorough and make you feel like part of a team, you can opt in or out of testing, and you are released hours after giving birth (just long enough to rest, shower, eat and have then help you with breastfeeding). I had a non-medicated water birth with my daughter and that's what we are planning this time around too!
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    We are! I love my midwife's practice group. It's a pain regarding insurance coverage, but I really feel like the care I'm receiving is worth it.
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    We are. This is our third baby (first two at birth centers with midwives). I'm excited not to have to drive around town while having contractions!!!
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    I am!  This is my 2nd.  My first was born at a hospital.  I did have a med-free birth at the hospital using Hypnobabies, but there were still a lot of things I didn't like about being there.  I am extra exciting about trying for a homebirth.  We will have a birthing tub set up, so it may even be a water birth.  I'm trying to keep my mindset open though, because there is about a 10% chance of being transferred to a hospital.  Prayers we all get our perfect birth!
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    I wish I could but with having to go the NICU route before and history of my blood pressure going crazy during pregnancy and delivery hospital birth is where we are at. Can't wait to hear how all of y'all's experiences go!
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    From a physical-comfort-during-normal-labor perspective I'd love to, but I just can't get comfortable with the idea of not having a doctor available if something goes wrong, especially if it's the LO that needs help. I live about 30 minutes from the closest hospital and about 50 minutes away from my preferred hospital, and that's just too far for me to feel comfortable with in case of emergency. 
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    I am! I am seeing a midwifery practice that is huge, plus I'll have a birth assistant who has assisted at 400+ births. Pretty excited. Everyone keeps asking me if I'll have a water birth (I think people assume water birth=home birth) but honestly the idea doesn't appeal to me. 
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    Beth.1212 said:
    From a physical-comfort-during-normal-labor perspective I'd love to, but I just can't get comfortable with the idea of not having a doctor available if something goes wrong, especially if it's the LO that needs help. I live about 30 minutes from the closest hospital and about 50 minutes away from my preferred hospital, and that's just too far for me to feel comfortable with in case of emergency. 

    I don't blame you.  My midwife says it is recommended you live less than 30 minutes away from the closest hospital.  I live 10 minutes away, so I feel comfortable.
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    Our first was born at home, this one will be too :)
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    Definitely doing my first in a hospital, but would LOVE to do a home birth for the rest of my kids.
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    I'm not planning a homebirth, but my first baby was an induced birth at the hospital.  They broke my water and after two contractions it was push time.  The whole thing was about 30-45 minutes.  So I'm planning on being homebirth prepared although I would prefer to do it at our birth center.  

    Next week I'll probably talk again to my midwife about what signs point the need to call 911 and in which cases I could just go the birth center after....
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    MapleMommaMapleMomma member
    edited September 2014


    Beth.1212 said:

    From a physical-comfort-during-normal-labor perspective I'd love to, but I just can't get comfortable with the idea of not having a doctor available if something goes wrong, especially if it's the LO that needs help. I live about 30 minutes from the closest hospital and about 50 minutes away from my preferred hospital, and that's just too far for me to feel comfortable with in case of emergency. 

    I don't blame you.  My midwife says it is recommended you live less than 30 minutes away from the closest hospital.  I live 10 minutes away, so I feel comfortable.

    quote fail

    I am in this boat... I would love a home birth. However, I am about 30minutes from the hospital and the closest nicu is a couple hours. If something happens, LO would have to be air lifted and I don't want any more delays.

    Also, who would clean my house after all that mess?
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    I really wanted to do a homebirth but hubby was freaked out at the idea. So we are compromising with a birth center. I love my midwives there. They are so personal, plus it's across the street from the hospital and 5 min from us, which makes us both happy. Maybe for the next one...
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    I almost bled to death when I had DD due to a concealed placental abruption. Then she had transient tachypnea and needed to be in the NICU with oxygen.

    Bottom line: I'm glad I was at the hospital so I didn't die (doctor said that I had less than 10 minutes to live without intervention the way I was bleeding) and so DD could get what she needed, too.  Our care team did a great job.

    As much as I would love the privacy and control of having a home-birth, I'm too high risk and too afraid to risk it in general, especially now that we have DD...

    Maybe because my husband is a first responder we can't justify the math of staying at home in case of a problem. Remember it takes the paramedics 7-15 minutes to get to you (in a good case scenario) and then 10 min to get to the hospital, this is a long time without oxygen supplementation for your baby if they are struggling.
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    @hikerlady‌ I'm glad you have a lot of resources nearby. We are close to hospitals here in Chicago but traffic and being in the city complicates.

    My point is we had no idea I was going to be the person with the emergency. Most moms are totally fine. I was not. On a site as big as the bump there are enough of us so you'll find the 1%. Not trying to scare just state what happened to me.
    BFP #1: It's a GIRL! DD born October, 2012
    BFP #2: m/c at 7w, February, 2014
    BFP #3: It's a BOY! Please be our rainbow! Due February, 2015

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    You definitely have to feel comfortable with your decision of where to birth.  I am more scared of the hospital, so best choice for me is at home.  If hospitals had a 90% med free vaginal birth rate, I'm sure it would be a whole different ball game.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case.  If there is a problem and I need to go to the hospital, we won't be waiting for an ambulance.  My husband is capable of driving me there himself.  I'll be there quicker--10 minutes.  A midwife also won't wait until the last minute to know it is best to transfer.  My midwife has practiced home births for 10 years and hasn't had a death (mom or baby).  I feel comfortable with her, more so than an OB.
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    We are. I live overseas in a country that has one of the highest c-section rates in the world, and most doctors don't even know how to handle a natural, vaginal birth. We found this great OB who works with a doula and midwife/nurse who come to a glorified honeymoon suite/ birthing room. It's about 10 minutes from the hospital, and he's there most of the labor and is good about checking for any warning signs. Can't wait!!! I think it could be a real party. For anyone wanting some more stories on great home birth experiences, read Spiritual Midwifery. It's a bit hippie dippie, but maybe this crowd can handle it.
    Good luck ladies!!! Can't wait to share with you all. There will be lots of positive energy flowing around February
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    We are! Although not in our home. We live in north Alabama and it is illegal for a midwife to attend a home birth here. There are none in our area that deliver in hospitals but any in our state that do are practically treated as nurses and have to work under an OB. Alabama laws are weird!

    We we will be driving 30 minutes to this nice little house that is set up for birthing in Tennessee. It has a huge jetted tub, birth balls, stools, mats, and pretty much any other tools you could want for a natural birth. Our midwife is a CPM with 35 years experience and excellent statistics. She carries emergency medicine (for a case like hemorrhaging mentioned above), oxygen, and tools for neonatal resuscitation. She always comes with at least one, usually two, assistants who are also fully trained. One is an RN and another is a lay midwife of 30 years. We will be about 15 minutes from a hospital. We have an OB in our city to go to in case of emergency and for ultrasounds. 

    For me the biggest benefit other than being in a relaxing environment is having 1 on 1 care from women who believe in your ability to give birth. They know so many tips and tricks and won't be leaving our side. I just went to a hospital birth a few weeks ago and it made me so thankful we found another option. Oh, and getting to go home 4 hours later instead of having to wait a day or two will also be nice. If some issue arises that will make our delivery safer in a hospital then we have two really good hospitals close by. Oddly enough, it will cost us about $3000 more to have a home birth instead of using our excellent insurance ($300 deductible, 90% coverage after) for a hospital. But this is the one thing I am fine with spending money on. 
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    tifnalex said:

    Midwives are trained for emergencies too. They all bring things like air and medications for mother and baby if there is a need.

    I refuse to live in fear that something bad is going to happen. Yes, you need to educate yourself about the risks, but there is no reason why fear should dictate where you have a child. Babies die in hospitals everyday, some things just happen. But we live in this great world where we all get to decide for ourselves what is best!!

    Yes of course. But I needed a surgeon, immediately, after my delivery. No one could have predicted that. It's not about fear it is about being realistic. It's about considering the risks. The best providers (ob, midwives, whatever) will admit that despite being trained for whatever without being in a controlled setting there can be delays of care and issues related to this. Just because someone hasn't had a bad outcome in THEIR career doesn't mean they don't happen. That's the small sample bias.

    Also not everyone is a great candidate for a home birth. After my emergency and now with my low placenta I can't even consider it. Not fear, just facts.
    BFP #1: It's a GIRL! DD born October, 2012
    BFP #2: m/c at 7w, February, 2014
    BFP #3: It's a BOY! Please be our rainbow! Due February, 2015

    *everyone always welcome*
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    Yes, me! This will be my third home birth. 1st was unassisted, second with midwives. Both water births :) haven't decided the details of this one yet!
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    We are pregnant with our first and planning a home birth. I have a great midwife who will be accompanied by another midwife, plus my husband is extremely supportive!
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    We're 30 minutes to the closest hospital, so decided against a home birth. I did want a midwife and to have a water birth at a birthing centre, but haven't been able to find any available midwives in my area. They're covered by healthcare in Alberta now so it's almost impossible :( I am however, hiring a doula and trying to go as natural as possible while in the hospital.
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    We are! I'm so glad to be having a home birth and love my CNM! Hospitals terrify me and I know i would never be able to relax trying to birth in one. We are however less than a mile from and excellent hospital in case we need to transfer. I don't love the idea if a water birth and everybody asks me. I too don't know when I want my family showing up. I want to keep labor and delivery as free of extra people as possible but am really worried about hurting my moms feelings so we'll see. I'm always so surprised of the number of women who've bought the AMA's line that they're incapable of delivering their babies without drugs and interventions. Emergencies and women who risk out are one thing, but the rest of us, not so much.
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    I'm also doing a home birth. I detest hospitals and can't imagine going into one willingly when I'm well and not sick! That said, if there are any increased risk factors for the health if my baby I'll change my plan to a hospital in a second for his sake.
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    @hikerlady‌ we're waiting for at least a week or two. That said, our family is living out of the province so they'll be staying for a long long time!
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    Home birth for me too! I love the idea of having the same 2 people with me the entire time. I also love the freedom to trust my body and to not have anything forced upon me. I definitely did my research, and this is the perfect choice for us.
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