October 2013 Moms

O13 stats

If there has already been a thread like this then let me know and disregard, but it thought it would be neat to see where all the babies are growth and developmentally as we are having or have already had our 6 month appointments. Also, are you having any concerns?
DS weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long. He can roll both ways, though belly to back is hard for him, and to both sides. He has started trying to get his knees underneath himself and push up on his arms. This usually ends up looking like he is humping the ground which is pretty funny. He does not sit up unassisted yet and either folds in half to suck his toes or arches his back to straighten out when we try. He can stand assisted for longer periods now, but is not pulling up yet (thank goodness!). He talks and shrieks up a storm for most of the day and loves his solids!
Only big concern for us right now is that his head did not grow any since his 4 month appointment so we have to go back in 6 weeks for a recheck. She felt his head and said it all felt fine, but wants to check it again so hopefully it will have grown some by then. We are dealing with a little eczema that popped up about a month ago, but it doesn't seem to bother DS so I'm not thinking it's a huge deal.

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Re: O13 stats

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    DD just had her 6 month appt on Monday and she now weighs 19lbs 10oz and is 27 inches long. She is still in the 92nd percentile for weight and length. Pedi said she is looking great. She can sit up unassisted and can roll both ways. Bottom 2 teeth just came through a week ago and she loves to talk all day long. She can stand assisted and loves to bounce.
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    DS has his 6 month appt on Tuesday. Last we weighted him, he was 20 lbs. He is also very long and everytime people hear he is only 6 months they are astonished. He wears mostly 12 month size clothes.

    He is pretty much able to sit up by himsellf, although he gets a little wobbly sometimes. He also likes to stand up to his activity table, but I have to brace him, but his legs are getting pretty strong. He can roll back to belly no prob, but can't get from belly to back. He doesn't like being on his tummy much and tries really hard to crawl, but still has some work there.

    He just started clapping recently; no teeth; hasn't started solids; and loves to blow bubbles.


    BFP #1 - 12/30/12 - EDD 9/13/13 - CP

    BFP #2 - 2/13/13 - EDD 10/24/13 - born 10/29/13 - Kian Edward

    BFP #3 - 7/16/15 - EDD 3/27/16 - born 3/23/16 - Liam James

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    @bkeane619‌ That is definitely what it is because last time it was 17 1/4 and it was 17 this time. I know his head didn't shrink and the pedi double checked this time and 17 is correct. She said he probably just has more of an oval head, but wanted to check again in 6 weeks just to be safe. I'm really not worried about it since he is obviously meeting his milestones.

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    @missgpsu‌ Don't be discouraged! I'm sure B will continue gaining well. :) You have a little baby with a big head and I have a big baby with a little head. Haha. And we aren't sitting unassisted either

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    Dd is 16 lbs, 25 in, sitting unassisted, rolling belly to back when she wants to and holding her bottle occasionally. She's eating pureés like a champ. She loves talking and her brother.
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    Daniel is 7 months 2 weeks (adjusted age 6 months). He was 18 1/2 lbs a week and 1/2 ago, so I imagine we're around 19 lbs now, and 24.5 inches long. 

    He rolls from belly to back, but only when no one is looking, and hasn't rolled back to belly. He's sitting up unassisted, but just started doing that a couple days ago, and it's completely sure of himself yet. He scootches on his belly, but no crawling action here, which is fine by me! His jumparoo is where it's at, and he loves to stand - part of me thinks this kid is just going to up and walk one of these days.

    He smiles at everyone, laughs, and is still working on breaking in his top four teeth - we have the bottom two already. He will feed himself Mum Mums and bananas, but gets frustrated easily because its a slow process and he wants to #eatallthethings. I just started working with him on a sippy cup (with water), because he keeps grabbing at all our cups.

    @ballygurl - I want to see videos of twin cuteness!!

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    My LO is 17 6oz 25 inch long. short little guy :) He can roll but not pro at it. He can sit unassisted. He finally has a tooth coming in! He hates eating purée. He can hold his bottle. he babbles a lot. He laughs and smiles all the time.
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    LO is 15 lbs ( nt sure of length) and will be 7 months Saturday. He was one of our early arrivals at 35 weeks, so althgh he is on the small side he is gaining perfectly! He can roll both ways and is getting close to being able to sit up but not quite. He rolls and scoots all over the place, wants to crawl so bad! He pushes his but up in the air and does the scoot. He has been eating solids for over a month now and loves everything! So proud of his progress!
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    19lbs 11oz and 26-27 inches(can't remember) she'll be 7 months this weekend. She can roll all over the place, scoot backwards and in a circle but no crawling yet. She can sit unassisted, very good with her hands and passing toys back and forth, putting her paci back in her mouth and holding her bottle. She smiles all the time and will laugh out loud SOMETIMES. I'm worried about her babbling. She doesnt it that often unless something is in her mouth? She isn't really saying any ma's da's ta's ba's or whatever. Also no teeth yet and she's been on solids for a little over a month!
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    Fruitcove7Fruitcove7 member
    edited April 2014
    Wyatt is 6.5 months. He is 18.5 lbs and 28 inches.

    He can sit unassisted and pulled himself up last night for the first time (then fell straight back, I was there to catch him).

    He gets on all fours and will take one crawling "step" before face planting.

    He loves babbling and giggles when we hold him and he "walks"

    Edited to add:  No teeth yet and just got over his first ear infection.
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    Greyson was 19lbs 13oz and 26 3/4" at his 6 month on the 5th. He rolls both ways really quickly and can scoot to where ever he wants to be. He sits unassisted for the most part but his large belly and short legs make him top heavy. We love to eat. He can scream like no other.

    My only concern is that he babbles but it doesn't seem to consist of any consonant sounds. Anyone else's lo not babbling a lot or just rocking out the vowel sounds?

    Same with the babbling. I'm hoping it picks up soon. She only seems to do it at the dog or when something is in her mouth.
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    Jack is 15lbs 7 oz and 27in. He can roll over and has found this is the way to get around. He will roll to whatever is nearby. He can sit up in assisted but I keep the boppy or pillow by him just in case. He wants to crawl and move so badly but he hasn't figured it out yet.

    He talks up a storm. He gets louder and louder with his babbles once he gets going. He says dada and mum.

    He LOVES eating. He gets so excited if he sees a bottle, spoon, or bowl. His favorite is banana.

    Overall, he is a great smily baby. He is easy going and laid back, just like his daddy. image



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    Oaklee is a little over 16lbs and 25 3/4 inches long. He rolls from back to belly but gets stuck when he try's to roll belly to back. He sits up unassisted.
    He laughs and smiles all the time. He hasn't started with dadada or mamama yet he squeals and yells though.



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    I sometimes feel like Hunter is a little behind when I read all of these, but then I remind myself he's just going at his own pace. Also, not sure if being born 2 weeks early has any impact on it too. 

    He's going to be 7 months next week - WHAAAA?? and at his 6 month appointment he was a little over 18 lb. and 26.5 inches long, wearing all 9 month and some 12 month clothes. He loves to roll from back to belly and hates rolling belly to back because he hits his head sometimes, so he just refuses to do it. 

    He can sit unassisted most of the time but sometimes will topple over to the side or back when he's reaching for something and moves too quickly. He doesn't really scoot and has shown no interest in crawling. 

    He's kind of "ehh" about eating but still reaches for our food all the time. He loves to "talk" to his toys and the dogs and will babble to me and MH a lot. When I leave the room he protests and sometimes it sounds like he's saying "MAAAAAAAA" 

    He could jump/bounce all freaking day long though so hopefully I'll get some toned arms because of this! One of his favorites is facing out and bouncing on my knee, that always cracks him up and gets him squealing.

    Basically, he's a ton of fun and I'm loving seeing his little personality grow. 
    Oct 13 April Siggy: Bunnies
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    DS born on 9/30/13 from IVF #1.2!
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    TL; DR

    and can't respond because our appointment isn't for another hour...
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    William was 15lb15oz and 26" at his 6 month appt on Mon. Still can't sit well without being propped up, but started to actually crawl yesterday. So not ready for him to be that mobile! But he only does it for a short distance then gets sidetracked by toys. Not a huge talker yet but loves to laugh!
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    My ped says it's still waaay early to worry about consonants
    Yes, our pediatrician says that is not something she really looks for until 9 months.  If they do it before then, great.  If not, nothing to worry about.  

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    LO then (2 days) and now (1 year)
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    DD was 17 pounds and 27" at our appointment, but that was 4/3 so I'm sure she weighs more now.  She can roll both ways and can get up on all 4s and rock back and forth.  She can sort of sit up on her own but I don't go far because she will fall over without warning.  She also loves saying "mama" and "baba".

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    LO then (2 days) and now (1 year)
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    vvg28vvg28 member
    DS' s six month appointment is the first week of May, so all I have to use is my home measurements. Last I checked, he was 28 1/2 inches long and maybe weighing 18 lbs. He is not a chubby baby by any means. He usually wears 9 to 12 month clothes just because of length.

    "Talks" up a storm and loves to blow air, bubbles and spit. He is verrrry aware of his surroundings and is very socially interactive. People think he is older than he is because of this, not because of his size. Rolls both ways fine. Lifts up with straight arms while on his belly. Sits great slightly assisted, but still looses his balance if on his own. He also loves to stand assisted. He probably enjoys that more than sitting.

    So good to read all of our babies' accomplishments. And I agree with @sooner1981‌ - all babies develop different. Does not mean anyone is ahead or behind by any means. :)


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    Tldr: these milestone posts seemed really exciting the first time around. Now I just know that they cause anxiety to moms whose babies are all normal, but just developing at different intervals. Trust your instincts as far as noting things to discuss with your pediatricians and even get second opinions if you think they are necessary. But if the experts tell you your baby is developing within normal range, don't let yourself get freaked out by anecdotal "bump" statistics, like I kinda did the first go 'round.
    This! I always seem to freak out a bit inside when I read everything everyone else's baby is doing and wondering if mine is delayed (which he's not), but it doesn't help with any of my FTM crazy anxiety. So thanks for reassuring me. 
    Oct 13 April Siggy: Bunnies
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    DS born on 9/30/13 from IVF #1.2!
      Lilypie - (xNS5)
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    DD is 6m9d and weighs 15 lbs 9 oz and is 28 inch long. She is currently cutting two teeth (her first ones) and babbling up a storm (ba ba, da da etc).

    She can crawl but still hasn't figured out that she would be quicker always on her knees instead of still army crawling/doing the worm. She sits unassisted but wiggles so much for toys that she falls after awhile! This week she started pulling herself up on everything, which has resulted in a lot of face plants too lol

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    I make bobble heads!

    Ezra is 16#8oz (25%).

    Height is uncertain, they had to remeasure him because he was only at 4% and his pedi was concerned. Turns out he's still on his growth curve at 12%.

    Head is 58%, which is down from 78%. The pedi didn't tell DH (I was at work) she was concerned about his head size dropping, so I'm not worried.

    So, short, chubby, with a big head!

    His brother was also short, but skinny, with a huge head!! 98%!!!!

    Bobble heads!

    I'm not posting about what he can do, because I agree with @sooner1981‌ If you compare your kids with others, you're going to drive yourself crazy.
    Sisters:  Now and then.


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    @kirbabe these posts can be fun, but I just remember lots of moms on my first BMB getting increasing anxiety filled
    posts around a year or 15 months, when some babies are running and saying the entire alphabet and other babies are barely cruising and just reliably learned how to say mama, dada and dog.

    There is just such a wide range of normal--and it is very true (but very hard for moms to remember) that the timeline of when your kid achieves milestones, as log as they are within the range of normal, has literally zero scientific correlation with whether they will be super athletic or super talented in whatever area later in life. Of course this has been studied, and there is no correlation, for example, between early walkers being any more athletic than normal as teenagers. Normal is normal is normal.
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    Lincoln will be 7 months next weekend and is 17lbs (30%) as of yesterday. Almost 27 in long (24%). He is rolling back to belly and trying to scoot forward and back a little. He tripod sits pretty well but is still wobbly and doesn't sit alone.

    His reflux/bottle feeding isn't the greatest so that's our main concern. The feeding tube will be in for at least another month I'm guessing. Also, he is getting fitted for a helmet tomorrow.

    He loves purées, cereal not so much. We have tried a tiny bit of bread and puffs. He makes lots of noises and raspberries but no babbling/word sounds yet. Smiles and laughs constantly which is super fun.
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    Camden turned 6 months on the 5th.  He had his appointment on the 7th.  He was 18 lbs. 9 oz. and 27 1/2 inches long.  I don't remember percentiles, just know that he is growing as he should.

    He rolls, sits, crawls, stands and takes steps when assisted, pulls himself up, and tries to stand unassisted (which scares me).  He has started solids and babbles up a storm and make the baba, dada, and a few other sounds.  When I clap he slaps his knees and laughs.

    He has no teeth just yet (he is a late teether as a nice lady so kindly informed me [rolling my eyes]).  I said he started solid, but he isn't super into them.  He eats a little bit nightly but hasn't started a more than once a day feeding habit yet.  We have been working on clapping, but so far he only claps his legs. 

    I was worried about his tongue at his 6 month appointment.  He constantly has it out.  I informed the pediatrician, and he checked it out to see how the muscle tone was doing, and apparently it is fine, and my baby just likes to stick his tongue out.  I honestly think it is just a little too big for his mouth right now. 


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    At Cece's appt last week, she was 14 lb 8 oz, 26". She's long & lean. I'm surprised she hasn't hit 15 lbs yet, but she's close! She can roll both ways, is starting to sit up (and loves it), but does tip easily. We were practicing sitting up last night & I set her on her back so I could get something- she did not like that. She's still getting up 1-2 times a night. No teeth yet. Loves to babble and giggle... I think that's it :)
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    We are 7 months old today and somewhere around 20 lbs (18 lbs at last appointment). He can roll from belly to back and is trying super hard to crawl. Almost sitting unassisted and loves solids! Trying to cut teeth but currently really sick! He loves to hear his voice and just realized he can make lots of noises. His blocked tear duct is finally cleared up!!
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    EmJ&BEmJ&B member
    Daniel is 6 months (and 3 days!). He's 17 pounds, 14 oz and 25.5 inches long #teamshortnfat

    He has 2 teeth, can roll both ways, sit for about 5 seconds and babbles all day long. Loves to blow bubbles. Doesnt want to crawl but rocks on hands and knees.
    Daniel ~ October 21, 2013

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    tmccord21tmccord21 member
    edited April 2014
    #mykidstilldoesntroll. But last month he was 29in and like 19lbs I blame his laziness on being a #toddlerbaby

    Eta- he'll be 6 months on the 29th. He can sit assisted and can go maybe 2secs before face planting. We started purées a few weeks ago but is less psyched on them since he broke his 1st tooth last weekend. Last night the second one started coming in.
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    Joey has his 6 mo appt this upcoming Monday. At his 4 mo appt he was 26 in & 17 lbs, 10 oz so I'm sure he's at least 20lbs now. He rolls from back to belly, sits for about 5 seconds & then topples over, he babbles & blows raspberries all day long, and loves to smile! :)

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    Ooh we just had our appt on Tuesday. 

    He is 21 lbs 1 oz and 29.5 inches 

    He loves eating and babbles all day long. He rolls like it's nobody's business, is starting to think about sitting on his own. Still not sure what this crawling business is that I keep trying to show him.

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    @missgpsu‌ V only has three ounces on B. She's just a peanut.

    I wrote out more but I feel like I sound like a douche canoe so I deleted it.
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    Carmen will be 6 months next Wednesday. I'm not sure how long she if but at her last appointment she was in the 95th percentile. She had her first ear infection a couple weeks ago and she was 16.8 lbs. she was in the 55 percentile for head at her 4 month check up. She rolls back to belly and belly to back left side or right side. She can sit up unassisted and she can scoot herself around no real crawling yet. She says mamamamama, moomoo, laughs and screams. She's currently wearing 6-9 or 9-12 months clothes but the 9-12 months close are too big in the waist. She loves giving hugs, pulling hair and throwing her toys to our pup. She also loves giving kisses mouth wide open lol
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    16.7 lbs forgot to ask height, but they said 25% but his head is 75%….. baby giant head.  No rolling, he still isn't into tummy time.  Sits great unassisted and if I stand him up against something he can stay and support himself. Lots of babbling and loves food.
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    Christian weighed 16 lbs and is 27 inches long as of 2 weeks ago. He is sitting up like a boss and tries to crawl (not even close to actually doing it). We've had major baby food success with bananas lately. Babbles his tiny ass off and is still working on getting a tooth. Pedi said it should come out in a few weeks.
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