3rd Trimester

How much do childbirthing/lamaze classes help?

For those of you who have given birth before...have you taken any kind of childbirth/lamaze classes? Does it really help to actually go to a class? I've heard mixed reviews. I have been watching some videos on breathing techniques online and I am wondering if that will be enough.

Re: How much do childbirthing/lamaze classes help?

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    What are you looking for specifically? I did the hypnobabies home course and it helped tremendously. I personally don't think breathing techniques do anything really helpful as far as pain relief.
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    spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited April 2014
    I'm an FTM so I can't say yet exactly how helpful they were for the birth. But they have made a huge difference in how prepared I feel going into it and how aware of I am of my options. For that alone, I think it's worth it.

    We've covered breathing techniques (not Lamaze, specifically) and practiced a bunch of other pain management positions/techniques. I think how much you get out of that depends on what you're looking for when you say you want something that "works." Works to do what? None of those techniques will take away the pain, but that's not what they're intended to do. They are to manage the pain and try to make you more comfortable. They're also intended to keep you as calm as possible during the process because fear, anxiety, and tension go hand in hand with pain. Personally, I think learning what works for you is very important and can make a huge difference during labour regardless of whether you intend to go med-free or not.

    ETA: I think it's helpful for the father, or whoever your support person is, as well. My DH has a much better idea of how he can help and participate now too, more so than he would have without the class experience.
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    I went through the hospital for all the classes:

    Caring for You & Your Baby
    Infant & Child CPR
    The Grand Tour

    We spent about $450 altogether on the classes. Later on in this pregnancy, I found out that I could have taken the classes locally at this really cool down to earth maternity shop. The shop is more my speed and geared towards more of my beliefs in natural child birth so I'm a little bummed we didn't do the classes through them. Plus they were cheaper through the maternity store. So take a look around town before signing up with the hospital. Good luck!



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

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    I took a class with my first. Glad I did as there are many aspects of labor and I felt more comfortable knowing what was going on instead of just winging it
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    We took a class. I wouldn't say I found it overly helpful at all, but Im glad I did take it. I know that had I not taken it, ,Id be wondering what I missed out on!
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    I didn't take a 'class' but attended meet ups at my local center. Each session had a topic for conversation starters, but it was really a chance to ask questions to knowledgable and accredited people. Everything from what to do for the different stages of labor, your options, how to manage pain physically and mentally, PP care were covered. It really affirmed to me that our bodies were made for this, have been doing it for thousands of years, and to trust in it and myself (that is not saying med free or not, just that I am the one blocking progress more often then not). It was also a great way to connect with other soon to be new moms. This was a free service.

    It was really helpful for building my self confidence in knowing my options. It was helpful for my H because he was more receptive to I asked things if him PP, and when my MW asked him to do things during labor. Honestly I wish he had paid more attention, because something's were a fight with him.
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    I am a FTM due in June, so can't comment on how it's worked during labor and delivery yet; but my husband and I are taking a Hypnobirthing class together and absolutely love it.  It has eased so many of our fears and is really guiding me toward a calm, confident, natural, meaningful birthing experience.  It's not for everyone, but I am so glad I found it as it's right up my ally.  I am more of the natural mindset, whereas my husband is more of the 'let's do this at the hospital just in case' mindset.  Our class is taught by a RN who previously worked at the hospital and now works with the local birthing center, so we have received a great amount of unbiased information regarding both experiences and using hypnobirthing techniques in either situation.  In addition to feeling so much more confident about my ability to birth, we really feel like we can make much more informed decisions thanks to her and this class.

    Also, absolutely involve your partner.  You both need to be on the same page.  Good luck and congratulations!
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    With my daughter I 100% regretted not doing a lamaze class for breathing. I was in labor for 28 hours and wasted a lot of energy breathing inefficiently, huffing and puffing. Half way through I was falling asleep between my contractions because I was so exhausted. This time around I will absolutely be taking at least lamaze, if not other classes as well. Labor is hard enough, why not make it a little easier on yourself.
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    I agree that the classes are pretty helpful.  A lot of my anxiety went away just knowing what to expect, and how to deal with the different situations that might occur.  It also gave us great ideas for how DH can help out, and what decisions we'll make regarding when to go to the hospital, certain medications, what happens after the birth etc.

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    I thought they'd be a waste of time, but once I was in labor I found myself using all the different positions and the breathing techniques really helped me through the toughest contractions. Even DH was grateful we had gone through the classes, as he could help me through the worst parts when I couldn't focus enough, or he knew where to put pressure to help me...
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    We took a general childbirthing class, and a breastfeeding class, both where we will be delivering. I found it extremely helpful and informative because it truly answered a lot of basic questions we had. It was also great because they explained in great detail what our specific hospital does in regard to different birthing situations (vaginal, induction, cesarean, waterbirth). Even my husband thought it was helpful and informative.

    I'm not sure the breathing techniques will help with the pain or not but they did go over those as well as different type of pain medication options we would have, or other therapeutic options women would have if they decided *not* to be medicated. It seemed really well rounded. 
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