September 2014 Moms

Crazy pregnancy dreams

Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant with twins. My pregnancy only lasted about a week. When I had the babies they came out at the same time, and they were holding onto each other. Then, one of my best friends stole my babies and took them to Disney land without me knowing. It was such a nightmare. What crazy dreams are you having?

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Re: Crazy pregnancy dreams

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    I'm a wedding and event planner. Last night I dreamed i was planning sharlette fr the show Nashville's wedding. It was complete drama all day the day of the wedding. I ended up standing at the wedding telling guest it was cancelled because sharlette freaked out an decided not to marry. The groom was actually a real live groom of a wedding I'm planning so it was strange lol

    BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









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    Ugh, I had a miscarriage dream during my first pregnancy, and it keyed me up for a week.

    No "weird" dreams yet this pregnancy,but this morning I had a pretty awesome X rated dream that led to some fun morning shenanigans with DH.  ~eyebrow waggle~

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    I've had several miscarriage dreams, but really weird ones. Like giving birth to a tiny baby, keep it attached for several days before the doctors tell me that we lost her. I also once dreamt that I had both a baby and a kitten and was freaking out because high blood sugar made me miscarry the kitten so i just *knew* something was wrong with the baby. Although since the ultrasound past my loss milestone the MC dreams have calmed down and been replaced by some fun naughty dreams.
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    This is my first pregnancy ever, but I keep having the same 3 nightmares over and over again.
    One is like a memory reel of every, single, horrible moment I had to face alone while in high school. (Oh the number of people I could slap every time I have that dream would astound people haha)
    My other dream is a miscarriage before 24 weeks and delivery it only to keep screaming and sobbing 'why does this keep happening to us. We worked so hard to do everything right and Life still just took my precious child away'.
    The other dream is having my baby a few days past my due date only to have the doctor pull it out and say we were one day to late...they hand me my stillborn and I just stare at my little one thinking this is all my fault...

    Anyway, I'm just hoping they aren't a warning of anything that may go wrong...

    but I will admit that my craziest dream happened right before I found out I was pregnant. I woke up to see this black figure of a girl next to my bed, and of course I went straight into the Fight mode and chased her into my living room. When I caught up with her, it was like I was trapped in a force field, she faced me and told me that I can't keep going on like I have been. And then she just disappears into thin air. I remember a week later that my body felt like it was shutting down, and that I could barely eat anything without it coming back up (I lost 15 pounds because of this). Of course it dawned on me that I was late, and took a pregnancy test. It came up positive and then I knew what that girl in my dream meant by me keep on doing what I was(60 hour work weeks of being on my feet nonstop, semi-heavy lifting, ect...Lucky for me, my husband was more than happy to see me quit both jobs so I could focus on getting back to a healthy state and finding a way to maintain that state)
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    I've been having occasional nightmares about miscarrying. I had one where I was 12 months pregnant ( YES - 12 months) and they couldn't find a doctor brave enough to do the c-section so my baby kept growing.

    other than that - it's just a blur of hyperrealistic "wrong" dreams....
    PCOS , incompetent cervix, gestational diabetes, IVF graduate, with one ovary!
    1 angel baby due to a 20 week M/C thanks to IC
    1 ovary due to a benign tumor that crushed my ovary
    About 6 years of pointlessly POAS
    Proud mommy of a 2.5 year old  girl
    Currently pregnant with baby #2 surprise BFP -  Team Blue until proven otherwise

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    I've been having full out action adventures.. Last night I stopped a thief from blowing up a building.. but as soon as the situation was de-escalated I went to the hospital to get the baby checked. The nurses told me I needed to go on early maternity leave and I pulled a "No, I can't, the city needs me!" It's weird... I'm waking up dead tired from these dreams.
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    I've had a few miscarriage dreams but last night the sex dreams started. I have never been one to orgasm in my sleep but last night I kept getting really close. It was the strangest and most frustrating thing. Sorry if TMI, but I know there has to be someone else out there having sex dreams too.

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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    So many it is ridiculous. Kidnapping my child, breakins, prison escapes, witchcraft are just a few crazy occurences in my dreams. I wake up exhausted.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    kirstynikolekirstynikole member
    edited February 2014
    Dreamt I was babysitting 6 toddlers and one of them was identical to my husband as a little boy. The one that looked like my DH was sick with a cold. I carried him around the entire dream because anytime I tried to set him down he protested and became clingy- oh until I was called by my cousin to go burn a dead body in the backyard. WTF? I guess I've been watching too much American Horror Story- Coven. Just when I thought I was having a sweet normal dream- BAM crazyness happened.
    *edit for gif*
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    When I was very young, I had night terror syndrome... I don't remember most of the nightmares but the ones I do remember are very disturbing, especially since I was 5 or 6 when I had them.... lately I've been having the same types of dreams. Luckily I'm old enough not to be scared and don't scream, punch or flail around in my sleep anymore. Still weirds me out though.
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    Every night! Miscarriage dreams, twin dreams, dreams about living with my parents again, or blowing up a space station, breast feeding a pet, or my house being invaded by teenage girls. Weirdly, very few involve my husband. They're more likely to involve people I knew during childhood.
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    Well this morning I had my first pregnancy dream.  I don't know exactly where I was, but there were a lot of beds in the room, and I was having some pretty strong contractions and I could feel the baby's head moving around. I was nervous about it because I was only 20-something weeks along and I didn't know why I was already having contractions. A midwife came around and was checking me. Then I woke up. And farted. So thanks, gas pains, for that very very vivid dream.
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    I had a dream last night that I was convinced that I was having a girl. But when I gave birth it was a boy and I put him in a pink dress. There was someone else there that gave birth through her throat, gross.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited February 2014
    I was having the strangest dreams the week before I found out I was pregnant... But the night before I found out I was pregnant I saw a little girl in a yellow dress stand next to my bed and she was the most peaceful thing... It sounds crazy but it happened.

    The most resent dream was that I had a threesome with my husband in a secret sex room we had.... It was interesting
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    edited February 2014
    I don't usually remember my dreams when I wake up, and lately I've had some very vivid dreams -pleasing myself, seeing dead babies that some random teenage girls gave birth to, and more recently I've seen DH's grandfather whom passed away last year
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    I have been having multiple crazy dreams every night. I've also noticed an increase in having dreams within dreams, at least three of them in the past couple of weeks.
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    I have crazy dreams, but I'm more interested in my frirnds' dreams. One pregnant coworker dreamed I robbed a bank with her (she doesn't know I'm pregnant!) and my SIL has had multiple dreams that I have twins! Will find out in 2.5 weeks I guess!
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    Yup, I am joining the crazy-dream-train here. Last night, I was dreaming that I was going around lighting anything I could find on fire, then I was kidnapped when my car was stolen and I happened to be sitting in it, then it morphed into dreaming that DH had bought me a magazine shelf for valentine's day and filled it with just the magazine advertisements all crumpled up, then got upset with me when I told him that wasn't a good valentine's day gift. Absolutely no consistence with the themes of my dreams, just something new and crazy every night! 

    Together since 03/27/2007
    Married 07/20/2013

    BFP #1 01/18/2014, EDD 09/26/2014, Team Green
    DD born 09/21/2014

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    I've had a few miscarriage dreams but last night the sex dreams started. I have never been one to orgasm in my sleep but last night I kept getting really close. It was the strangest and most frustrating thing. Sorry if TMI, but I know there has to be someone else out there having sex dreams too.

    Me too!!! The most unbelievable sex dreams I have ever had...I swear I have a full blown orgasm that wakes me up:) It's absolutely amazing hahaha
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    Just woke up from a crazy dream where DH and I both worked in Manhattan for a bank owned by the Queen of the Netherlands. It got robbed, a security man died to save me, and we followed the Queen out her secret escape. Then we tried to flee the city, but everywhere we went, we were chased by the robbers. Ooookay. I'll trade for sex dreams if anyone wants ha ha.


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    Every time I sleep ... Including naps I've had dreams since I found out I was pregnant.... I don't usually remember them.... Only once I woke up knowing I didn't dream and I remember I was so happy lol
    Married 08-04-13
    BFP 12-31-13
    EDD 09-01-14


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    I had my first dream in which baby made an appearance last night. Loved it! Felt so real :)
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    I had a dream the other night that I was a tattoo artist but I was using puffy paint!! I can't draw to save my life even in my dreams!
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