October 2013 Moms

Cervix dilation

Hi ladies.. Newb here :) I'm almost hesitant about posting because I've been a lurker and normally if I have a question someone else has answered it before I could post.. Well a little intro about me to get started.. I'm due 10/31 and have a scheduled c section for 10/25 to my extreme disappointment :( I never knew until I conceived that I have a heart shaped uterus. So I've been termed a 'high risk pregnancy' honestly I feel lucky because I've had a generally easy pregnancy esp for being high risk.. I'm expecting a little girl (Tenley) and have no signs yet of having to deliver early, although my drs we're just certain I wouldn't make it to 34 weeks! Anyways my question.. And I've looked it up before posting bc I know that irritates the regulars :) .. Is it possible to feel yourself dilating? I'm only 35 wks and I think it's the norm around 36 to get cervical checks, but I'm a FTM and I'm feeling different .. You know.. There. Definitely not trying to rush things but just happy she's hung in there this long. Anyone out there swear they've felt themselves dilating??? So curious

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