Babies: 6 - 9 Months


Curious how long your LOs took to go from army crawling to actual crawling. DD has been doing it 2 months and has been pulling up to stand over a month. I'm surprised she hasn't actually crawled considering she's been getting on her knees and rocking almost 2 months too. I'm in no way concerned, just curious of you've had a similar experience. DS started the army crawl at 6 months and only did that a couple weeks.

Re: Crawling

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    DD only army crawled backward.  She started that around 5.5 months I think... She got up on hands and knees and rocked for 3-4 weeks, started actually crawling a few days after she turned 7 months old.
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    *LrCg**LrCg* member
    My current baby never army crawled but did traditional crawl at 5 months old. My older child army crawled at 5 months and did so until she was 10 months old when she started walking.
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    Neither of my kids ever army crawled. Once they figured how to get to knees they crawled normally. DS actually prefers to try to stand, so he's on feet and hands until her remembers he can't stand up like that without furniture to hold onto, then he goes hands and knees. 
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    My LO army crawls when he has to, it's been rare he's gotten on his hands and knees and rocked, he always gets upset and would rather stand. He is constantly pulling himself up and walking holding on to my fingers. Seems like he wants to skip that crawling stage. 
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