March 2013 Moms


Anyone's LO have a vomiting episode? I'm not talking about spitup, this has been full on heaving and projectile vomiting. DD is 11 weeks and threw up her entire bottle this evening. The after hours nurse hotline advised Pedialyte a teaspoon at a time, but she threw it up both times.

We finally went to the ER but she wasn't dehydrated and wasn't running a fever, so they sent us home with instructions to call the pediatrician in the morning.

She hasn't thrown up in several hours but she gags occasionally and shows no interest in even her pacifier, much less formula. Poor thing is sleeping fitfully now and I am beside myself. It was scary to see a baby so young throw up that much. Anyone else's little one experience a tummy bug?

Re: Vomiting?

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    My LO does often and it's awful. It's reflux related though.
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    Mine screamed hysterically like she was in pain most of yesterday. She had some diahrea and has a cold. No fever. I took her in. They did Xray because they heard some crackles in her lungs but she was ok. So they decided just a bug or something. She was much happier last night and today so far
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    jmdahnjmdahn member

    Now that I have been through it with DS#1...babies do weird things!  Projectile vomiting on occasion is one of them!!  If she is still having normal diapers and it is just 1 bottle I wouldn't be to concerned- if it were my baby.

    When DS#1 started teething- every night before he cut a tooth he would throw up poltergeist style all over my DH (and it was always on DH)!  The next day a tooth would appear.  When he was teething is the only time he ever threw up!  but it was bad. 

    Obviously your little one isn't teething- but it could be something else simple!  If it continues then you have something to get worked up about!!!

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    How did you know it was reflux related? DD has reflux but it has always been the silent kind before. And she's on prevacid so I don't know if it could break through that badly on meds?

    ETA Sorry, this was supposed to quote vmihelci.
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    My lo projectile vomits at least once a day. Dr said its reflux related. She's on Zantac and nutramigen
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    My son has reflux and often throws up an entire feeding.  He is not on medication for it though because he does not seem unhappy and gains weight well.

    Kind of odd that you would take LO to the ER when you know LO has reflux?  I hope your visit will be covered by insurance.

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    My son has reflux and often throws up an entire feeding.nbsp; He is not on medication for it though because he does not seem unhappy and gains weight well.Kind of odd that you would take LO to the ER when you know LO has reflux?nbsp; I hope your visit will be covered by insurance.

    Her reflux had never involved vomiting before. She was vomiting violently and we were afraid she would become dehydrated since she was not keeping down pedialyte. In retrospect it was an over reaction but we are first time parents and not always sure of what we're doing.
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