August 2013 Moms

Just joining the group

Hi there,
I got my BFP on 14 Dec and hcg on 17 Dec was 625 had an US 21 Dec to date my pregnancy bc of my highly irregular cycles and at that time we saw what appear to be two gestational sacks. One was dated at 5w3d as of Fri and the other was younger but couldn't really be visualized in US bc it's so early. So MW sent me for hcg check Sat which was 8150. Now we wait for two weeks or a little longer for the next US to determine if I am in fact carrying twins. I am so completely unsure of how to feel right now about the prospect of twins. I am also completely unsure of how I will make it through the next couple weeks of not knowing!
Also want to mention I've got two children already; 12 yo dd and 3 to DD.
I'm looking forward to sharing my experience with you and getting to know you and hear of your experiences! Hugs mamas!

Re: Just joining the group

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