8 Weeks Pregnant

We heard our Babies heartbeat at 8 weeks

8 weeks Pregnant today and one happy mamma. Hearing the babies heartbeat was music to my ears!!


 Big Smile

Re: We heard our Babies heartbeat at 8 weeks

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    I am 8 weeks today and I am going in for my first ultra sound tomm afternoon.  I was looking forward to seeing the babys heartbeat I didn't think we would be able to hear it.  Now I am super excited!!!  I have a seven year old and I found out about him a few days into my second trimester so I missed some of these things.  I can't wait.  Good luck to you!

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    How exciting!! I am 8 weeks today and dont get to have my ultrasound until the 18th of May! Only 18 more days but I am so anxious!

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    Yay! I heard my little one's hb yesterday.
    TTC since May 2011 "Natural" BFP 1/2/2012 with cp 1/5/2012 5/2012: SA and CD 3 bloodwork perfect 6/2012: Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN 8/2012: HSG all clear. Clomid TI cycle canceled due to thin lining 9/2012: Lap and Hysteroscopy: mild endo, uterine fibroids and septum, and ovarian cyst all removed
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    I actually bought a fetal doppler monitor and I've listened to my baby's heart about 2 times since going to the doctor on Saturday. I heard you're not suppose to be able to find the heartbeat until 10 weeks but i've been able to find it.
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    I'm so glad to hear this. I am 8 weeks as well and I have my appointment tomorrow. I'm very nervous and hoping this will get me excited because I have been VERY sick so far. All I need is just something like that to make all this more real for me. I can't wait.
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    Such an amazing thing! I just went for my first doctors visit today and couldn't believe that all of a sudden completely unexpected I was getting an ultrasound and had the joy of hearing and seeing a tiny little heart beating.  So incredible.  What a miracle this whole thing is.  Still finding it hard to believe I am capable of growing a tiny little person! Trying to not to count my chicks before they hatch but c'mon 12 wks, please hurry up and get here! :)
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    Oh wasn't it wonderful?!  We only got to hear a very little bit of it, but it was just the loveliest thing :)  can't wait to hear it every month!
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    Hi I am 8 week pregnant too...
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