Stay at Home Moms

WWYD? Wedding question...

My cousin is getting married this summer about 30 minutes from my house.  We got the invitation last week and they included our kids on it (which was super sweet).  Normally, I am opposed to bringing my kids to weddings (even if they are invited, never if they aren't!), but I am a little tempted to take them to this one.  The reason being that a lot of that side of the family hasn't ever met them (thanks to my crazy cousin who I have posted about on here once before - she is the one that has had us booted from the family over a Christmas gift exchange issue).  Anyway, DH doesn't want to take them - he thinks it is too late and they won't last long at the reception. I think we take them anyway and then duck out early to get them home.  Plus, my mom is the person who usually watches them and since they will be at the wedding that means we would have to find a babysitter for both the rehearsal dinner and the wedding.


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Re: WWYD? Wedding question...

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    Personally, I would get a sitter.  I can't think of anything less fun than bringing my kids to a wedding
    DS 3.12.08
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    Personally, I would get a sitter.  I can't think of anything less fun than bringing my kids to a wedding

    Normally, that is 100% my thoughts on it.  But, I am so torn because they haven't met a lot of my family (who live out of town) and my uncle is in such bad health.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers m/c 01-07-10
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    What is the wedding schedule like? I'd try to bring them to part but not all. Example: you could bring them to a cocktail hour time and then one of you could run them home to a sitter and come back for the reception. They'd get to see family but you'd still get to enjoy.

    That obviously won't work in all scenarios but I'd look at the schedule of events to see if there's one part that would be kid friendly and has a little time after that one of you is willing to miss to bring them home. 

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    Do you know someone in that area that you could ask to watch the kids for the reception? That way they can meet the family after the wedding but you would be able to enjoy the reception. 
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    Personally, I would get a sitter.  I can't think of anything less fun than bringing my kids to a wedding


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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    For us, it's a no brainer.  Family events, especially weddings include the kids too.  All of DH's cousins would have their kids there too.  It is fun to watch all the kids dance together too.
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    For us, it's a no brainer.  Family events, especially weddings include the kids too. It is fun to watch all the kids dance together too.

    This is us too.  If you are worried about them making it the entire time I agree with a PP to have someone lined up so the kids can come to the first part of the reception and then you can run them home to the sitter.   

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Take them.
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    This is just my situation, and may not work for you. I plan to take DD to any wedding I may attend this year. Anywhere I go, I leave when she gets tired or fussy. Whether we are there for 30 min. or hours. It would be odd in my group of friends to not bring your children to a wedding or any get together.
    Ella 8.6.11
    Carson 3.28.13
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    For us, it's a no brainer.  Family events, especially weddings include the kids too.  All of DH's cousins would have their kids there too.  It is fun to watch all the kids dance together too.


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    I don't normally enjoy taking DS to weddings, but I can see your hesitation since there will be family there that has never met them. I would probably take them because it sounds like there might be enough people around to help keep them occupied. For the ceremony, I'd sit as far in back as I could in case I needed to duck out.
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     FWIW, I am stickler for etiquette.

    Without a formal invite for my children, the thought of asking to bring them would never cross my mind. Conversely,  the fact they are included on the invitation explicitly would mean that the bride & groom want them to be there.

    So, even though I'd prefer to party without them, I'd suck it up for the evening and bring them.


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    Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
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