November 2011 Moms

Help me troubleshoot LO

I need help troubleshooting what is wrong with LO. I feel like there may be a couple of issues but want opinions.This may be all over the place so I'm going to try to make it as clear as possible - bullet points seem to be most helpful Confused

Here are the issues/facts:

  1. We transitioned to his crib last week.
  2. He has gone from waking up once a night (around 3am) to twice (10/11pm and 3/4am). He typically goes to bed around 7pm.
  3. When he wakes up, we give him a bottle and he finishes the whole thing. So I do think he is truly hungry, not just waking up to wake up.
  4. He has a bumpy but not really red diaper rash.
  5. At daycare, he typically eats 4 oz every 2-3 hours. Daycare was saying that it is closer to 2 hours usually. At home on the weekends, it is every 3 hours.
  6. Yesterday, he ate his morning bottle fine but then refused his next bottle. He went 5 hours in between feedings and then only ate 2.5 oz of his next bottle (all at daycare).
  7. He also slept way more than usual at daycare.
  8. When we got home, he had a 4 oz bottle, drained it. Then about 2 hours later, right before bed, he had another 4 oz bottle and drained it. 
  9. Typically, he gets 4 oz bottles during the day, then a 6 oz bottle before bed. I've been giving him (1) 6 oz and (1) 4 oz bottle during his two night feedings. He eats them all pretty well - definitely always finishes the 4 oz. 

 Here are my questions/concerns:

  1. I think he may be starting to teeth. Does that usually cause more sleeping/less eating? He has been more cranky than usual, also. 
  2. If he is teething, I don't think that is what is waking him up at night (at 10/11pm) because he finishes a whole bottle and isn't just up to cry and fuss. BUT does that mean he isn't getting enough calories/formula intake during the day? Typically, he will only eat the 3-4oz at daycare. I've tried to increase his first-thing-in-the-morning bottle to 6 oz but he won't take more the 4oz. 
  3. I don't mind the additional wake up at all. I just don't want him to be waking up because I'm doing something wrong (if that even makes sense). 

I know this all just may be a phase and I guess that is what I'm looking for. Is it a phase or is there something that I need to fix?

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Re: Help me troubleshoot LO

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    Have you considered upping the amount he's eating during the day? DD eats four 7 ounce bottles per day. If she wakes up at night, which up until last night she's been sleeping from 7:30 until 6:30, she goes right back to sleep after a 30 second fuss.

    I'm not any help with the teething stuff. I have heard that diaper rash is a part of teething. Maybe he's just eating because it's soothing to him? Sorry I'm not more help!

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    Yes, I've tried to up his daytime feedings but at daycare, he usually won't even take a full 4oz bottle so I hate to send more and just waste them. But maybe I can try to change it up this weekend and up his bottles to 5 oz.

    How often does your DD eat those 7oz bottles? Is it still the 3 hour intervals?

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    It's between 3 and 4 hours. Bottles at ~7am, 10:30-11am, 2:30-3pm, then I drag out the last bottle to right before bed, so the last one is typically given at 7ish. She takes it all every time.

    Side note: if someone else feeds her, then she tends to stop eating early. For example, my MIL came over yesterday to watch DD while I had a dentist appointment. She was over a bit early and gave her the bottle and DD stopped at around 5 ounces. MIL asked if she would take all of it, I said yes. I think she is just distracted when it's someone other than me feeding her. She ended up finishing the bottle. Maybe daycare doesn't even try to have him finish what he could?

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    I think you're over thinking it.  Babies change weekly, daily, hourly.  Just when you think you have it figured out they change.  They STTN and then they wake every few hours and then they wake once a night and then they STTN.  Unless there is something going on that is excessive or unbearable (like baby wakes every couple hours and has been doing so for months) or there is some indication that baby is sick, just ride it out.  Make sure baby gets enough total sleep (sound like he is) and follow baby's cues.

    1.  Yes, teething can cause more sleeping, less eating.

    2.  In my experience, teething can also cause more eating at night.  They'll sometimes drain a whole bottle when they're sleepier and won't when they are awake and more aware of the pain.

    3.  You're not doing anything wrong. 


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    I think you're over thinking it.  Babies change weekly, daily, hourly.  Just when you think you have it figured out they change.  They STTN and then they wake every few hours and then they wake once a night and then they STTN.  Unless there is something going on that is excessive or unbearable (like baby wakes every couple hours and has been doing so for months) or there is some indication that baby is sick, just ride it out.  Make sure baby gets enough total sleep (sound like he is) and follow baby's cues.

    1.  Yes, teething can cause more sleeping, less eating.

    2.  In my experience, teething can also cause more eating at night.  They'll sometimes drain a whole bottle when they're sleepier and won't when they are awake and more aware of the pain.

    3.  You're not doing anything wrong. 

    Bolded is exactly what I needed to hear Smile.Being a FTM, it is still sometimes hard for me to sit back and go with the flow instead of trying to fix the problem. But I'm learning!


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