October 2011 Moms

Cervix "dimpling?"

I found this kind of interesting to hear at my 36 week appointment yesterday.  I was told baby is high and cervix is long but it's starting to "dimple."  So I'm assuming that means it's in it's early stages of beginning to dilate?  Has anyone else been told this too? Just curiousSmile

BabyFruit Ticker

Baby #5 due 12.31.15

Re: Cervix "dimpling?"

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    A dimple is usually what it's like when effacement starts...when I check someone and can feel the external os is slightly opened "dimpled" but can't fit a finger in..and it's still closed internally..it's called a dimple.


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    Thanks, that does help!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby #5 due 12.31.15

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