Attachment Parenting

Bedsharing with a rollie pollie DS

Hi, I havent posted much over here but do lurk a lot! I am having major sleep issues with DS, who is 5 mos. We have been bedsharing off and on since he was born and for the most part it is great and the only way I can get some sleep. He goes down in his crib around 7 or 8 and at 1030 literally on the dot everynight he is up. He usually doesnt want to eat then so I just bring him to bed with me and he usually conks back out. Here is my problem, he wont settle down and sleep now. He wants to roll all over the bed and then cries because he is rolling all over the bed! I dont want him to make too much noise for too long because I dont want to wake up DH. So then I try to soothe him and try him back in the crib thinking he maybe wants some space of his own. But of course he just starts rolling all around his crib and semi wakes himself back up. Arg, then repeat the bring to bed/try the crib senario all night long. I am getting hardly any sleep and I know he is not getting enough either because he will sleep more during the day to make up for less night sleep. He is a very needy baby and I dont mind doing what ever I can but something needs to change! Plus I have a toddler that is into everyting right now and I need energy to keep up with her in the daytime. Please help! My DD was a terrible sleeper so I feel like I should have some better ideas but I dont. Sorry this was so long, congrats if you read this far!
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Re: Bedsharing with a rollie pollie DS

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    Yes it is a normal developmental stage! I know my dd did this for a while, he will eventually learn to work it out for himself, but it can be frustrating for everyone... your doing great giving him what he need by being attentive so you shouldn't worry this will pass! I know it is tough and I don't even have two kids! If you can try to optimize sleep by going to be earlier and sleeping in later, take a nap if you can.. even if your toddler doesn't need one you can set up a safe area give her a snack and lay down in your room, with the door open for her to come in if she needs... or have a friend or relative come and watch the toddler while you nap.

    You can try to do more activity during the day and keep baby engaged to make him more tired during nighttime, but he is still so young that development does interrupt this he will out grow this stage! 



    Little Rose is 2 1/2.
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    Thanks! I know I went through this same stage with DD not too long ago (gotta love having 2 LO's 15 months apart), but I think I have erased it from my memory. Ha ha. I swear the sleep issues/lack of sleep has to be one of the hardest parts (so far!) of being a mom!
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    My little man is in that stage right now, too. I have his crib sidecarred to our bed, but since he keeps rolling around so much  I just end up pulling him into bed with us and snuggling with my arm around him so he feels that pressure and it keeps him asleep a little longer.
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