Military Families


What line is there for being too specific with homecoming dates? Especially with the Navy and it being a ship's movements. Months are technically allowed right? What about weeks?

This isn't for me I refuse to even put the month up but a fellow Navy wife has been putting up some stuff on FB and I don't want to be the OPSEC police and jump on her for nothing but I also will remind her nicely if she crosses the line. TIA

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    I always go with the "rather safe than sorry" saying.

    Weeks are pretty specific, so I would just shoot her a message and ask her if she knows about OPSEC. Then just fill her in with all the cliches (lol) and hopefully she'll listen to you.  

    "So if you decide to date the guy from Applebees instead will your new SN be "mypearlshisapron?" Your new sig can be "putting the ho in nachos.""- DNBeach12
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    imageKiller Cupcake:

    I always go with the "rather safe than sorry" saying.

    Weeks are pretty specific, so I would just shoot her a message and ask her if she knows about OPSEC. Then just fill her in with all the cliches (lol) and hopefully she'll listen to you.  

     That's what I follow as well. She hasn't said the exact weeks yet just "a few weeks" though the reason I ask is because I wouldn't put it past her. Thanks.

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    No problem. 

    Good luck! People can get so touchy over that sort of thing.  

    "So if you decide to date the guy from Applebees instead will your new SN be "mypearlshisapron?" Your new sig can be "putting the ho in nachos.""- DNBeach12
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    On a related note I have a former co-worker who posts on FB about her BF coming home (he is on the same ship as my H) and about a week before they pull in she will start counting down.  However, she doesn't say his name (in fact his name appears no where on her page) she never mentions he is in the Navy let alone what ship he is on.  So while I know exactly what she is talking about if you didn't know you might think he was away at school or on a business trip or something.  I don't know if her page could be considered an issue or not.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't know about OPSEC.
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    When DH was deployed, another guy from our squadron (E-8)  his wife was posting countdown calendars and dates and "My Husband {Name and Rank} is the best {job description} and will be home in 12 days from {deployed location} all in little icons she made and posted on Myspace and saved on photobucket.  DH's BFF is a logistics officer was also on this deployment.  HIS boss's boss told him to push back their flights home for security reasons because of this guys wife. 

    So 12 days turned into another month.  People don't realize that DoD is watching these sites and it IS affecting homecomings

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    We keep it to seasons, early or late

    We are deploying sometime between spring 2011-summer 2012, but they won't narrow it down because of peoples stupid FB posts.

    The only time I ever posted about coming home from my deployment (date) was because I was wounded in action, and sent back with one other soldier, and the body of a Sgt who lost his life in the same incident....but never said where, or anything specific....just said "I'll be home for Xmas" (Dec last year)

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    I'm always practicing better safe than sorry. I won't even say months. I say sometime before the end of 2011 for example.
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    Anyone see the facebook status making it's way around asking for prayers for a Marine squadron that includes how many they have lost the last few days.  I've have 4 friends who have posted it.  One is a Vet and one an officers wife. 
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    Anyone see the facebook status making it's way around asking for prayers for a Marine squadron that includes how many they have lost the last few days.  I've have 4 friends who have posted it.  One is a Vet and one an officers wife. 

    This isn't an OPSEC violation.

    It's just factually incorrect seeing how that battalion has lost more than 9 people since that status was started.

    BTW: Annabell, how did it go? 

    "So if you decide to date the guy from Applebees instead will your new SN be "mypearlshisapron?" Your new sig can be "putting the ho in nachos.""- DNBeach12
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