Babies: 0 - 3 Months

5 weeks and all of a sudden fussy

LO has previously been a very mellow baby, but the last few days she has become REALLY fussy.  Sometimes it's just fussy, other times it's all out crying. It breaks my heart.

Is this a growth spurt or something else that I should be worried about? She will be 6 weeks on Sunday.

Re: 5 weeks and all of a sudden fussy

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    Blue did that the past three days, and then today he slept a ton! She might be going through a growth spurt.
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    yup... my son found his cry!!! Its loud and horribleCrying
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    As long as there is no fever I would vote growth spurt. We are going through the same thing right now. I just feed him until he stops fussing and then he'll sleep lightly and then be hungry again (chewing on his hands, rooting, etc.) He ate 9 oz this morning (normal is 6).
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    My LO is the same age and has been doing the same thing this week. The first few days were just fussiness, then yesterday he wasn't fussy but was eating every 1.5-2 hours. Babies hit a growth spurt between 4-6 weeks.
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