Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Most painful part of giving birth?


Re: Most painful part of giving birth?

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    I would have to say the back labour was the absolute worst. But that was easily fixed by getting an epidural. To get the epidural was easy peasy...didn't feel a thing. The bad thing about it was that I couldn't feel anything so I pushed as hard as I possibly could. Once the epidural wore off I was in a lot of pain. The recovery time was a lot harder and longer. But I also had a 9 lb 1 oz baby girl.

    I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and cannot wait to do it all over again! It is sooo worth it!

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    Don't worry yourself with this. It's not worth thinking about. No matter how much thinking you do, you won't be prepared, and it will be over at some point and you'll have your precious baby in your arms! Everyone experiences birth and labor so differently, you'll probably experience it different than every single poster here anyway! So don't think about it. Seriously nothing prepares you!
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    OMG, my legs are crossed so tightly right now.  This is the scariest post I have ever read!
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    my horrible c section.
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    2 words:

    Rectal contractions (no one told me that was even possible!).

    Which, coincidentally, started right as my friggin epi wore off. Not fun.

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    I got an EPI soon after my water I didn't feel many contractions.  BUT, the IV did hurt really bad!!! I have bad veins that blow when IV's are they had to try like 5 times in each hand/arm to get a good one!!! That was horrible!!!
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    i have m.e so any bit of pain seems to feel so much stronger than im sure it really is. as soon as i started dilating it was agony, but like i said, low pain threshold. from tuesday to the sunday i went from 1-3cm and was crawling up the walls. i got in to hospital sunday evening and they gave me an epidural. i was then able to catch up on a weeks worth of sleep whilst in the established stage of labour. BLISS! everyone i guess responds differently yo pain. if you can prepare yourself mentally i think that helps a great deal.
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    I to am in my 2nd tri and the stitching was the worst for me. I had no meds and took the labor and birth pretty well. I tore during birth and when the doc broke out the needle.....That was the worst. It made my doc laugh because she said "you went through all that with no problem and one little stitch made you jump".
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    Crowning didn't feel so great however LO was looking up (head down but looking up) so she kept getting stuck behind my pelvic bone so that hurt a bit.
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    Mine would be the IV. I have small veins and they are really hard to find, and the contractions leading up to the epi. After that, I didn't feel anything. It was heaven.
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    Painful were the contractions before the epidural, but honestly not as bad as I thought (but bad enough to get the epi :)

    Really painful was standing up for the first time after a c-section

    Really, really painful was DS latching on to the boob for the first week or so (God bless Lanisoh)

    Really, really, really painful was having my husband or mom pack my incision (which ended up opening up after the staples came out on day three PP) twice a day for two weeks (God bless percocet)

    In saying all that, I would do it again in a heartbeat!

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    The doctor had to reach inside and turn our daughter (she was "sunny-side up") a full 180 degrees.  Ouch.  Also, the stitches hurt way more than I expected, but that might have been because I was really irritated and ready to be done!
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    My Dr had to do that with my last DS. It was the most painful oart of the delivery for me. My placenta was not dtaching after the birth so he had to reach in and take it out. UGH. it sucked but I had laughing gas to help me through that!
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    Transition was definitely the most painful part for me. 
    It came on very quickly and I didn't get a chance to get my epidural before I was fully dilated.  (I also had back labor since DS was sunny-side up, so that certainly didn't help!)  I did end up getting my epi before delivery though, so at least I was blissfully numb for that!

    Cervix checks throughout labor are also surprisingly painful.  No one told me that and I wish I had known!   

    One thing to note:  To get an epidural, you first need to get IV fluids and that can take up to 45 minutes.  If I had known this, I might have started the fluids preemptively so I could have gotten relief quicker.

    The anesthesiologist also can take forever to get there, depending on how busy the maternity ward is, so page him/her early if you know you want an epi! 

    Don't stress too much about the pain-- it is manageable whether you decide to go natural or with drugs.  You can do it!  Good luck to you!

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    You don't need an IV some doctors are very stubborn about it, but if you don't have a high risk pregnancy (and sometimes if you do) you can just eat lots of ice chips or drink fluids. But my most painful part was when the head was right there, its the most streched part of giving birth, and it only lasts a minute then I pushed again and he came out! My mom was there too and she said my eyes were rolling around my head and I looked really freaky s she was scared for me, but I thought I screamed! Haha. But labour itself was just really long for me. Painful too but not as bad as the head!
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    For me it was the back labor. I had just read the Twilight series and for those of you who have read them I was envisioning the baby breaking my spine like Renesmee did to Bella. It was by far the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. The only bonus was I didn't feel the contractions at all! 
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    Everyone and every delivery is different. I'm on my third pregnancy. My first was a dream, I actually could not feel any of my contractions and only knew I was in labor because my water broke, I was in laber for 26 hours and had been given patosin (sp?) quite a bit. They checked me and I was 8 cm but she was double foot breech, so we did an emergency c-section. The only painful part was the urinary catheter being put in, and then 30 minutes later she was out. The epidural didn't really hurt and was actually quicker than I thought it would be, and I'm terrified of needles and have never had a surgery or stitches before this. The stitch removal felt funny so did the IV. My second was also pain free, I was in labor for 7 hours, and only knew I was in labor because I noticed alittle blood while in the shower, so I went to the E.R. I was dialated 3 so they kept me. I had another emergency c-section due to unknown causes of complications with my little one, but again I couldn't feel my contractions, I just got a little hot when I had one. The only thing that hurt was once again the catheter. The epi this time was a little more noticeable than the first, but not a big deal. Had staples which made me a little queasy when a couple were removed.
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    I went natural, so for me the hardest part was his head crowning. That good ol' "ring of fire". But I was also told my DS had a head an inch bigger than most babies. And then the contractions where I could literally feel my hips spreading were pretty painful. But nothing was so overwhelming that it was unbearable. Just remember it will be over before you know it and you'll be holding your sweet LO and forgetting all the pain. You can do it! 

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    The most painful part for me was the 5 hours of contractions before my epidural. I couldn't walk, talk or anything. The worst part is peering up at my husband between a contraction and seeing tears in his eyes from seeing me in so much pain. After the 5 hours, I HAD to ask for the epidural.
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    Recovery!  The contractions were bad the closer they got together, but I got an epidural (which is not bad at all!!), so after that I was in heaven!!!  Therefore, with the epidural I didn't feel anything, but after it wore off I was in so much pain.  I was getting pain medication every four hours after that until I was discharged.
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    The IV didn't hurt at all. IV's never hurt me. But the contractions...yikes! But it is soooo worth it
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    u know what? i actually change my answer. its that ur boobs hurt so bad and then the baby breastfeeding. ouchies
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    I had a natural birth at home, so I'm probably not the best person to ask...

    But, the most painful part was definitely transition as the baby descended down the birth canal.  I was SO relieved when I could push.  Then the contractions weren't on top of each other and I got a break.

    I just kept telling myself that women all over the world were doing this naturally and our bodies were made to do this.  That helped, even though it was definitely painful.

    Good luck to you!  Doesn't matter how you give birth as long as your baby is healthy!  Wish you the very best.... 

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    honestly thats funny she said that cause i say the exact same thing... the first time they tried to put in the iv the girl was newer and they were giving her "practice" and she blew my vein and that was on the side of my wrist. Then the other nurse decided to do it and put it on the top of my hand and that honestly was the worst part because the needle is so thick.  i didnt feel any pain from epidural just pressure and i didnt feel any pain from child birth only pressure again which let me know i needed to push. i was induced with pitocin at 6am and i was dilated to a 5cm then my dr came in at 7am and checked me i was 6cm and broke my water which felt crazy cause all it was was a huge gush of warm water (didnt hurt) then they did epidural about 45min later it numbed me enough 2 where i could feel only pressure no pain when i pushed! in labor for 4 hours and pushed 20min! i tore 1st degree tear didnt feel that either! good luck and best wishes!Big Smile
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    i was in labour for about 5 days and as soon as i had the epidural i slept through established labour! the most painful bit was actually having a contraction and having to hold still whilst having the epidural administered. delivering for me was a piece of cake because of the pain relief and it was so calm [and dare i say it, almost a pleasure despite legs akimbo!] that the experience of birth was actually ok. I think managing your pain in a way that suits you is important, dont go natural just because everyone says you should, but equally dont be pushed into having pain relief if you feel you a mentally capable of working through it. 
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    Coughing after the c/s.  
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    He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be.  He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.  
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    A lot of ladies are saying the IV, but that wasn't a big deal.  I had a lot of them during my pregnancy due to actue pancreatitis, so I was used to them by the time I was in labor, and I have bad veins too.  For me the worst was an internal before my epidural.  Tears were streaming down my face as my doctor tried to check me.  Since I never progressed, the worst part were the first 24 hours after the c/section.
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