Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Ear infections!!!!!

DS is 5 months old and has had 4 already.. we are off antibiotics for 1-4 days at the most then he is right back in for another sleepless night and fever... I dont want him on antibiotics all the time and they say he is to young for tubes... any expereance or advice?

Re: Ear infections!!!!!

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    I don't have experience with this but I've had two friends go through this exactly.  Once their baby got tubes put in their ears they were a whole new baby.  That might not be a solution for everyone but I know it really worked for both babies.

     Ear infections are so painful so hopfully you lo will start feeling better soon!

    Good luck!

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    You're not alone.  We're on our 3rd ear infection in the last month, and I'm not sure the antibiotics are working.  Ugh.  Spring can't come soon enough!!

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    I have a few friends that swear by chiropractors.  They make their adjustments on the little ones and the infections disappear!  HTH
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