Pregnant after IF

Randoms - Week of 8/15

Have any thoughts, questions, feelings, fears, etc.? Spill them here!

This is a good place to ask questions to a broader audience than the weekly check-ins, so ladies in other trimesters with experience may chime in and help you out!

---Trigger warning---

Me: 31 DH: 27
TTC since April 2013
Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
IVF round 1: January 2016
ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
EDD: January 27, 2017
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Randoms - Week of 8/15

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    Hi all ! I had a rough night last night. Went to bed at 12am and woke up at 3am for bathroom. Then I started to feel this rhythmic movement (like bubbly feeling) very low, almost around pubic bone area. It lasted almost 10 minutes or so. I started to google a little, they say it could be hiccups or baby practicing breathing. Is it normal to have that feeling that low ? Then I started to have some abdominal pain, more like AF cramps but it could be also because the AC was high and right behind my bed and I was feeling cold. I am still feeling this weird uncomfortable feeling in my abdonimal region. I have a 8.30am appointment tomorrow morning so I am thinking just to wait for that , but I am also starting to panic with this feeling. Can anyone comment on this ? 
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    My movements are mainly very low, around pubic bone. Bubbly feeling, which I now know is my little girl moving. I do have an anterior placenta which makes me hardly feel movement where placenta is and as it has moved up, very low is momentarily the only place I feel her.
    I have had AF like cramping, which my midwife didn't like to much as she said my uterus was a little too active for the weeks I was in (then 25 weeks).
    Try not to worry, but def mention it tomorrow. Should you feel like it is not ok, do get an appointment before.


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    Thanks @tvh1982 , I think I will wait for tomorrow morning but I emailed my doctor just in case. 
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    chrissym126chrissym126 member
    edited August 2016
    I hope you let us know what happens, @zoefer! There are so many weird aches and pains during pregnancy, I always tell myself if I worried during every single one I'd make myself crazy, but if something doesn't feel right, I never hesitate to tell my doctor, and it sounds like you did exactly the right thing.

    On Friday night I went out to dinner with my husband and a friend, and when we returned home and I put my ankles up, I was absolutely appalled to find that they were hugely swollen. I've been so good (and lucky) to keep my feet up at every single opportunity that this never happened before. I even called after hours because the very idea of preeclampsia fills me with panic. Luckily, they answered my call in 15 minutes and my test from that morning had come back with no protein in the urine but honestly, I could live without any excitement from now until the baby is born. Almost there!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    How have you ladies connected with your little one or this pregnancy? I feel like I should be more excited after all the struggles to get here. I guess part of me still wonders if this is really going to happen? I am maybe feeling movements but it still could just be gas - I was thinking that I might feel more connected once I can feel her move.

    @zoefer Sounds like you did the right thing calling your doc. Keep us updated!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @susykat77 My DH and I both sing to my belly at night, and sometimes I just hold my tummy and think happy thoughts at the wee one. I understand what you mean by feeling slightly disconnected. It wasn't until this last week when I really could see my bump that I started feeling like it's really happening. I'm going to start adding yoga and meditation to my nightly routine so that I can focus on my pregnancy.

    AFM - I definitely have noticed I am more emotional and have mood swings lately. I'm really annoyed cuz I have a sign up at work that says "I will run the dishwasher and empty it, but please put your dirty dishes in the wash." Everyone has been doing really well, and now all the sudden the sink is filling up with dishes. I put up a bright Post It that says "PUT YOUR DISHES AWAY" and then tomorrow I will get permission from the boss to send out a stern email. Technically it's my job to keep the office cleaned up, but not putting your dishes into the dishwasher is pure laziness, and it's unacceptable when there's a request up. Grr

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @zoefer most of my movements have been low still too . I occasionally get some higher ones but that is not the norm . I've also had the rhythmic movement a few times that was very alarming but I just assumed it was a hiccup. The movement definitely scared me because it was such a forcible strong movement that I wouldn't be able to sleep through . As for AF cramps .. I'll get odd cramps sometimes but they are usually when I am constipated . Hope your doc gives you some good answers !! I know it's so hard not to worry . 

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
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    @tvh1982 i also have an anterior placenta found out last time I was at high risk so maybe that's why I can't feel them 
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    Yes, that definitely might explain the lack of feeling movement @ultratomato. As the babies have a 'thick wall' to kick through. 
    Crossing my fingers they soon start kicking hard so you feel them too :)

    It took me a while to @susykat77. I felt like, ok now I'm pregnant I should love this little bean right away. I worked for it hard. Something I really wanted right? Why not feeling it? Saw tons of ultrasounds, which were lovely, yet still missed that connection until suddenly it was there! Don't know when it was, but the connection is real now. 
    Try not to worry about it. Some women don't feel connected right away, some even have to wait til after the LO is born. 
    It will come, and it'll hit you hard.


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    So, my first trimester screening came back abnormal and it seems we are at an increased risk for Down Syndrome. The normal ratio is 1 in 311, and we are 1 in 119. Still a less than 1% chance, the NT measurement wasn't abnormal (2.4) and the nasal bone was present. I'm trying to take all of these as a good sign, but it's hard not to panic. I mean... didn't we go through enough to get here? Shouldn't it be easy now? So unfair. So, I'm off for genetic testing on Thursday. Fx all comes back normal. Anyone else have experience with this?
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @NurseTMD85 I have had a couple of people who had that happen witht their babies and it turned out they didn't have Down syndrome so don't stress if he or she does it is nothing you can change now 
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    Feels like it never gets easy @nursetmd85
    Ill keep my fingers crossed all turns out normal, but if not, I hope you have a big space in your heart to welcome him/her anyway. GL on Thursday!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    @NurseTMD85 First trimester screening is not very accurate, I hope you can get better answers with genetic testing. One of my friend had high measurement with NT scan and then they had her Harmony test and amniocentesis. Those results did not show any risk. I hope you and your family the best !!

    Thanks to everyone for their messages. My doctor called me yesterday and just rest and have lots of fluid last night. I went to the office this morning and they found blood in my urine, said that I have urinary tract infection and got prescribed antibiotics. He also checked my cervix and said that it is fine. They also ran a bunch of blood tests, I am not sure what they tested for. I am still little nervous, i do not know why exactly but the cramps are much better. I guess resting and drinking lots of fluid helped with the cramps.

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    @NurseTMD85 - I'm sure that news is hard to hear but fx that all of the genetic testing will come back normal! Let us know how everything turns out and how we can support you! It sounds like your NT scan was good though so that sounds hopeful!
    @susykat77 - I can understand where you are coming from. I think as we begin to feel them move around more and we can actually tell they are there, we start to feel even more attached. My MIL got me some belly buds for my birthday so every night I play music to him which has been pretty neat. There is even an app you can download where you can record your own message and play it through the buds. 

    Here's my random for the week... My SIL had her baby in April @ 31 weeks. Baby was in NICU for about 8 weeks and has now been home since the first part of June. She's still pumping but baby has never taken to breast feeding (so she's up for feedings & pumping all of the time), she's a single mom (dad did not want anything to do with baby since it was a one night stand), lives at home with her mom so she does have help a lot of the time, and they literally never put that baby down (ever!). But every time she talks to me she keeps saying just wait until Dec. You will know exactly what I mean. You are going to be exhausted and miserable.Yesterday she was talking about how she really doesn't like the baby stage and she's looking forward to when she's a little older. I want to just tell her, please don't assume that just bc you don't like this part, I won't either. 1st - every baby is different, every mom is different and we will definitely parent different. 2nd - I am not a single mom. DH is very involved and I will have someone else sharing that with me. 3rd - Our LO hasn't even arrived but hopefully won't be here 8 weeks early which will make the first few months very different.

    This is something we've waited for and tried for so long for that our experiences are completely different. I'm just tired of her being an "expert" on everything. It's hard b/c she is one of my best friends aside from being my SIL but there's really not any way to nicely ask her to stop being so negative about all things baby b/c she gets really snippy if you ever say something to her. Sorry for the long rant! I just don't want to burden DH with it b/c that's his sister. 

    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    When do you request ur breast feeding pump? 
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    @Griffin5413 @dragonfaerie @Tvh1982 Thank you ladies for the suggestions on how to connect and the support in that I haven't yet. I can relate to what each of you wrote. So thank you.

    @Griffin5413 I had a similar situation yesterday where someone said the oh you just wait, you'll see how hard it is and I wanted to say what you wrote - that just because that was their experience doesn't mean that it will be mine. I know it is going to be hard but I want people to support me through it not make me feel like I can't do it. So I hear ya! So frustrating! I said to my friend (this was in regards to cloth diapering) that plenty of people successfully cloth diaper and I hope to be one of them. That was my way of saying - sorry it was hard for you but it is not that way for everyone and I plan to give it my all. I have 2 close friends in particular that are SO negative. I feel like I am always defending my stance or even my excitement for the sleepless nights and sore boobs. Big (creepy internet) hugs!

    @Zoefer I am happy to hear that the cramping has decreased. I feel like rest and water are the answer for any pregnancy ailment... and it seems to work! Hang in there!

    @NurseTMD85 I agree with the others. I would feel really encouraged by the NT Scan results but I can totally understand your worry. Sending good thoughts and wishing you speedy test results.

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    Hi everyone! I see some familiar faces here from the TTC board! Glad I can finally join yall!! I'm only 5 weeks, but already nervous about something going wrong. Been feeling pretty crappy lately... headache and nausea. Saturday morning I woke up with pretty nasty cramps and bowel issues. Lasted for abt 15 min and then stopped. Last night, same thing. Nurse seems to think it's a GI issues rather than preg issues, but I'm still worrying. Did anyone get some bad AF like cramps in the 1st trimester? 
    *TW - Pregnancy mentioned*
    Me: 28 DH: 33, Married May 2014
    3 failed IUIs Dec '15 - Feb '16
    IVF April/May 2016 - 1 failed fresh transfer. 11 snow angels.
    1st FET 7/29/16 = BFP
    Lawson arrived on 4/24/2017 at 7lbs 15oz, 21 1/2 inches long!
    Surprise pregnancy!! Baby #2 due 10/11/18 <3
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    @babylonghorn16 Congrats on your BFP ! AF cramps are so normal and common in the first weeks, I was sleeping the entire weekend for my 5th and 6th weeks. I also had loose stool those days and my RE did not think it was pregnancy related. But it was really the first thing that I noticed with my BFP. It continued on and off for sometime, then it got better. The first weeks are tough, try to rest as much as possible !!  
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    @babylonghorn16 Period like cramps are so normal. I had them starting in the 2ww up until around 8 weeks pretty consistently. Then when they went away, I worried something was wrong. Try and stay really hydrated. I still get period like cramps at 16+5. I feel like there is always something that is worrying me! Congrats on your BFP!!!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @ZoeFer I'm glad everything turned out ok and your doctor was able to offer a solution. I find that drinking plenty of water and just resting helps with lots of things these days. Every time I feel iffy, I just drink plenty of water. 

    @susykat77 I totally get not fully grasping that it's actually happening. I have days like that too. I rub my belly a lot and have small talks with my little boy. My husband insists on putting headphones on my belly and playing music, so we've done that a few times until I read it might not be that good. I think it'll feel more real when I start feeling those kicks. So far I also had a few confusing instances where I think maybe it's the baby or maybe it's gas.

    @dragonfaerie I hear ya on being emotional. I have days where everything annoys me or the smallest things make me want to cry. Hopefully those lazy people at work can get their sh*t together and clean up after themselves. We used to have a sign at my old job that said "your mother doesn't live here, clean up after yourself" and our current office manager is not shy about sending e-mails chewing people out for being messy. 

    @NurseTMD85 I hope your tests come back normal and everything turns out ok! 

    @Griffin5413 I'm sorry your SIL is being so negative. I completely agree with you that everyone is different and every baby is different. Your positive outlook will help you get through the struggles, so don't let her bring you down with her negativity. I hope things get easier for her and she can enjoy the time with her baby as well. 

    @babylonghorn16 congratulations on your BFP! I agree with others that cramps are normal in those first weeks. I have slight ones from time to time nowadays too, so don't worry too much. I also agree on being hydrated and drinking lots of water. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

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    @Tulips29 I'm glad that your manager doesn't mind the emails!

    I had another frustrating day about something else today. I feel like the next person who looks at me cross-eyed is going to have the fully mommy wrath unleashed.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @babylonghorn16 congrats !! So happy you are on over here now . I had period like cramps in the beginning . I was convinced Aunt Flo was coming but luckily she never did ! I feel for you .. At around 6 weeks I felt so so shitty and first tri was really rough with headaches and nausea . Hang in there . First trimester felt slow even though I was so excited despite feeling like crap . 

    @nursetmd85 I'm so sorry - not fun results to get. But I echo what others have said - hopefully scan results are more telling . 

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
  • Options
    chrissym126chrissym126 member
    edited August 2016
    @Griffin5413, I'm not justifying what this person has said to you, and I sure don't like it either when people tell me what my experience is going to be like, but she might be saying that so she feels better about the very stressful sounding situation she's in. Doesn't make it any better for her to say, but it sounds a little defensive to me, personally.

    @susykat77, have you tried any pregnancy meditations? I like the guided relaxation one from Mamaste Yoga, and it's free on iTunes! Although I was thrilled from the minute I got the phone call from my RE saying I was pregnant, it felt too good to be true for a long time and it was only during the 18 week structural scan that I really felt like my dream was coming true. 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @chrissym126 That sounds right up my ally! I am going to download that now. Thank you!!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @NurseTMD85 hope the results come back just fine! Will be praying for you!
    *TW - Pregnancy mentioned*
    Me: 28 DH: 33, Married May 2014
    3 failed IUIs Dec '15 - Feb '16
    IVF April/May 2016 - 1 failed fresh transfer. 11 snow angels.
    1st FET 7/29/16 = BFP
    Lawson arrived on 4/24/2017 at 7lbs 15oz, 21 1/2 inches long!
    Surprise pregnancy!! Baby #2 due 10/11/18 <3
  • Options
    @ZoeFer @susykat77 @Tulips29 @mskeenan thank you!!! I feel much better knowing that cramps are pretty normal. We haven't told anyone that has been pregnant before that we are expecting, so I can't ask for advice yet! Y'all are the best!
    *TW - Pregnancy mentioned*
    Me: 28 DH: 33, Married May 2014
    3 failed IUIs Dec '15 - Feb '16
    IVF April/May 2016 - 1 failed fresh transfer. 11 snow angels.
    1st FET 7/29/16 = BFP
    Lawson arrived on 4/24/2017 at 7lbs 15oz, 21 1/2 inches long!
    Surprise pregnancy!! Baby #2 due 10/11/18 <3
  • Options
    Hi @babylonghorn16! Glad to see you over here! I'm still having cramps pretty regularly accompanied with lower back pain. I'll take it though, since that's my main symptom.  I'm looking forward to reading about your progress!
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
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    @ultratomato are you going through your health insurance? My insurance company gave me all the info and I had to contact the company directly to order the pump. When I contacted them, they said I had to wait until 60 days before my due date to order. 

    Its nice ice to see more people
    joining here and having more activity in this PAIF board!
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    @Minnie1155 I will be ordering it through my insurance company 
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    So I don't know if you ladies remember but when my DH was giving me my last few progesterone shots he hit a capillary and I had a bruise. Well 8-9 weeks later this bruise got smaller but opened up and apparently got infected had to go to ER last night they put me on antibiotics and told me I need to have the black dead skin removed from a surgical center soon like this week. Ugh I'm scared it's going to hurt but It needs to be done 
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    @ultratomato Oh my word! I can't believe that, I'm so sorry. :( Praying for a quick and easy surgery and recovery! Your poor tush!

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @ultratomato wow that's crazy! Hopefully it's a quick and painless procedure. 
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    @ultratomato - that sounds awful! We hit a nerve with one of my shots back in May and I still have pain from it but no bruising. Hopefully the antibiotics & skin removal will be quick & painless!

    chrissym126 - I agree that her situation has been stressful which is why I haven't said anything about it. She thinks she is an expert on everything though and gets snippy if I don't agree with everything she says which is kind of annoying (especially with all of these pregnancy hormones. lol). 
    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    chrissym126chrissym126 member
    edited August 2016
    @Griffin5413 And we can't even have margaritas when people are driving us crazy! Best of luck.
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    @Ultratomato Yikes!! I bet they will give you a shot to numb the bum right up and I would think that would be the only pain you may feel during the procedure. I would definitely ask what you can put on the wound to help speed the healing. Good luck!!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    Hey all: I found out that tomatoes will, without fail, give me indigestion which then leads to nausea. If you are getting sick, try just eating one type of food at a time for a while and see if it is something in particular setting you off. Good luck!

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @dragonfaerie I would be really annoyed too... Do they not know not to mess with a pregnant woman? Hope they start getting it together!

    @ultratomato Oh no! I'm sorry! I only had to have POI once when I had a bleeding episode and they worried that the bleed would "wash away" the vaginal one, and 1 month later I still had a huge bump and rash and that felt terrible even though it's not much compared to your bruise. FX for a quick and painless procedure!

    @Griffin5413 She's definitely going through a hard time but I can see how her attitude is upsetting to you, I would think she can vent to someone else who hasn't gone through so much to be pregnant, but I guess just avoid the subject! and it's harder with all the hormones! 
    37 y.o 
    TTC since October 2014
    DX: Unexplained fertility 
    3 Failed IUI's 2015
    1st IVF cycle March 2016 , planned ICSI, PGS, FET
    ER 3/31/16 30 retrieved, 26 fertilized normally
    Sent 8 embryos for PGS: 5 normal (3 AA, 1BA, 1BC)
    FET 5/11/16 (1 embryo)
    Beta 5/23/16 BFN  :(
    2nd FET 6/12/16 (1 5AA embryo)
    Beta 6/22/16 : BFP!!!  169 
    Beta #2 6/24/16: 412
    DD born 3/2/17
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    NurseTMD85NurseTMD85 member
    edited August 2016
    First of all.... Thank you everyone for you support. This board is amazing :heart: I had about 24 hours of being emotional and then I was able to be rational. Now, I'm feeling much more positive. Even if the results aren't normal... We'll still be just fine. 

    @zoefer Glad you're feeling better!!!!!!

    @Griffin5413 I'm sorry your SIL is upsetting you. I know how you feel. Whenever one of my friend's kids start acting up they'll say.... "This is what you have to look forward too!!!" As a matter of fact I will, thank you very much.

    @babylonghorn16 I'm so so so happy to see you here! Congrats on your BFP!!! I definitely had AF cramps for several weeks in the beginning. And anxiety consumed me. But after you see the LO on your ultrasound it will ease a lot of the worry. 

    @ultratomato Yikes! Sorry to hear that! Good luck to you with the surgery! As for the pump, every insurance is different. Mine won't let me order until it is one month before my due date. I have a friend whose insurance won't send a pump until she actually gives birth. Just call the customer service number on your insurance card and they'll tell you what company to go through. There will only be certain ones that they'll cover. 

    @dragonfaerie I also discovered that about tomatoes! I made this delicious veggie lasagna for my lunch this week and every time I have eaten it the results have not been pretty. What a waste! 
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @dragonfaerie for me it's tomato paste/sauces. I get major heartburn after them because of all the acidity. Fresh tomatoes are ok though, so I still eat them and I'm fine. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

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    I hate the new homepage. That is all.
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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