November 2016 Moms


My wonderful husband was so generous and shared with me his cold he recently got over a week ago, and now I've got it.

Had to call off work today...normally I wouldn't but being sick while pregnant blows because you can't  (or try not to) take anything for it. I'm 9w now and I took 2 Tylenol earlier that did jack squat.

Re: Sick!!!

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    I think I'm in the same boat. I thought earlier it was allergies. But tonight, nope I'm feeling like a cold and I haven't had one in years! My dr's paper says I can take robitussin or mucinex, but really I need something with some oomph. 
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    Ugh. Me too. I've got this wicked cough that sounds like a seal choking on a candy. What I wouldn't give for some sudafed. 
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    So far this pregnancy I have had mono, an ear infection, a measles like rash caused from antibiotics, the common cold, and I just kicked the stomach flu. The list of ailments could go on forever. Ha. When I learned that I could not take Advil while pregnant I cried. Tylenol does nothing and I think I probably would have had better results letting hippies rub watered down herbs on me. 
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    My hubby is generous like that too, gave me his cold HA! Luckily neither of us developed any fevers, and I just needed rest to get over the runny nose/sneezing/cough. You know what else is fun? Constipation with with occasional upset stomach to mix it up. Can't tell if latter is from pregnancy or food poisoning.  
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    Hubby made me go to a Dr, confirmed sinus infection. Lucky me. I can now add antibiotics to my list of things to not throw up for the next few days. 
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    Already beat a cold during my highest peak of nausea. Perfect. However, Tylenol, if taken consistently every 4 hours is actually pretty helpful for aches/pains. Benadryl is a pregnancy class B med and can be taken to help relieve some symptoms (will help dry u up).
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    I miss decongestants. But I took Benadryl and mucinex (without decongestant) and drank some lemon water and I'm feeling the best I've felt all day. 
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    I spent ONE day with my five-year-old stepson and now I have my third pregnancy cold :-)
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    Joining you ladies here. Yesterday I was just so exhausted on top of nausea and this morning I woke up dizzy with my throat on fire. I hope everyone feels better soon!
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    I'm feeling better this morning, which means I can actually breathe out of both nostrils! Yay! Lol...I guess with most things it just needs time. Never did take anything for it. Happy about that.
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    This is day 3 for me, and I feel tons better. The first two full days were like allergic hell. You know that watery eye, burning sinus stuff? I kept on with the Benadryl and it barely touched it. Today I only feel like maybe it's turning to a sinus infection. So I'll keep on top of that.
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    MollySmMollySm member
    edited April 2016
    My youngest has been coughing for a few days, and I woke up with a sore throat this morning.  Ugh.  Plus H left town for work last night, so I'm on my own :-(
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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