Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Baby fighting naps

NurseRiegerNurseRieger member
edited November 2015 in Babies: 3 - 6 Months
LO is almost 12 weeks and is an awful day time napper. His does good at night sleeps from about 2300-0400 then eats goes back down from 0500-0700. Day time he just does little cat naps 20min here and there. I swear he's got radar for when I start to doze off because that's when he will wake up. I've been trying to put him down for 2 hours now. Sleep machine and swaddle like night time, nothing. He will fall asleep nursing. I put him down bam he's wide awake. I know he's tired because he's yawning but he just wants to be on me. I don't know what to do. Going

Re: Baby fighting naps

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    Going back to work in a couple days and I do nightshift so I would love to get a daytime nap while he's napping. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions but I have a feeling this is one of those things I have to wait out
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    My DD is horrible at sleeping. She has to be held and screams for so long that she gets over tired and doesn't want to nap even more. When she is finally done fighting and falls asleep, it is also only 20-40 mins. I really think it is something she'll have to grow out of. But I think she gets her bad sleep habit from me.
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    Are you sure you're timing the naps right? You do have to put them down at the very first signs of being tired. Also, if your LO is asleep in your arms, laying them down super slowly, keeping them close to your body, is really important.
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    Are you sure you're timing the naps right? You do have to put them down at the very first signs of being tired. Also, if your LO is asleep in your arms, laying them down super slowly, keeping them close to your body, is really important.

    I think you are right about timing. He's pretty easy going so I think his tired cues are very subtle and I'm missing them. I got a graco dreamglider which is bigger than RnP and glides automatically and finally got a solid 90min nap yesterday afternoon and had no evening fussing. Going to try again after some tummy time and a bottle. I think another part of the problem is a dropping milk supply. Been using more formula to have him use to it before I'm at work so I think he's falling asleep nursing before he's filled his belly.
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    Are you sure you're timing the naps right? You do have to put them down at the very first signs of being tired. Also, if your LO is asleep in your arms, laying them down super slowly, keeping them close to your body, is really important.
    I think you are right about timing. He's pretty easy going so I think his tired cues are very subtle and I'm missing them. I got a graco dreamglider which is bigger than RnP and glides automatically and finally got a solid 90min nap yesterday afternoon and had no evening fussing. Going to try again after some tummy time and a bottle. I think another part of the problem is a dropping milk supply. Been using more formula to have him use to it before I'm at work so I think he's falling asleep nursing before he's filled his belly.
    Yep, that could be it too!
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