May 2015 Moms

pre eclampsia

Hi ladies,
While searching the boards, I think I saw a few have had pre eclampsia before. I haven't been feel well the past couple of days- headache, nasea, lightheaded- and now I keep getting this pain in my rib cage. Yesterday I thought it was a gas bubble, but nothing helped and it's back again. I just took my blood pressure and it's 144/99.

I am waiting to hear back from my doctor, but for those who have had pre e before-- does the pain in your chest come and go? Or is it constant?

Monster #1- Hunter Fillmore! 10.1.11
 MC 3.20.14 -- 8w3d
MC 7.11.14-- 5w4d
Monsterette #2- EDD  5.9.15



Re: pre eclampsia

  • FX that everything is okay!

    TTC #1: June 2014

    BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

    Me: 27 DH: 30

    Married: August 31, 2012 <3

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  • No experience personally but my cousin had pre e and she said the headaches were the worst she'd ever experienced. Nothing would touch them and they just kept getting worse. I'm glad you've called your doctor. I hope you find out that all is well.
  • Hi @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌ the pain is described as sharp pain, or even radiating. Often nausea and vomiting. With all these symptoms your dr needs to see you today. Monitor the baby, test your blood, and your urine. I hope you start to feel better. For now I would try and relaxin your left side until a call back, but I really hope he/she sends you into L&D to be evaluated. I will be thinking of you and looking for an update. Feel. Better!
    "Love harder than any pain you have ever felt" 
    Me (26) DH (29) married since 07/2013 
    TTC#1 since 02/2014 
    BFP: 8/27/14 EDD 5/11/15image
    L&D RN & proud pit bull owner x2
  • Hawk&Eye said:
    No experience personally but my cousin had pre e and she said the headaches were the worst she'd ever experienced. Nothing would touch them and they just kept getting worse. I'm glad you've called your doctor. I hope you find out that all is well.
    My MFM told me this is the most common thing he hears after PreE. The headaches are the worst they've ever had. I can wholeheartedly agree. It's was because my brain was swelling.  


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



  • Thanks ladies. My doctor called and said she highly doubts it's pre e this early, but she is really concerned about my blood pressure. I am at work now, so I am trying to get the rest of my shift covered and then I am headed to the hospital to get checked out.
    I'd make sure she checks your protein and BP a few times. Resting and calm is hard at this point but helpful for an accurate reading. I know she's doubtful but there have been plenty of people I've met and read about that had symptoms this early. It's more uncommon yes, but not unheard of.


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



  • I also pre-E with my first.  I never had any chest pain or stomach pains.  My main symptoms were elevated blood pressure.. i think the highest was around 170/90.  Spots in my vision all the time and severe swelling.    Definitely get checked by doctor before getting worried though!  Mine symptoms didn't appear until much later in pregnancy, I was put on bedrest at 37 weeks and delivered at 39 weeks.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyName Ticker
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  • Glad your getting checked out. I don't have headaches but I keep feeling like my blood sugar or blood pressure keeps dropping a day I feel like I'm going to faint. I'm actually getting my gallbladder checked out tomorrow so she can rule that out.

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY

  • @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌ T&P for you. FX that all works out and BP returns to a better reading. Keep us updated!
    Pregnancy Ticker       
                                                BFP: September 1st, 2014
                                                   EDD: May 2nd, 2015

  • It could be a bug!!! High bp, feeling crappy, headaches could be viral. Do you have a fever
  • blabergeblaberge member
    edited January 2015
    @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌ Sorry to hear you're going through this. I came down with pre-e at 26w with my DD, well now I'm 23w with DS and have ALL of the symptoms of pre-e, except the protein in my urine. I didn't have it in my first either. I have migraines which I see a neurologist for and they have me on Percocet as needed for the debilitating pain, my blood pressure is never under 150/100 so I'm on HBP medication twice a day, and my stomach is always tight and tender under my right rib cage with cramping. Don't even get me on the swelling that comes and goes without notice, and the nasuea from the pressure in my head. Luckily there is some hope, other than having to stop working, and I spend most of my time either in the doctors office being monitored or at home monitoring myself, I made it full term with my DD on full bed rest, which is a miracle. Talk to your Doc ASAP and get some blood tests done, and they will probably have you do a 24 hr urine collection as well. This is no joke, it's time to be selfish with your health. Bake that LO as long as you can. Good Luck!
  • Oh man, keep us posted!!! Fx for you that everything's ok!

    Me: 26   DH: 26
    Together since November 2006        Married September 5, 2011
    TTC #1 since August 2013           BFP on September 4, 2014
    Baby Girl due on May 11, 2015

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm glad you're getting checked out as soon as you can. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! I hope it's not what you think it is. Get well soon.
  • FX! Keep us updated!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh no! Hope you can get to the hospital quickly, I'll be thinking about you!

  • No experience with this but glad you're getting checked out, FX everything is fine!
  • T&p are with you. I hope everything turns out ok. Good luck!
    **May 2015 Siggy **imageFav Holiday Movie
    "Meet me in St. Louis"
    photo 8d082fa1-60bf-4c58-9505-dc8820557700.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hope you feel better soon!
    DS2: 8
    DS3: 2
    Due May 2015 with twin GIRLS!

  • Thinking of you. Hope everything is ok,
                          January Siggy Challenge: You had one job
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  • @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌, I hope everything turns out okay! T&P to you.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Thinking of you @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌ ! FX it is not pre-e and you are feeling better!! Please update us when you can
  • Eagerly awaiting an update- I hope that all is well. Thinking of you.
    PCOS & ute crew member
    BFP #1: 10/24/2012  EDD 7/3/13, missed m/c @ 9 weeks, D&E 
    DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13
    BFP #2: 12/20/2013  EDD 9/1/14, missed m/c @ 7weeks, D&E
    BFP #3: 5/26/2014 EDD 2/7/15, missed m/c @ 9 weeks, D&E- DX Trisomy22
    RPL, Karyotyping, and SHG: All Normal
    BFP #4: 9/6/14 EDD 5/16/15 Praying for our RAINBOW!
    Baby GIRL on the way!!
    **All AL Welcome**

  • I hope everything is okay! I'm glad you're getting checked out. I keep having high BP when I'm at the doctor but then when I take it at home or at work, it's low/normal. Not sure if its white coat syndrome or what.
    BFP: 8/26/2014
    EDD: 5/4/2015

    It's a girl!

    My little ladies - Lola (RIP), Cecilia, and Peggy Sue

  • I am so sorry you are dealing with this :) I had pre-e with my last and I think the ladies have covered it all. I had the pain in my right side as described and it was just an awful pain, I honestly thought when it started my DD was just working on breaking my rib, so no fun.

    I hope everything checks out just fine! Keep us updated :)
    BFP #1-- 8-25-12, DD Born 5-1-13 
    BFP #2-- 5-6-14, MMC 6-13-14, D&C 6-13-14
    BFP #3 -- 8-26-14, EDD 5-10-15 

  • Glad you are getting checked out!! Fx that everything is fine!!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    Lilypie - (o6sy)

    image    image

    My Chart

    BFP #1 - 6-2009 - edd 1-23-10 - mmc - discovered by u/s @ 13wks 2days - D&C
    BFP #2 - 10-15-2010 - Baby boy born 6-11-11
    BFP#3 - 6-2013 - edd 2-21-14 -mmc discovered by u/s @ 9 wks - D&C
    BFP #4 - 3-10-14 - edd 11-19-14 - natural miscarriage 4-10-14
    BFP #5 - 8-24-14 - edd 5-5-15 - Please be our RAINBOW!!! <3
    U/S 9-30 - baby measuring right on track, heart rate of 155bpm
    U/S 10-8 & 10-14 - baby is growing perfectly!
    10-20 - 151 bpm 10-31 153 bpm
    11-13 IT'S A BOY!!!!!
    12-11 & 12-18 - 144 bpm everything looked great at recheck of a/s
  • Fx for you, hope you and baby feel better and stay safe!
    May '15 Bitter Snatch
  • That's scary, good thing you're getting checked out! Hoping the best for you!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wow, I'm late to this thread. I'm sorry your experiencing these symptoms and I hope your doctor is right and it isn't pre e! FX everything turns out ok
  • Sorry I'm so late to this! I'm glad you're getting checked out and I hope you get good news, and that it's not pre-e. Keep us posted!


    BabyFruit Ticker  image
  • Hope all is well with you both
  • Hope everything at the Drs went well and that you are feeling better!
  • I'm late but I'm so glad it turned out to be nothing.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • Yay! So happy it's not pre e! Get some rest mama and hope you get to feeling better soon.
    Pregnancy Ticker       
                                                BFP: September 1st, 2014
                                                   EDD: May 2nd, 2015

  • So glad everything is okay!!!

    TTC #1: June 2014

    BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

    Me: 27 DH: 30

    Married: August 31, 2012 <3

  • Missed this thread but glad you're feeling better @OnceInLoveWithAmy‌

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Me (34) PCOS

    DH (36) Poor morphology and motility

    TTC since 2011

    2013 cycles 1, 2, and 3 on Clomid, all BFN

    2013 cycles 4, and 5 IUI with Clomid, both BFN

    DH and I took a break for several months

    7/15/2014 started Acupuncture 

    7/26/2014 start Follistim for IVF cycle, ER on 8/8, develop OHSS, ET almost cancelled

    8/13/2014 ET proceeds on our wedding anniversary, transfer 2 5DB, 8/23 BFP

    EDD 5/1/2015

  • Awesome! So glad you're feeling better and it's nothing too serious!
    "Love harder than any pain you have ever felt" 
    Me (26) DH (29) married since 07/2013 
    TTC#1 since 02/2014 
    BFP: 8/27/14 EDD 5/11/15image
    L&D RN & proud pit bull owner x2
  • Missed this yesterday but soo glad that you do not have preeclampsia!! Sorry that you're feeling crummy, tho. So much better to have gone in and gotten evaluated than to have let something slide!
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