May 2015 Moms

Boy or Girl? Nub/Skull Theory 13 week NT scan photo

Hi Ladies! I'll be a first time Mommy due May 16th. I'm 13 weeks today and had my NT ultrasound yesterday which was Negative :) but I wanted to know if anyone can tell if I'm having a boy or girl based off the nub or skull theory? The other picture is of it's butt and legs, you can kinda see something between the legs but its so small still so I'm not sure what it is yet haha. Would really appreciate the input :)

Re: Boy or Girl? Nub/Skull Theory 13 week NT scan photo

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    Even if we could guess, you don't hVe the best picture of the nub and how it relates to the spine when flat.

    I know your anxious to know but many 4d places offer sex guess sonos at 15w.
    Me - 34
    Him - 35
    DS #1 (after IUI, IVFs/FET and miscarriages) Alexander, IVF# 4 w/PGD, b. 10.22.08
    DS #2 (natural pregnancy) Andrew, b. 9.15.11
    Currently Expecting #3 - lightening strikes twice - another Natural Pregnancy EDD 5.11.15
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    soofttiesoofttie member
    edited November 2014
    I love these!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Oh dear..
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    No, we are not trained ultrasound techs. You'll find out soon enough!
    Favorite fall activity: roasting pumpkin seeds!

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    I don't see any nubs at all and I don't know what the skull theory is. Only thing I can see clearly is your full name. You may want to edit it.

    Congrats on a good scan!
                          January Siggy Challenge: You had one job
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    Oh good another newb!

    9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks

     ***All AL'ers Welcome***

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    We were doing so good too! Back to 0 days without a nub theory post.

    IAmPregnant TickerImage and video hosting by TinyPic


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    Why do people ggink we are experts in every theory ever? Even the made up ones?

    Congrats on a healthy baby op. I can't wait to see what color glitter your unicorn has!


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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    OH NO! Not the "what am I having Nub Theory" questions. We can all tell exactly what you are having because we are ALL ultra sound techs.... 


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    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Maternity tickers

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    I do have to say all you lot are a pack of bitches the lass only asked a question, my advice to her is try another forum where the women aren't horrible people. There's loads of lovely forums where you can have a nice chat and talk about your picture and what the hell maybe guess the babies sex. The lass is only excited for god sake!! This will probably get removed but at least I have told you what I think of you before I leave this bitchy forum and not return. You all probably forget what it was like to have your first baby your probably all on your tenth! Hope someone takes the shine out of it for you lot. Then again you probably don't have anything exciting happen in your lives ever!
    you sure told us.  Feel better now?

    Monster #1- Hunter Fillmore! 10.1.11
     MC 3.20.14 -- 8w3d
    MC 7.11.14-- 5w4d
    Monsterette #2- EDD  5.9.15


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    ramy3 said:
    ramy3 said:
    Definitely a unicorn.
    can you even imagine how painful it has to be to birth a unicorn?
    --------------------------- I have a theory that newborn unicorns are born with little nubs and they grow into a full horn later. That's what I like to call the Ramy Nub Theory.
    Well shit.  Everything makes sense now!

    Monster #1- Hunter Fillmore! 10.1.11
     MC 3.20.14 -- 8w3d
    MC 7.11.14-- 5w4d
    Monsterette #2- EDD  5.9.15


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    One thing I do know is I've seen your name on multiple threads that I've seen negativity on. Sorry I should not have generalize that. I just feel like I have seen more negative comments than I do positive. Maybe it's just due to the fact that those comments seem to stand out more.
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    Did the ultrasound tech or doctor give you an indication either way?  Based on a google search, I guess the Nub theory is the same as Angle of the Dangle theory, which I just learned about in my own NT scan.  The tech and doctor were pretty confident I am having a boy, based on that theory.  I'm somewhat skeptical, though, as it seems pretty early to tell at this point.  I don't have the background or experience to make that call for someone else though.  Good luck either way and congrats on the healthy results!


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    Confession. I get a little excited when I see these posts.

    I'm a FTM, and I would rather be in a group of women who are straight up with me and tell me how it is rather than cosign a bunch of bullshit. So thank you ladies.

    There are plenty of other forums that will give you the satisfaction of saying omggggz it's totally like a girl! And then it's a boy. If that's what you want, go. You can't sit with us.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    FTR, I've gotten a lot of support on this board, and not just when I'm worried.

    Also, random, is anyone else irrationally bothered by people referring to the board as an app? I know you can use it through a mobile app- I don't know why it drives me crazy, but it does.
    I've noticed this too, and I have a theory: I think these are "non-internet" people who've never seen an online forum before but are totes all about the apps on their phones.

    I have another theory that these people construe any online post as negative if there isn't a ! or a :) after every sentence.  There's just no other explanation for why they see everything on this board as negative when it's not.
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    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    DS2: 8
    DS3: 2
    Due May 2015 with twin GIRLS!

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    Well since WK's are complaining that we are no fun and won't play "guess what I'm having" let's prove them wrong...

    Guess what I'm having:

    A baby elephant
    Fucking bump!!!!
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    Well since WK's are complaining that we are no fun and won't play "guess what I'm having" let's prove them wrong... Guess what I'm having: image
    Baby Dumbo!!
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    The closest we've gotten to a unicorn @samiamagirl‌
    GBCB - Gone to the Dark Side


    BabyFruit Ticker
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    That is the cutest baby elephant ever! But I can't see the angle of the dangle so Idk if it's a boy or girl, I'm going with boy just because!

    IAmPregnant TickerImage and video hosting by TinyPic


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