December 2014 Moms

PSA: Dasani Water

sugarstar1784sugarstar1784 member
edited July 2014 in December 2014 Moms
Hey gals. Public Service Announcement time! I don't drink Dasani, because at one point I noticed A: it's bottled by coca-cola, therefore evil. B: It has salt. Upon further research by my SO, not only does it have salt, it has magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate is classified as a level D - not safe for pregnancy (reworded). It also has Potassium chloride, which is commonly used as a fertilizer, but it’s also used in lethal injections to stop the heart and, in some cases, in late trimester abortions to stop the heart of the fetus. 
Pic of the label if you need it

Please don't drink this water. Please don't let any pregnant women or small children have this water.

ETA: Shuddup. 
*Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*

Re: PSA: Dasani Water

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    Slaps said:
    I drink this water! So does my toddler! Now I am thinking if calling my doctor
    Be sure to have this data ready. Some docs don't do research on everyday products.... 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    DH thinks I'm crazy because I won't drink it since I hate the way it tastes. Now I have a legitimate excuse! Thanks!!
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    Cool.... But would you want to drink water that a business (goal: Profit) Puts salt into in order to get you more thirsty in order to buy more??
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    sugarstar1784sugarstar1784 member
    edited July 2014
    Magnesium sulfate is safely used as a laxative in large amounts, and as a magnesium dietary supplement in lower amounts. It's epsom salt, for crying out loud.

    Large doses of potassium chloride IV will stop the heart, and are used with succinyl choline for humane euthanasias. However potassium chloride is SALT!! It's a dietary "lite" salt recommended for people who are on low sodium diets. (Sodium chloride is regular salt.)

    I don't drink bottled water for environmental reasons, but this is frankly just alarmist. I hate this kind of uneducated rumor-mongering.
    Ok, still... its got salt in it. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    You're drinking salt water! You're buying water... First of all, which is shameful.... and on top of that, you're paying Coca Cola to make you more thirsty! Ugh. 

    I think that the anti-fear-mongering-ness is also a fear of the truth that businesses cannot be trusted. Their ONLY only only purpose (as I have been told many times in Business School) is to make profit.
    Not to make you less thirsty. Not to do good. Its to make money.....
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    You're allowed to disagree.... And I still stand by my statement. If you drink a lot of the water, then you're consuming a lot of the ingredients in the Dasani.
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    I don't drink it, but it's because I think it's gross. I've hated it since high school Pretty funny, I just went on a big rant about it on Fb last week
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    nesenotes said:
    You're drinking salt water! You're buying water... First of all, which is shameful.... and on top of that, you're paying Coca Cola to make you more thirsty! Ugh. 

    I think that the anti-fear-mongering-ness is also a fear of the truth that businesses cannot be trusted. Their ONLY only only purpose (as I have been told many times in Business School) is to make profit.
    Not to make you less thirsty. Not to do good. Its to make money.....
    ZOMG who cares? It's business. If i chose a bottle of water for convenience why do you care? Drink your tap water and leave the rest of us plastic bottle water loving debils alone. FFS.
    Okay, so here's another point. It's not *just* that you choose to support a business that sells water. A basic human right, as seen in the news lately. You're choosing to pollute the earth, choosing a product that will require the use of more oil, which also pollutes the earth. I will not shut up and I will not "leave you alone" because of your selfish decisions to purchase bottled water! 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Sorry to be so Biznitchy but c'mon! You're not the only thing on this planet, and by making 1 small choice differently, you can help a ton!
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Heidig14 said:
    I just looked at 3 different brands of bottled water I happened to have on my desk. They all have the same ingredients. So if your going to be upset about what's in it, don't limit it to just Dasani.
    What brands are they? And, I don't ever ever buy bottled water. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Ick. Your choice... As always...
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    So is this truly a health and safety concern, or is it more that you don't like Coca-cola and their big business? I'm sure a lot of their practices are shady, but you have consumer power. Don't buy from them. There are negative externalities for essentially every business. It's part of living in the world.

    DS1: 12/17/2014
    DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion
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    All of the above: I hate businesses. I hate that people are to lazy and self-centered to do things that are good for the earth. I hate that they put salt in frickin water. And finally, I hate it that "saving the earth" is viewed as a bad thing. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    All of the above: I hate businesses. I hate that people are to lazy and self-centered to do things that are good for the earth. I hate that they put salt in frickin water. And finally, I hate it that "saving the earth" is viewed as a bad thing. 
    Where have we suggested that wishing to save the Earth is a bad thing?  Where have I suggested I make choices that are anything other than Earth friendly? You have no idea what any one of us does that might be good for the Earth. It's not your cause that's unworthy, it's your methods and reasoning that are faulty.
    someone up there said that because this had turned into a save the earth thing that they were out.... 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    sugarstar1784sugarstar1784 member
    edited July 2014
    Krisx2 said:
    @sugarstar1784 have you ever looked up what minerals are naturally present in tap water/spring water? Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, all there (granted, in lower percentages, but still there). Is it a conspiracy to get you to drink more tap water by making you more thirsty??!! Those dirty bastards.
    yep... also flouride.... and iron... and pesticides and fertilizers.... etc
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Please see twolittledogs PSA....... 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    No, it's powered from my armpit hair and body odor. Neener neener booo boo :P :P :P
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    @dtremel Where's the clip? I actually am interested...we have to drink bottled water due to the safety of our tap water. So, basically, we're screwed...crap.


    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Beta #3 (21dp5d5): 8,172. Wow. It seems this is actually working. Shocked beyond belief.

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    beachy6 said:

    @dtremel Where's the clip? I actually am interested...we have to drink bottled water due to the safety of our tap water. So, basically, we're screwed...crap.


    Would a filtration system in home help?
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Is this bottle ok?  

    All day, every day. :D
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    Cheekers2010Cheekers2010 member
    edited July 2014
    Too bad. I like Dasani. I hardly think there's enough in a bottle of water to cause huge problems unless you drink tons.

    Eta:Aw, heck...I should read the rest of the thread before responding.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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    I've heard Aquafina is from Detroit water, but no sources or proof. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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    dtremel said:

    @beachy6- an in home filtration system would definitely help with a lot of ipmurities. A lot of it depends on what safety concerns are in your tap water. If it is chemicals they are a lot harder to remove. But if you have specific things you are looking to filter you can usually resarch what filtration systems will remove them. If you have to buy bottled water I would recommend researching your sources and maybe considerng a bigger service like Culligan etc. Where you can be a little bit more assured of the quality control.

    The biggest issue with bottled water is just the sheer number of people producing it so there is no way to regulate where the wells are sunk and where the water is coming from. Also some of the big name bottled waters are just tap water purchased from a city and bottled. Nestle pure life is one example that bottles from Denver tap water.

    We have chemicals. Specifically one that causes cancer if ingested over time. I wish I could remember the name of it, but it's slipped my mind at the moment. Since I've moved here, I've always used bottled water (both individual and gallon sizes) to avoid the chemicals. Granted, we're still using the water to bathe and cook with.

    I'll look into a water delivery service, (Honestly, never thought about it before)  but we live in a small town with very limited resources. So, I'll have to ask around.


    BabyFruit Ticker

     ttc #2 since 2004 Me (35): Stage 3 Endo, DH (34): High DNA Frag

    IVF/ICSI #2: April 2014: BFP!!!!!!

    ET of 2 great quality embryos. + BFP on 9dp5dt. Beta #1 (10dp5dt): 257, Beta #2 (14dp5dt): 1561,

    Beta #3 (21dp5d5): 8,172. Wow. It seems this is actually working. Shocked beyond belief.

    1st u/s @6w5d: Baby A hb 124, Baby B hb 127 (Both measuring perfectly!)

    Lost baby A. Praying that baby B stays healthy. Baby B hb 175 at 11 weeks

    It's a GIRL!!!




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    drpaynedrpayne member
    edited July 2014

    nesenotes said:

    You're drinking salt water! You're buying water... First of all, which is shameful.... and on top of that, you're paying Coca Cola to make you more thirsty! Ugh. 

    I think that the anti-fear-mongering-ness is also a fear of the truth that businesses cannot be trusted. Their ONLY only only purpose (as I have been told many times in Business School) is to make profit.
    Not to make you less thirsty. Not to do good. Its to make money.....
    ZOMG who cares? It's business. If i chose a bottle of water for convenience why do you care? Drink your tap water and leave the rest of us plastic bottle water loving debils alone. FFS.

    Okay, so here's another point. It's not *just* that you choose to support a business that sells water. A basic human right, as seen in the news lately. You're choosing to pollute the earth, choosing a product that will require the use of more oil, which also pollutes the earth. I will not shut up and I will not "leave you alone" because of your selfish decisions to purchase bottled water! 

    You are annoying the shit out of me.

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    Gawd folks again. Read the whole freakin post, then read my apology on PSA from twolittledogs. Or don't. And continue griping to a blank audience. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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