May 2014 Moms

Thoughts on castor oil


Re: Thoughts on castor oil

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    Absolutely not. A few more days of being pregnant - as impatient as I am - is nowhere near as important as the health and well-being of both myself and my child. Be smart, my dear.

    If castor oil worked so well, why don't more trained physicians prescribe it (I.e. Knowing a woman who knows a woman who knows a woman doesn't count)???
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    What's wrong with a little ole fashioned fuckin'? 

    We did try that yesterday along with spicy food and taking a walk, no luck yet!
    Well obviously your body is not ready for labor just yet. Keep trying sex, spicy foods, and walking. These are way safer than the castor oil. Just be patient and wait it out. You and your DH planning days are OVER!
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    Kaylee524 said:
    Just for you, @kimberlykl2009:


    I heart you so much right now!
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    I think this topic has been sufficiently covered. However, I wanted to add that my doctor said there are tons of things to encourage labor on the internet but she said do NOT try castrol oil. I would agree with the others that it's a bad idea.
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    IBackBevo said:
    It only works if you don't poop. So take the castor oil, but be sure not to go number 2 afterwards. It will be hard, but hold it in.
    Then you will pioneer the birth method that I would hereby like to call birth by explosion.  Your kid will be able to kill Macbeth without needing the assistance of bears.  </lit nerd>
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    @awc1986 I agree with @sopsongbird that your posts either make me smile or laugh!
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