May 2014 Moms

***Update*** Thoughts and prayers please.

edited April 2014 in May 2014 Moms
I just got a call from my OB and my bile levels were elevated on my second tests for chloestasis. They want me to come in for an ultrasound and to meet with the OB. I'm a FTM and scared. I'm 36 +1 weeks so they could be indusing me by next Monday. I've sworn I've had it for the past 2 months, but everyone I talk to makes me feel like I'm overreacting and then tells me to stay off google. I think I started to believe I was crazy and now that I know if have it I'm an emotional mess. Really the only people who were concerned were you guys on the bump and my DH. So please if you can pray for my baby and that everything will be ok, I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you guys for everything!


Thank you ladies for the thoughts and prayers. The doctor is wanting to take her at 37 weeks. We are going in Next Tuesday April 22nd. We had an ultrasound and she is perfect, measuring at 6 pounds. She has flipped back to frank breech since our appointment last Thursday and the doctor does not want to try and flip her. So if she doesn't flip back by Tuesday I will be having a C-section. I'm fine with any option just as long as she is out and healthy.

Now if anyone has advise on what to expect with a C-section that would be great. I'm sorta scared about having one. Mainly the pain afterwards.
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Re: ***Update*** Thoughts and prayers please.

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