Baby Names

Multiple first and/or middle names?

I have seen several different ways to use multiple names... but what do you think of doing 2 first names and/or 2 middle names...


Randi-Lynn Marie Lastname

Leah-Catherine Jewel Lastname

Gracen Alexander John Michael Lastname


Some of these kids are teens or later, and they love thier names and say it has caused no problems. Does anyone have any EXPRIENCE with this (Not just your opinion of how horrible it is that parents would do that to thier child).

 I am curious if you have a situation like that or your children do, and has it caused any problems?

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Re: Multiple first and/or middle names?

  • I have friends with multiple middle names and I assure you that they have had zero problems.  One of them is an Italian citizen and never had a problem getting a visa to stay in the U.S.

    If you want to give your kid 4 names, go for it. 

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  • My sixteen year old sister uses her first and middle name as double first name to differentiate herself from our mom who has the same first name. My sister generally likes her name, but now that she's in college it's kind of a hassle because all her professors know her only as Lisa not Lisa Marie and even if she tells them she prefers Lisa Marie they tend to still use just Lisa, because that is what is on her paperwork. 
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  • imagemj.reilly:

    I cannot stand hyphenated first names!!!

    Sans hyphen it is a little better, but I am just not a fan of double names. Too Southern sounding for me (def. not a Southern girl here).

    Double middle names ? eh, fine. It is often tradition or has cultural significance.

    Hopefully the ones you listed are just examples, not actual considerations...Gracen for a boy is TERRIBLE though! Why would you use the treneigh, misspelled "girl" spelling? It should be Grayson.


    I agree with hypenated names sounding too southern. Im from GA and know it first hand.








    Trust me....people will assume youre from Mississippi if you do this to your child, but if thats what youre going for...rock with it mama.


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  • My DD has 2 middle names 

     I prefer 2 middle names over 2 first names. 

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  • Double middle is ok for the signifance purpose. If we were to have 2 boys the second would have both of my brothers middle names. Double FN is NMS but know a little girl with it and it's really cute on her and she loves it!

  • imagejencastorri:

    Trust me....people will assume youre from Mississippi if you do this to your child, but if thats what youre going for...rock with it mama. 


    Also, I prefer when double names just use first and middle, ex:

    Lily Rose Lastname

    Mary Katherine Lastname (Mary Kate)

    That way you get a double name but the kid doesn't have 4 names. 

  • I am more familiar with the person having two first names (non-hyphenated) and no middle name.

    Bobby Ray Lastname

    Betty Linda Lastname

    Anne Marie Lastname

    But, we would never call Bobby Ray "Bobby", always "Bobby Ray"

    So, I guess I would say that is what I would prefer. That said, I had friend in college who had seven middle names. The first was the one on her DL, I have no living clue what was actually on her birth certificate.


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  • DH has 2 middle names, and has never had trouble.  On electronic forms he just uses his first middle name.  Also, at this point I have 2 middle names.  I kept my original middle name and my maiden as a 2nd middle.  I haven't had any problems, and it left a better paperwork trail as I was in my senior year of college.  Hope this helps. 
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