Birth Stories

My DS's Birthstory

I always enjoyed reading birthstories when I was pregnant so I thought I would share mine!

I began to lose my MP on Friday morning (a week before my due date) so I sort of knew something would be happening, but didn't think it would be as soon as it ended up being.  I went about my day as usual, came home and made plans for Saturday to pick up some last minute baby things and went to bed around 1130.  At 12:50 I work up to go to the bathroom and as I stood up I felt a gush of water (no pain or anything). I woke my husband up after I realized it was actually my water and that I hadn't peed my pants :).  We called the hospital and they said to come on down.  Before we left I took a shower, put away laundry, and packed my bag---yes I hadn't packed my bag because I was convinced that since I had not had a single BH and it was my first baby that I would be late and have to be induced. 

Anyway, we got to the hospital around 2:00 am and was taken to triage so that they could make sure that it was actually my water that had broken.  I was admitted around 4:00 am and given the epi and pitocin at the same time since I wasn't having contractions.  I was 4 cm when I was admitted and stayed that way until about 8 am.  Around 9:00 I began to feel a ton of pressure (no pain, just pressure) and pretty much begged to be checked.  The resident gave in and said she would check me but there was no way I made that much progress in an hour...she was wrong.  In an hour I had gone from 4 cm to 9.  I progressed to 10 cm and began pushing around 9:10am and had my DS at 9:28. 

The whole thing was not as bad as I thought--maybe because I had been given the epi and the pitocin at the same time.  Also, getting the epi is no where near as bad as anyone makes it seem.  I was even given a mirror so that I could watch if I wanted and I did.  Finally, the last touchy topic...don't be worried about pooping during labor.  I did (and the nurse said about 95% of people do) and the nurses said that they knew I wouldn't be pushing very long because that was a sign that I was doing it correctly and they were right since I only pushed for about 30 minutes.  You will lose all modesty and there is so much going on that pooping will (or should be) the last thing on your mind! 


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