Team blue/pink/green: I think blue but will be happy either way
Upcoming Appointments: JUST got home from 6 week ultrasound (this was an IUI so they are doing appointments earlier than for most pregnancies). We got to see the heartbeat which was awesome. Next appointment is 8 weeks.
How are you feeling?: Mostly just tired and bloated.
Rants/Raves: There’s so much weird stuff that can happen that they really don’t warn you about. For instance, I have a subchorionic hematoma. I saw red and immediately lost it, but apparently it’s not abnormal and is generally harmless.
Questions: Does the sleepiness ever go away? I feel so scattered.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I’d love to go back to Egypt one day.
@ladownes It does go away! Usually for me it eased up about 10 weeks in, then when 2nd tri hits I feel great. But man, there is NO exhaustion like first tri exhaustion. I feel like I could fall asleep on the concrete sidewalk and be perfectly happy.
Upcoming Appointments: have a new patient appointment for Oct 15 but despite a former MC they won't see me/give me medical advice until then
How are you feeling?: totally normal, it's weird. I have tender breasts and knee pain but that's it.
Rants/Raves: I had bad nausea on week 3 but no positive test, and now no nausea with light pink line.
Questions: My first pregnancy I was exhausted, nauseas, and terribly bloated and now I have none of those symptoms! I only have light pregnancy tests (it's still early), but I am slightly worried.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? The British Isles!
Upcoming Appointments: 10/7 for first ultrasound/dr appt.
How are you feeling?: Ok, just getting over cold that my 3 year old brought home from preschool. It’s rough when you can’t really take any medication for cold symptoms! Tired!
Rants/Raves: Worried that Dr won’t see me until almost week 9 as I’m considered high risk due to my age and breast cancer survivor. Also we just moved across country into new house and I don’t have time or energy to do all the updating/decorating I want to do!
Questions: I’m usually such an organized type A person but pregnancy makes me so scattered brained and all over the place. How do you help keep yourself focused and get things done?
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand for some reason 🤷♀️
Team blue/pink/green: will find out later, no preference
Upcoming Appointments: Dr appointment on Friday
How are you feeling?: SO tired. And very nauseated. I hit 7 weeks and bam, I'm just overwhelmed by it. I am asking for anti nausea meds at my upcoming appointment because I feel like I can't do anything. I've also been taking two naps a day as much as I can.
Rants/Raves: Rant - with the food aversions i haven't really been able to cook. I forgot about how much I missed that last pregnancy. Rave - MH has been really great helping me get throught the week. Even the smell of the fridge has my stomach turning so a lot of food prep for our toddler has been solely on him.
Questions: none right now.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Probably an Alaskan adventure or something. Anything hot sounds awful right now haha.
Team blue/pink/green: pink (but any healthy baby really)
Upcoming Appointments: Ultrasound 10/22
How are you feeling?: Extremely tired and nauseous. I’m a teacher so being with kids all day then coming home to my toddler has been a lot. Plus it’s hard to eat small meals throughout the day when you’re with a bunch of 10 year olds
Rants/Raves: I was nauseous my entire last pregnancy and I’m worried the same thing is going to happen again!
Questions: I know I’m just bloated and not showing yet but has anyone else thought of moving to maternity pants? I’m just so uncomfortable but I feel like it’s too soon.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Greece! And I’m going next summer!
FTM/STM/TTM+: fifth pregnancy, i have three daughters earthside
Baby is the size of a (an): chocolate chip
Team blue/pink/green: blue…please blue
Upcoming Appointments: Oct 1 is my first ultrasound
How are you feeling?: I’m okay. Exhausted mostly.
Rants/Raves: I only become nauseous after I take my prenatal pill…my youngest is 8 months old and this did NOT happen with that pregnancy. I’ve tried switching up when I’m taking my pill and ensuring I have a full stomach, but nothing helps. It’s ridiculous and makes me dread taking my prenatal. I have also tried different brands at this point.
Questions: anyone diagnosed with antibody JKA? Curious on what your appts looked like with this antibody present.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I’d love to go to Montreal.
DD / Weeks + Days: 5W 2D (I have a feeling I might be kicked into June when I see the doctor and they adjust my actual due date but for now I'm here with y'all!)
Baby is the size of a (an): Orange Seed!
Team blue/pink/green: I really want my baby boy buuut I'm certain it's going to be a girl!
Upcoming Appointments: Oct 14th will be my first sono for heartbeat!
How are you feeling?: Fine and I don't like it. I want all of the symptoms...My Feb pregnancy lacked all symptoms and ended in a MC so we're praying praying praying for a sticky baby and I'll take 8 months of sickness over the latter.
Rants/Raves: Rant - I'm waking up between 3 and 5 every morning, I do go back to sleep and I think I'm getting up to use the restroom but holy moly I'm getting really tired of the every morning wakeup for no reason when we have to be up at 545 to get the kids on the bus at 630 and waaaaaah. Rave - We got rain and my plants and animals are sooooo happy! There's nothing better than rain water to perk the houseplants up!
Questions: None right now.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I really want to pack our camper up and go to the beach! Or the Mountains. I'm Game for whatever haha.
@kimmydz I am experiencing the same. Super super bloated - I feel like a house and look like I weight 30lbs more than I do. I moved to maternity shirts (I got some cheap ones on Amazon and they have some stretch so they fit now and will fit later) and am wearing only sweatpants since I’m teleworking while our office is being renovated so nobody need see my pants Change now if you’re uncomfortable. I figure if you’ll need them eventually anyway, why not?
Upcoming Appointments: first in-person appointment in one month
How are you feeling?: I’ve been feeling like I’m on an emotional roller coaster. Happy to crying to frustrated. I feel bad for my husband because I honestly have no explanation for it besides hormones!
Rants/Raves: Over the last month we have had crazy car issues with both my husband and I’s vehicles. It’s looking like mine might be down for the count. We really weren’t wanting to buy another vehicle just yet since I work remotely and majority of the time we can do fine with one car but it’s looking like we might have to get something sooner than we hoped.
Questions: none right now.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Germany, my husband is fluent in German and we are raising our kids bilingually. We had just set a date to go to Germany next year when we found out we were expecting. Plans are on hold now as I don’t want to be traveling that far with a toddler and a one month old! Hopefully when this little one is a bit older we will get our plans going again.
Upcoming Appointments: First appointment on Monday, but booked a private US today out of anxiety.
How are you feeling? No symptoms at all besides sore breasts. Still getting very dark pregnancy tests as of this morning but I saw the tiniest bit of light pink spotting yesterday, and tiny flakes of dark brown discharge this morning while peeing, and I've gotten really really scared. Hence the private ultrasound this afternoon.
Rants/Raves: Just sad/scared about the above. Rave is I got a new, much better job! Will be working as a software engineer at a company that provides mental health access, which is important to me.
Questions: Is anyone else freaking out about spotting? Also @ladownes and @kimmydz, I was also really bloated at the beginning of week 5, and cutting out all sparkling water and diet soda + occasional Gas-X at night + daily Miralax fixed it. I'll update after my appointment today. If news is good, maybe that combo can help you too.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I don't know that I have a dream vacation right now, but I'd love to go to London one of these days. I've never been.
Juju, any tips for dealing with colds? Either way, here to commiserate. Finding myself with a (pretty mild) cold, which seems worse with the general nausea and exhaustion.
Team blue/pink/green: We haven't actually discussed this yet. I am thinking I might want to go green in that there are so few true surprises left for us as adults and really the more important thing should be focusing on a healthy bundle
Upcoming Appointments: Midwife intake appointment over the phone on Oct22
How are you feeling?: Last week was rough! I went from 4w questioning if something was a symptom to 5w knowing things were symptoms The big ones were total exhaustion and I was nauseous almost consistently. My appetite completely disappeared and food was so unappealing. I feel like I am still inching my way back from that, not wanting to overdo it and set that off again. I've been really trying to have smaller meals more frequently. We did a grocery shop where we focused on quick grab/low effort items so I can reach for something small when I hungry and not have to focus time or energy on making something. Also all last week my breast were extremely tender. They still are this week but it's been much more toned down.
I feel like the theme of this week is last week light, I am tired but not as tired as last week and I am tender but not as tender. Thankfully so far this week I haven't been nauseous, more just feel bloated.
Rants/Raves: Might sound a little silly but I miss sweets and treats! Since I was so nauseous last week I've really been avoiding all those little things or any late night snacks and I'd like to bring some (in moderation) of that back. I've just been wary of it, think I'll give it a few more days and then slowly add a few things in.
Questions: Would love to hear everyones opinions/plans on this but more specifically for those who this is not your first time, what did you previously so about Baby shows? It seems in my local area there are either fall or spring shows. In my city, the fall show is at the end of Oct and I've already gotten a free ticket to attend that. The large city near me is hosting a much bigger Baby show this weekend and I am on the fence about going. The spring one will be in April, so I don't know if that's getting to close to due date time to be as helpful. For this fall one, it's about an 1 hour and a half to 2 hours to get there and I would be going by myself (which is fine, I attend event on my own, that's not a huge deal for me). My husband will be working and we haven't told anyone close to us so it's not like I can ask a friend to attend with me without giving it away. Essentially I am just going back and forth on whether it's worth it and it makes sense to bother.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? We were suppose to go to Japan in September 2020 and we all know how that turned out. Had the plane tickets booked and we had just started to plan itinerary details when things got cancelled. I had been toying with the idea of suggesting we do it in a couple years for our 10th wedding anniversary, which we could still do with our additional member, it just will be a different trip and need some careful planning.
How are you feeling?: so so so tired, been very nauseous. Tried the unisom and B6 vitamin at night and it’s definitely making the mornings more bearable
Rants/Raves: I feel like I get nesting early. All I want to do is start on the little parasites room but we have to clear out a guest bedroom first.
Questions: none at this time!
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Doing something in the UK, like a historical tour or walking through Scotland!
Upcoming Appointments: I had my first appointment with blood work and ultrasound on Tuesday since I'm high risk for ectopic. Thankfully the u/s already showed baby snug in the uterus and measuring 5 days ahead! I'll have another u/s next Tuesday 10/1.
How are you feeling?: depends on the day/time lol. Felt kind of crummy most of today with a headache but I'm feeling okay tonight.
Rants/Raves: I feel like I need to get all my maternity clothes out already with this ridiculous bloat. Gonna have to share this news early I think.
Questions: none really, we are just trying to decide when/how to tell family. I wanted to tell early in case something happened again for extra support. But I'm not quite sure now.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Kinda lame but I want to take the kids to Disney World soooo badly. Maybe in another couple years 😄
How are you feeling?: just enough bloat, nausea and exhaustion to be annoyed.
Rants/Raves: I was already on the verge of having to size up on pants, so I guess I’m going to have to break out the maternity jeans early. Hoping I can make it to Halloween before anyone starts noticing
Questions: I’m on the hunt for one of those maternity Halloween skeleton shirts that looks like there’s a baby skeleton in my belly. Has anyone seen one lately online?
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Somewhere new with my husband. A mix of sight seeing and laying low. Bonus points if there’s a pool/hot tub/beach, great food and a place to get pampered. I pretty much want to go everywhere. What takes it from exciting to dreamy is the stuff I listed above.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? Kinda lame but I want to take the kids to Disney World soooo badly. Maybe in another couple years 😄
SAAAAAAAAME! What’s holding me back (other than $ and being KU right now) is the fact that mine have only been to one other amusement park and barely rode any rides - they were too nervous. We are headed to Dollywood in 2 weeks though and I’m hoping that helps break them in & get them excited to ride.
Upcoming Appointments: I have a confirmation urine test next week.
How are you feeling?: was feeling tired and just the slightest bit nauseous on and off for a few days but the last two days have felt normal which worries me more and I actually wish I felt sick 😅
Rants/Raves: I don’t think I could have let myself know any later since I was so aware of my period and had a period app but now I’m afraid I know too early.
Questions: I was going back and forth on when to tell people but I decided to tell our parents early so we can tell them when it’s good news and hopefully it’ll stay that way. And I think my closest friend I’m going to wait until either we tell my mother in law or my appointment next week.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I still have never been to Europe and would love to go. I’m thinking about trying to make it work when the baby is 4-6 months old
@ginevra_rose ugh can't believe how long they make us wait for the first appt!
@jujurobbins no advice but same about feeling so scattered. I need someone to just come and run my household
@kimmydz I had the most comfy maternity pants last time that I definitely wore for months postpartum b/c they just felt so perfect! They were nothing fancy, just old navy. I would def be wearing them now if I hadn't worn them into the ground!
@mrs.mermaid12 I'm a STM but have never been to a Baby show!
DD / Weeks + Days: 5/26, 5+3
Baby is the size of a (an): peppercorn
Team blue/pink/green: no idea and just team healthy baby, but we'll definitely find out asap at the NIPT! We're not patient people haha
Upcoming Appointments: just called the doctor and expecting a call back for first ultrasound and appts
How are you feeling?: Super bloated, lost some sleep last night. I already feel like I need some maternity leggings to be comfy!
Rants/Raves: Just overwhelmed comparing a second pregnancy with a 3.5 year old, to my first pregnancy when I could really prioritize exercising, devote so much brain space to making sure I was taking care of myself, etc! I hope I can work full time, work out, eat good food and take care of my sweet girl at the same time!
Questions: What's everyone doing for caffeine consumption? I definitely drank some coffee in my first pregnancy but I think I didn't for a the first few weeks. I'm doing half-caf right now. Both my pregnancies occurred in months when I had cut down on caffeine consumption! So I'm superstitious even tho I know you're officially allowed to have up to 2 cups a day.
GTKY: What's your dream vacation? I want to go to Scotland and Ireland
Re: Weekly Check In 9/23
Rave - We got rain and my plants and animals are sooooo happy! There's nothing better than rain water to perk the houseplants up!
I feel like the theme of this week is last week light, I am tired but not as tired as last week and I am tender but not as tender. Thankfully so far this week I haven't been nauseous, more just feel bloated.