High-Risk Pregnancy

Trace to mild TR

Hi guys. My prior pregnancy last year ended at 21 weeks due to very abnormal heart. Our genetic testing completely negative. 

I was able to get pregnant again, currently 16.6 weeks. I had a fetal echo done yesterday given my prior history. He said that the heart looks normal no structural abnormality just very trace to mild TR hoping it will go away on follow up echo in 3 weeks. Given prior history I am so freaking nervous something bad will happen again. Anyone with any insight ? 

Re: Trace to mild TR

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    It's completely understandable that you're feeling nervous given your prior pregnancy experience.

    1. Fetal Echo Results: The fact that the fetal echo showed no structural abnormalities in your current pregnancy is a positive sign. This suggests that there may not be any underlying structural issues with the baby's heart, which is a common cause of heart problems in pregnancies.

    2. Trace to Mild TR (Tricuspid Regurgitation): Tricuspid regurgitation is when blood leaks backward through the tricuspid valve of the heart. It can range from mild to severe. Mild TR is often considered a normal variant and may not necessarily indicate a serious problem. It's also possible for TR to improve or resolve on its own over time.

    3. Follow-up Echo: Your healthcare provider's decision to schedule a follow-up echo in three weeks is a proactive approach to monitor the baby's heart health closely. This follow-up will provide more information on whether the TR has resolved or if there are any changes.

    4. Genetic Testing: Since your genetic testing came back negative, it suggests that there might not be a genetic basis for heart abnormalities, which is reassuring for your current pregnancy.

    5. Emotional Support: It's entirely natural to feel anxious given your previous experience. Consider seeking emotional support, either from friends and family or through a support group for parents who have gone through similar experiences. Talking to a mental health professional can also be beneficial in managing your anxiety.

    6. Open Communication: Keep an open line of communication with your healthcare provider. Ask questions, express your concerns, and ensure you fully understand the situation and the plan moving forward.

    Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and medical advancements have come a long way in monitoring and addressing potential issues. Try to stay as positive as possible, trust in your medical team's expertise, and take it one step at a time. I strongly recommend discussing your concerns and questions with your healthcare provider to get personalized guidance and reassurance based on your specific situation.

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