Baby is the size of a(n): Barbie Doll or Head of Lettuce
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 🩷🩷🩷
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test on Monday - hoping it goes well and the drink isn't as gross as everyone says it is...
How are you feeling? Still feeling good! Tons of movement and I finally got a video where you can actually see her moving around in there which is cool. My husband wasn't home when it happened, so I sent it to him and he was super excited.
Raves/Rants: The anxiety is getting real (which I have anxiety anyway, so this is just a fun bonus) now that I'm less than a week from being in the third trimester (how did it go so fast?!). I keep getting notifications from Babylist that people are buying things on our registry and I'm trying not to peek, but I just want to make sure we have all the important stuff and not just cute clothes/toys. Also, still nervous about the whole nursery situation because I'd like to paint and get it all set up for her, but my husband thinks we can keep my work desk and stuff in there and use it as an office/nursery (even though I haven't used it as an office since last December when we got our puppy). I think once we're back from our business conference next weekend I'll start bugging him more about what our actual plan is.
Questions: Anyone else self-employed and not able to stop working once they have their baby? My husband and I own our own property management company and I'm on the Operations side of things, so we're getting a bit anxious about how that's all going to work once we have the baby. Obviously I can't take a traditional maternity leave, so we're just trying to figure out how life is going to look as business owners and parents.
How are you feeling? Fatigue is setting back in. Had to take naps on Saturday and Sunday. Other than that feeling good and trying to stay active.
Raves/Rants: @dmcg17 I’m on the same page as you about being anxious about the nursery. My husband is doing a renovation project in the room - sanding and skim coating for flat walls, adding recessed lighting, tray ceiling, etc. (I thought we were just going to paint the walls 😆) And the project is taking longer than I expected. Getting antsy of wanting to prepare and organize the room. On the plus side I think we’re going to have the baby sleep in our room the first few months so trying not to get too antsy about it.
Questions: no questions at the moment.
@dmcg17 I’m not self employed but can’t stop working (cost of living is too high in California). Planning on taking the max. amount of leave and paid time off and haven’t figured out what we’re doing after that 😬 my friend is having a baby a couple months after me so we’re looking into sharing a nanny. I work from home so my husband thinks I can do both (just don’t see how that’s going to work with meetings, calls, etc.)
@ahrob135 We're also probably going to have her sleep in our room for the first few months, but I also booked newborn photos with a photographer that comes to your house and would at least like to have somewhere to take them (even if we can just have like 1 wall done with the decorations I want, hahaha). As for the work thing - we've thought similarly since I also work from home and most of my work is computer-based. I just think it was hard enough trying to get everything done with a puppy, it's only going to be worse with a newborn (and the puppy will only be just over a year, so he's still crazy too). We'll figure it out! 😬
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test and prenatal yoga on Thursday. @dmcg17 I personally like the taste of the drink (think concentrated orange Gatorade), but it seems to be something a lot of people don't like.
How are you feeling? Stretched. My pubis symphysis pain is officially a daily thing. I'm going to ask the doctor on Thursday about some sort of support belt so I can remain active, because this week constipation reared it's ugly head (and is likely connected to me being less active).
Raves/Rants: I am feeling tons of baby movement, which is reassuring, but I belong to the minority of women who doesn't like the feeling. It gives me the heebie jeebies! Especially rolling, argh! So I am grateful I have an anterior placenta this time around We also went to a flea market and picked up the rest of the baby clothes we need. AND our name is official: Annika Lucia (Edited because why do my posts always have so many spaces?!)
Upcoming appointments: check up and ultrasound on the 25th
How are you feeling? Generally pretty good. Although my legs have been getting tired. They don't look swollen or anything but they feel like they are, last night they were so sore I put them up against the wall in bed at 3am. So I'm trying to take some time during the day to put them up and I start prenatal yoga on Thursday, I'm hoping that will help.
Raves/Rants: We started painting our nursery yesterday. I was also starting to feel very anxious and overwhelmed. So my husband took the initiative and took the lead. It looks really good I think, it's going to be very fun and whimsical. We just need furniture now! 😅
Questions: Do you guys have EVERYTHING on the regestery? Like soap and shampoo and stuff? My sister's are planning our baby shower and are requesting a regestery. I am terrible at asking for things or giving people ideas for gifts so I'm really struggling with adding appropriate items.
@dmcg17 we also run our own business and are trying to figure that out. We run a tree care business. Thankfully we do a winter shutdown for 6 weeks or so right around when the baby is due. So I'll have my husband around for that time. I do so many odd things for the company that it will be difficult to train someone to do all the tasks I do. My main roll is plant health care and treatments which usually don't take place until the spring here. But even then the baby will only be 3 months old when that starts. I have been stressing a little bit about how it's going to play out as well. I already have clients asking what is going to happen with some of my bigger contracts and I'm not sure what to say!
@nerakh246 I literally added like everything I could to my list, partially to make it easy and give people lots to pick from but also to basically make myself a checklist of things to buy for myself after the shower. I feel like anything that's left on mine, we'll just buy with the 15% Babylist discount. The only stuff not on my list are personalized items since we're not sharing her name until she's born. It's nice that you have that 6 week shutdown! Winter is definitely a quieter time for us because there's not a lot of turnover with rentals, but the business is in the northeast and winter weather leads to more maintenance issues. Luckily, we have a maintenance coordinator who should be able to handle that stuff and we're working on bringing on someone to help with leasing, then I'll just have some little odds and ends similar to you. I feel like if someone asked me what I do in the business, I couldn't give you a day-to-day list, so I feel like I'm definitely going to be stuck doing certain things.
Baby is the size of a(n): baby's foot is the size of a aa battery! So cute
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 💚💚💚
Upcoming appointments: 1. gastro today (my ob thinks my nausea and vomiting is not pregnancy related, but I don't remember the last time I vomited this much since a month ago, when I was still nauseous from pregnancy) 2. Growth scan Thursday (baby was measuring small at the 20 week scan so they'll keep monitoring, but based off of these kicks and rolls, baby is a-ok!) 3. Three hour glucose test Thursday (I failed the one hour screening last week. Off the charts. I keep telling myself I'm healthy and I'm working out and this isn't my fault but I really really don't want to start limiting fruits and poking myself every day. @dmcg17 the drink tasted like orange crush without fizz, really way better than I was expecting!)
How are you feeling? I feel like my body is stuck in the first trimester again. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, fatigue, headaches...I don't feel the soreness or other third trimester symptoms, but I am carrying small. Baby does move a lot, which is very reassuring and funny to watch my stomach move like a whack a mole board! We were going to visit my in laws (three hour flight away) one last time before baby, but after my last flying fiasco a week ago, we bowed out. I feel like this pregnancy was a lot harder than it should be because of the nausea never ending... Makes me think really hard if I can ever do this again.
Raves/Rants: since I came back from my vacation, my managers have been pressuring me to tell the rest of my team about the pregnancy for planning purposes. For the most part, I think I will get "congratulations" and not more, but there is 1-2 coworkers who are very invasive in terms of personal life, and they are relentless with questions. I'm not close to them at all. I'm very hesitant to announce because then they will be handing out their advice and bringing it up all the time.
Team blue and we also have our name picked out! Yay!
Upcoming appointments: have a regular ob appointment in two weeks
How are you feeling: like I've been pregnant 1000 years. @chelleylin, I also have felt like trash in a trash heap and this is for sure my last. I'm DONE. Today my legs are super swollen, so I feel @nerak246 . I'm about to take my afternoon nap and put my feet up on a wedge pillow.
I'm having crazy emotions because tomorrow I'm 26 weeks and that's when my first son came. Just bringing back a flood of memories. Thankfully, my cervix looked nice and long and strong last week, so I think we will get some more time in the womb which is good (even if I hate being pregnant).
No questions!
DX PCOS + mild male factor
TTC since Dec. 2015
Current Treatment: Metformin, Provera, Letrozole, Trigger, IUI Past Treatment: Clomid + Metformin x 3 BFN Letrozole 5 mg + Trigger shot + IUI = BFP! Beta confirmed 8/22 EDD 5/1/17
Baby is the size of a(n): Lettuce and his foot is an inch wide 😁
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink:💙
Upcoming appointments: glucose test tomorrow
How are you feeling? I’m feeling it 😂 my hips, back, pelvis. Heartburn, tossing and turning at night. Despite all of it I’m thankful to be pregnant but READYTOGO 😂
Raves/Rants: lots of positives this week, I’ve been struggling to get my boy to go #2 in the potty and I know that’s tmi but it’s a reality, he finally did it!!! We’re all very tired from the busyness of life, prepping for a move, school/college. It’s a good kinda tired and thankful for the extra energy the lord provides on hard days ❤️
As for the nursery and registry stuff I know with a second baby they call baby showers “sprinkles” but since this little guy is a fall/winter baby and my first one was a summer I went all in on the registry 😂we also threw a bunch of stuff out when we transitioned out of the military minus a few things. the nursery we haven’t even touched but we will get there. He’s gonna be in our room for a bit anyways
How are you feeling? Pretty good! I’ve had some minor headaches every now and then. I’ve also been a bit constipated lately. Definitely feel my stomach stretching.
Raves/Rants: I love feeling the baby movements and watching my bump grow more and more! At night when I go to bed, I have to get up to use the bathroom like every 2 minutes. Ugh! I feel like I haven’t gotten enough clothes for the baby yet. We don’t have much off our registry yet, but our baby shower is at the end of October so I’m hoping we will get more things then. Nursery is coming along great. Just need to add some final touches, blackout curtains, and possibly changing the ceiling light.
@nerakh246 Yes, I put everything on the registry. Like others said, I did it to give people plenty of options and as a checklist for me. There are some good registry lists on Amazon, target, etc. to use as examples.
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test Oct 2nd @dmcg17 it really isn't as bad as some people say, at least I didn't think so.
How are you feeling? Tired here and there but good for most part. Occasional headaches again. Getting restless leg syndrome and insomnia at night, but going to start taking magnesium again at bedtime bc it helped a lot. Also started feeling better after adding more milk and Gatorade as my drinks instead of just water. Getting up to pee less in the middle of the night if I cut off fluids by 8pm, but have started waking up in early hours of the morning with TERRIBLE upper back pain, even while sleeping on my side with a good pregnancy pillow. Our mattress is nice and only 3 yrs old so idk what's causing it.
Raves/Rants: My sister found out she's pregnant with her first a few weeks ago (yay!) But now she's bombarding me with all these facts and opinions about laboring and asking me questions about what I will do with this one, then when I answer, having some kind of resource to prove why it's better to do it a different way. She says she's not judging me, but wants me and herself to be informed. I get that, but I'm having a hard time with biting my tongue and also not feeling anxiety about second-guessing what I did with my first and being ok with making similar choices for my second (like circumcision and epidural for labor) I'm happy and excited for her, but that's being clouded with a bit of annoyance that's she's already thinking she knows more about birthing and having a baby than me when I'm not a first time mom.
Questions: Mommas due Christmas or later, what are you doing about cute Christmas clothes? This baby is due NYE, but I wouldn't be surprised if he came early. I want some kind of cute "1st Christmas" outfit but a) don't know if I need newborn or 3 month size since my first boy was 22 inches and b) don't want to wash it and have it prepped if we're not going to need it and baby takes his time.
@jordieburd I can relate to your issues with your sister. Any chance she's a scientist? I'm a scientist and I personally take great comfort in understanding the statistics and scientific consensus when making a decision. However most people value the experiences of 1 or 2 people they trust over hard, cold facts based on thousands of strangers. This is actually one of the major personality differences and it sounds like you and your sister differ here. Neither is "right" or "wrong", but it may help to just be honest and say you'd like to base your decisions on your existing experience rather than her reading. She can find a like-minded person to discuss the facts with, and discuss the other stuff with you.
@booksandicecream thanks for your input. She actually isn't a scientist, maybe she missed her calling. I might just be jealous, too, of all the time she HAS to research this. It makes my mind spin and you find so many conflicting points of views of things, so I determined my last pregnancy to go based off close people's experiences with a bit of research. Thank you!
Re: Weekly Check-In 9/11
Baby is the size of a(n): Barbie Doll or Head of Lettuce
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 🩷🩷🩷
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test on Monday - hoping it goes well and the drink isn't as gross as everyone says it is...
How are you feeling? Still feeling good! Tons of movement and I finally got a video where you can actually see her moving around in there which is cool. My husband wasn't home when it happened, so I sent it to him and he was super excited.
Raves/Rants: The anxiety is getting real (which I have anxiety anyway, so this is just a fun bonus) now that I'm less than a week from being in the third trimester (how did it go so fast?!). I keep getting notifications from Babylist that people are buying things on our registry and I'm trying not to peek, but I just want to make sure we have all the important stuff and not just cute clothes/toys. Also, still nervous about the whole nursery situation because I'd like to paint and get it all set up for her, but my husband thinks we can keep my work desk and stuff in there and use it as an office/nursery (even though I haven't used it as an office since last December when we got our puppy). I think once we're back from our business conference next weekend I'll start bugging him more about what our actual plan is.
Questions: Anyone else self-employed and not able to stop working once they have their baby? My husband and I own our own property management company and I'm on the Operations side of things, so we're getting a bit anxious about how that's all going to work once we have the baby. Obviously I can't take a traditional maternity leave, so we're just trying to figure out how life is going to look as business owners and parents.
Baby is the size of a(n): cauliflower
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: pink 🩷
Upcoming appointments: glucose test on Friday
How are you feeling? Fatigue is setting back in. Had to take naps on Saturday and Sunday. Other than that feeling good and trying to stay active.
Raves/Rants: @dmcg17 I’m on the same page as you about being anxious about the nursery. My husband is doing a renovation project in the room - sanding and skim coating for flat walls, adding recessed lighting, tray ceiling, etc. (I thought we were just going to paint the walls 😆) And the project is taking longer than I expected. Getting antsy of wanting to prepare and organize the room. On the plus side I think we’re going to have the baby sleep in our room the first few months so trying not to get too antsy about it.
Questions: no questions at the moment.
@dmcg17 I’m not self employed but can’t stop working (cost of living is too high in California). Planning on taking the max. amount of leave and paid time off and haven’t figured out what we’re doing after that 😬 my friend is having a baby a couple months after me so we’re looking into sharing a nanny. I work from home so my husband thinks I can do both (just don’t see how that’s going to work with meetings, calls, etc.)
(Edited because why do my posts always have so many spaces?!)
DS#2 due 25 April 2019
Baby is the size of a(n): kale
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: pink
Upcoming appointments: check up and ultrasound on the 25th
How are you feeling? Generally pretty good. Although my legs have been getting tired. They don't look swollen or anything but they feel like they are, last night they were so sore I put them up against the wall in bed at 3am. So I'm trying to take some time during the day to put them up and I start prenatal yoga on Thursday, I'm hoping that will help.
Raves/Rants: We started painting our nursery yesterday. I was also starting to feel very anxious and overwhelmed. So my husband took the initiative and took the lead. It looks really good I think, it's going to be very fun and whimsical. We just need furniture now! 😅
Questions: Do you guys have EVERYTHING on the regestery? Like soap and shampoo and stuff? My sister's are planning our baby shower and are requesting a regestery. I am terrible at asking for things or giving people ideas for gifts so I'm really struggling with adding appropriate items.
@dmcg17 we also run our own business and are trying to figure that out. We run a tree care business. Thankfully we do a winter shutdown for 6 weeks or so right around when the baby is due. So I'll have my husband around for that time. I do so many odd things for the company that it will be difficult to train someone to do all the tasks I do. My main roll is plant health care and treatments which usually don't take place until the spring here. But even then the baby will only be 3 months old when that starts. I have been stressing a little bit about how it's going to play out as well. I already have clients asking what is going to happen with some of my bigger contracts and I'm not sure what to say!
It's nice that you have that 6 week shutdown! Winter is definitely a quieter time for us because there's not a lot of turnover with rentals, but the business is in the northeast and winter weather leads to more maintenance issues. Luckily, we have a maintenance coordinator who should be able to handle that stuff and we're working on bringing on someone to help with leasing, then I'll just have some little odds and ends similar to you. I feel like if someone asked me what I do in the business, I couldn't give you a day-to-day list, so I feel like I'm definitely going to be stuck doing certain things.
Baby is the size of a(n): baby's foot is the size of a aa battery! So cute
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 💚💚💚
Upcoming appointments:
1. gastro today (my ob thinks my nausea and vomiting is not pregnancy related, but I don't remember the last time I vomited this much since a month ago, when I was still nauseous from pregnancy)
2. Growth scan Thursday (baby was measuring small at the 20 week scan so they'll keep monitoring, but based off of these kicks and rolls, baby is a-ok!)
3. Three hour glucose test Thursday (I failed the one hour screening last week. Off the charts. I keep telling myself I'm healthy and I'm working out and this isn't my fault but I really really don't want to start limiting fruits and poking myself every day. @dmcg17 the drink tasted like orange crush without fizz, really way better than I was expecting!)
How are you feeling? I feel like my body is stuck in the first trimester again. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, fatigue, headaches...I don't feel the soreness or other third trimester symptoms, but I am carrying small. Baby does move a lot, which is very reassuring and funny to watch my stomach move like a whack a mole board!
We were going to visit my in laws (three hour flight away) one last time before baby, but after my last flying fiasco a week ago, we bowed out.
I feel like this pregnancy was a lot harder than it should be because of the nausea never ending... Makes me think really hard if I can ever do this again.
Raves/Rants: since I came back from my vacation, my managers have been pressuring me to tell the rest of my team about the pregnancy for planning purposes. For the most part, I think I will get "congratulations" and not more, but there is 1-2 coworkers who are very invasive in terms of personal life, and they are relentless with questions. I'm not close to them at all. I'm very hesitant to announce because then they will be handing out their advice and bringing it up all the time.
Questions: none for now!
Baby is the size of cauliflower
Team blue and we also have our name picked out! Yay!
Upcoming appointments: have a regular ob appointment in two weeks
How are you feeling: like I've been pregnant 1000 years. @chelleylin, I also have felt like trash in a trash heap and this is for sure my last. I'm DONE. Today my legs are super swollen, so I feel @nerak246 . I'm about to take my afternoon nap and put my feet up on a wedge pillow.
I'm having crazy emotions because tomorrow I'm 26 weeks and that's when my first son came. Just bringing back a flood of memories. Thankfully, my cervix looked nice and long and strong last week, so I think we will get some more time in the womb which is good (even if I hate being pregnant).
No questions!
Past Treatment: Clomid + Metformin x 3 BFN
Letrozole 5 mg + Trigger shot + IUI = BFP!
Beta confirmed 8/22
EDD 5/1/17
EDD/Weeks + days: 27 weeks and 5 days! 12/07
Baby is the size of a(n): Lettuce and his foot is an inch wide 😁
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink:💙
Upcoming appointments: glucose test tomorrow
How are you feeling? I’m feeling it 😂 my hips, back, pelvis. Heartburn, tossing and turning at night. Despite all of it I’m thankful to be pregnant but READYTOGO 😂
Raves/Rants: lots of positives this week, I’ve been struggling to get my boy to go #2 in the potty and I know that’s tmi but it’s a reality, he finally did it!!! We’re all very tired from the busyness of life, prepping for a move, school/college. It’s a good kinda tired and thankful for the extra energy the lord provides on hard days ❤️
As for the nursery and registry stuff I know with a second baby they call baby showers “sprinkles” but since this little guy is a fall/winter baby and my first one was a summer I went all in on the registry 😂we also threw a bunch of stuff out when we transitioned out of the military minus a few things. the nursery we haven’t even touched but we will get there. He’s gonna be in our room for a bit anyways
Baby is the size of a(n): Cauliflower
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 💙
Upcoming appointments: Regular checkup tomorrow
How are you feeling? Pretty good! I’ve had some minor headaches every now and then. I’ve also been a bit constipated lately. Definitely feel my stomach stretching.
Raves/Rants: I love feeling the baby movements and watching my bump grow more and more! At night when I go to bed, I have to get up to use the bathroom like every 2 minutes. Ugh! I feel like I haven’t gotten enough clothes for the baby yet. We don’t have much off our registry yet, but our baby shower is at the end of October so I’m hoping we will get more things then. Nursery is coming along great. Just need to add some final touches, blackout curtains, and possibly changing the ceiling light.
Questions: none right now
Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant 🍆
Team Green/Team Blue/Team Pink: 🩷
Upcoming appointments: Monday coming up… we go every 2 weeks now!
How are you feeling? Ready! I’m so ready & anxious to meet her.
Raves/Rants: I took my maternity photos this weekend. I can’t wait to get back the edits. But here is one my sister took on my phone.
Questions: None
DS#2 due 25 April 2019