Trying to Get Pregnant

IF Testing & Treatment w/o May 8

This is a place for those of us who have already started TTC, but have started infertility testing and/or treatments. You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on infertility. TTC can be a long journey naturally, then add in the difficulties associated with infertility, and it becomes a whole new ballgame. The road to infertility can be lonely, frustrating, and complicated, so let's make this a place where we can vent, ask questions, and support one another. Feel free to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say. Treat this as an ongoing conversation.

Diagnosis (if you've been):

Status (TI/ICI/IUI/IVF/FET/benched):

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?):

How are things going?:

Any questions?:

GTKY: What's the best live show you've seen? 

Re: IF Testing & Treatment w/o May 8

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    Diagnosis (if you've been): ama, RPL, lupus anticoagulant antibodies, blocked left tube

    Status (TI/ICI/IUI/IVF/FET/benched): TWW on a medicated cycle 

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): medicated cycle and the last bit of genetic testing. I should actually have results - I’ll go look! 

    How are things going?:  they are okay. We’ve got a lot going on in our lives and TTC is hanging over it all. The right thing to do would be TTA until things settle a bit but… I’m 38, he’s 45 so we don’t have the luxury of time. 

    Any questions?:

    GTKY: What's the best live show you've seen?  It was actually a free concert- Ryan montbleau band playing on the beach (sound waves on the CT shore) and it was SO epic. 

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    @charmedlifex3 fx for test results! 

    Diagnosis (if you've been): unexplained 

    Status (TI/ICI/IUI/IVF/FET/benched): FET 

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): FET 

    How are things going?: chugging along. Juggling a lot right now (not bad, just busy) and just hoping I don’t drop something! 

    Any questions?:

    GTKY: What's the best live show you've seen? Charlie Daniels band when I was maybe 8? It’s the one that stands out the most, anyway. The live music cafes in Nashville were pretty awesome, too
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    @charmedlifex3 @halfanewt I can relate. It feels like TTC has taken over my life, but there is a whole heaping lot going on in my life right now and the plate is very full! 

    @halfanewt Hoping for the best for your FET this cycle! 

    Diagnosis (if you've been): RPL

    Status (TI/ICI/IUI/IVF/FET/benched): bench 

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): surgery to remove RPOC from a pregnancy that ended in February 2022

    How are things going?: Okay. We meet with the RE again today. They tried to reschedule the appt but I have questions about the procedure and about a million other questions too and I just couldn’t wait another 3 weeks to have answers. The admin was really nice about it. 

    Any questions?: Is there a polite way to tell your IVF doc that you don’t want IVF? I don’t want to offend her or her livelihood and we still want her help, but we’ve decided we don’t want to pursue her recommendation of IVF with PGTA. 

    GTKY: What's the best live show you've seen? Benjamin Booker at this tiny venue in Providence RI. He was absolutely rocking that night and because it was such a small place we were right there with him. Awesome. 
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    @maggiemadeit I don’t think your doctor will be offended if you just say IVF isn’t for you.

    Diagnosis (if you've been): Unexplained

    Status (TI/ICI/IUI/IVF/FET/benched): Still trying naturally, but adding acupuncture

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): H is starting with acupuncture this week 

    How are things going?: I may be getting cold feet about actually pursuing IUI/IVF. Twice before I’ve met with an RE and then decided not to move forward. I just had this gut feeling that it wasn’t the right decision for us and now I’m getting that feeling again. I feel fine about adding in acupuncture, though, so for now that’s what we are doing.

    Any questions?: Nope

    GTKY: What's the best live show you've seen? 
    Everyone else has mentioned concerts, but I assume this is any kind of show? If so, I just saw Les Mis a few months ago and that was so, so good.
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    @maggiemadeit *lurky lurker from lukerdom* I don't think you need to worry about being polite in how you want to move forward with fertility treatment. They're in the mind set with offering what might help get you pregnant the fastest, which a lot of people want. They tried that with me too. But in the end, they're there to help you with your unique journey and should be glad to assist in whichever way you want them to.
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

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    *lurking* @maggiemadeit just echoing @bearmomma1 that my RE also offered IVF for us as the fastest way to get pregnant.  I told him that I wasn’t ready for IVF and asked what my options were for noninvasive treatment, and from that he was more than happy to meet me at TI/medicated cycles.  It’s not offensive to them if IVF is just not for you, I think it’s just part practice model (& I’m SURE somewhere in there part business model too).  Ultimately they should come alongside you in your desires and decisions.
    me . early 30's | h . mid 30's | < 3 . 2013

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016 | 6w2d
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP! . jan 2017
    DD . oct 2017

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    IVF has its own heartbreak @maggiemadeit - I don’t think anyone (including the doctor) will judge you for deciding that’s not a path you want to go down (right now or ever) - unfortunately with infertility it feels like there are no good answers- everything is a trade off. 
    @britters314 I’m excited to move back to civilization and be able to go see things like that again without a four hour each way commute!!! 

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    @britters314 @bearmomma1 @virginiaham @charmedlifex3 Thanks a lot for your thoughts. It's really helpful to have people to talk to about these things! Maybe it's the people pleaser in me, but I almost didn't want to disappoint her if that makes sense? She was so nice and helpful with all this testing and she so earnestly wanted to help us with IVF. Today she told me I have DOR, in addition to RPL, so the numbers are not on our side, which I knew but is always hard to hear. She told us it would likely take multiple (3-5) rounds of IVF to get a euploid embryo, and that IVF was not a guarantee of a baby, and she couldn't reduce our risk of miscairraige. When we told her we didn't want to pursue IVF, she was very nonjudgmental and supportive of our choice. She's a really great doctor. She offered us some medicated/IUI cycles, or to try vaginal progesterone if we wanted, but she thought that for us, the chance of success with these would be similar to trying on our own. In the end it was a really great conversation, and it made me feel more confident in our decision. So now I will get the surgery next week, and they'll do pathology to look for anything unusual and signs of endometritis. After that our plan is for me to go back to acupuncture and TCM herbs, try to take excellent care of my health, and go back to trying on our own. I feel really good about the plan. I know it's not likely, but it's not impossible either, and at least now I feel in control of the situation and feel at peace with our choices. 

    After the surgery I will probably walk myself back over into the dailies and TTCAL threads, but I just wanted to say thank you and that I so appreciate all the IF warriors here. This stuff is heavy, and every test result and ultrasound is so emotional. You all are really doing the most hard work to bring a baby into this world, and I think that's really amazing. I also really appreciate how generous you all have been sharing your experiences navigating this world  <3
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    @bearmomma1 Thanks for lurking friend. I hope all is well in your world. 
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    @maggiemadeit thanks friend! Still swimming along and still feeling good with our decision to not pursue IVF with donor egg. I never thought I’d get to this point, but alas, I guess eventually we all need to make the best decisions for ourselves and we all have to come to terms with the situations we’re dealt with. I hope whatever decisions you make for your future bring you some sort of peace. <3
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

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    @maggiemadeit  Sorry you didn’t get better news from your doctor. I hope your surgery goes well and I’m glad you are feeling good about your plan moving forward 

    AFM, H had his first acupuncture appointment today. He mainly went for sleep issues, but told the acupuncturist about our fertility issues as well. Unfortunately they said that since H’s SA was normal, acupuncture probably won’t do much to boost his fertility. He’ll keep going for the sleep issues though, so maybe it’ll still have an effect, we’ll see. I also have a phone consult set up with the acupuncturist for Monday to see if they think it would help for me to come in and, if so, I’ll probably start on that next week.
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    Quick update - we’re a go for trigger tonight, transfer next Saturday! 

    @britters314 hope acupuncture is helpful for you, if it’s something you want to explore! 

    @maggiemadeit sorry you didn’t get better news from your doc. Glad you’re feeling good about your plan, and good luck with surgery! 
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    @halfanewt Exciting! I hope the transfer goes smoothly and they embryo hangs on tight! I’ll be thinking of you! 
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