August 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-In 5/8

EDD/Weeks + days:

Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n):

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: are you having any cravings? 

Re: Weekly Check-In 5/8

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    estadtestadt member
    EDD/Weeks + days:24 weeks 1 day august 27th 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue 

    Baby is the size of a(n): cantaloupe 

    Upcoming appointments: midwife on the 23rd of may

    How are you feeling?  Tired, heartburn and leg cramps. 

    Raves/Rants: like my rant on the may random feed, just tired of peoples comment on size. Kinda just wish I had a normal size bump. Though my boss just asked today if I planned on anymore kids so maybe they have clued in (I haven’t told them yet)

    Questions:  not at the moment 

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? Pretzels the soft one and dq 
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    msjaaymsjaay member
    EDD/Weeks + days: 28w heading into the 3rd tri  :#

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Team green

    Baby is the size of a(n): Head of lettuce

    Upcoming appointments: Glucose test tomorrow and last attempt at heart views w/ MFM on the 26th. I move to bi-weekly appts after my appt tomorrow.

    How are you feeling? Still pretty well. I definitely only sleep with my body pillow now to help with hip pain, but I'm trying to stay religious with stretching and chiro appointments and it really helps. 

    Raves/Rants: Rave: I had my first shower yesterday. My mom and sister did such a good job and we got some cute things. Some of the older people apparently couldn't handle that I was team green, so they just decided a gender for me. Lots of pink, floral outfits and blankets lol. Rant: I don't know if it's just a developmental stage or if it's just my daughter working on her incisors, but oof, we are in an emotional breakdown stage out of nowhere. It started a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure it is teeth b/c her two bottom ones came in and I can see knots on the top of her two incisors. Her dentist said they're more painful than molars and I believe it.


    GTKY: are you having any cravings? Ranch doritos and cold vegetables. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: Aug 23, 24w6d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): cauliflower

    Upcoming appointments: tomorrow is my first with my OB.

    How are you feeling? still so dang queasy. I tried not taking Diclectin and it did not go well. And now the heartburn is kicking in so it’s like double whammy digestive issues. @estadt the leg cramps are brutal! 

    Raves/Rants: my sweet little toddler has become a hellion lately. I just incredibly opinionated and willing to yell about it. But in other good news the move into his big brother’s room went really well and they’ve finally settled into a routine!  

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? I had been craving Cheezies for almost the entire 4 weeks, but I think I overdid it and now I can’t really look at them 😂
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/5, 27w 2d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): lettuce 

    Upcoming appointments: later this month

    How are you feeling? General aches and pains at this point. Slower to get up and down from sitting. 

    Raves/Rants: So, I passed my glucose screening, but to the extreme? Looks like I’m hypoglycemic and also still anemic despite an iron supplement on top of my PNV (RBC, hemoglobin, ferritin all low). Midwife has suggest an iron infusion.

    Questions: Who on what discussion mentioned some other minerals that might cause low iron? 

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? I have been craving sweets a lot more this entire pregnancy than when I had DS1. Maybe because of the low blood sugar? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
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    pickle-chipspickle-chips member
    edited May 2023
    @tumbleweed-1 I think it was @justyouraveragemama! (Re:iron)

    ETA: yes! In the April randoms. I remembered because the comment also included love is blind 😅.
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/26 - 24w+3d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Girl

    Baby is the size of a(n): corn husk?

    Upcoming appointments: 28 week w/ glucose test on 6/6

    How are you feeling? Huge, sweaty, and tired.

    Raves/Rants: Rant - work has been super stressful lately due to some changes in our clinic, so that has me a little more tired than usual. Rave - my daughter turns 2 next week and I took the day off to hang with her, so I'm looking forward to that!

    Questions: None

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? I'm craving cold fruity stuff like jamba juice which I've successfully avoided so far :)
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    lmn823lmn823 member
    EDD/Weeks + days: 28 weeks

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant 🍆🤣😅

    Upcoming appointments: not for another month

    How are you feeling? Like everyone heartburn is so bad everyday and these night leg cramps are terrible. I went for a walk and it’s all hills and I came back home in so much pain in my calves it’s still three days later and I feel it. I’ve been staying hydrated with electrolyte packets but still feel like it’s not enough 

    Raves/Rants: my SO and I decided we wanted to do the maternity photos. It’s crazy how much they are in ny (I’m talking about $700-1100 for a 90 min sesh). We asked my cousins husband who used to do wedding photography to take photos so we was happy to do it. We tried to give him $$ but he said it’s his gift to us. Here’s just a sample of what he took:

    Also, loving all these early baby shower gifts but haven’t gone through them so my little 800 sq ft apt is looking mighty cluttered lol 

    Questions: FTM question when do parents start looking for a pediatrician? Is this something our ob will suggest? Or something I have to look for on my own? 

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? I just have been eating like crap but no cravings at all 
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    @tumbleweed-1 it was me I believe! Copper and magnesium are needed for the body to use iron. There is a really interesting podcast on it on the freely rooted podcast!
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/16, 26 weeks tomorrow! 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): kale? Idk all kale I’ve seen is pretty small so that doesn’t sound accurate

    Upcoming appointments: glucose test on the 26th

    How are you feeling? I feel like I’m just on airplane mode. so much has been happening in life lately and my brain just feels dead😅 not a thought in my brain which is also why I’ve just kinda been lurking so much lately lol

    Raves/Rants: it’s finally been nice out, summer is near! It’s making me so ready for baby to come!


    GTKY: are you having any cravings?  Lately? Chocolate milk! I have to have at least one glass a day
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    ki1244ki1244 member
    EDD/Weeks + days: 26+5

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink 🩷

    Baby is the size of a(n): scallion/cauliflower, which seems wildly different to me 

    Upcoming appointments: 28 week appointment + glucose test next week

    How are you feeling? Gigantic. So stretched out already. And grumpy.

    Raves/Rants: Rant (sort of?) - I thought we had a 28-week growth scan and it turns out we don't. I'd been wanting that to actually be able to map a curve on baby's growth. But nope! Guess not. Rave - we got in with a new pediatrician for my daughter! (And this new baby.) Technically she wasn't accepting new patients, but she used to babysit me as a kid, and my dad had her as a student in med school and said she was great. So I name dropped a little, the scheduler sent her a message, and sure enough, she was happy to add us to her roster (which is great, because otherwise the only ped in that office system in our entire county taking new patients is like 29 and dropped a "I don't have my own kids but my patients are all my kids!" on her profile, which...I mean, I get she means well, but until you get woken up at 3am because your daughter wants to tell you that she likes the episode or DuckTales she watched with Daddy four days ago and that's all she needed to say, that isn't your kid). So we see her next month for my daughter's 4-year-old (😭😭😭😭) well check.

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? Pepsi Zero. I would live on it if I could.
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    @lmnn823 love love your photos! We didn't do maternity photos w last pregnancy or this one but I love seeing others. 

    @justyouraveragemama I feel you on the airplane mode/lurking
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    @estadt I understand how you feel about people commenting on you bump all the time. I’m 5’10” and people at work are constantly saying I look so tiny, am I sure I’m pregnant, wow you’re that far along, etc. It gets annoying, especially because I FEEL huge. Like I’ve swallowed a beach ball. 

    EDD/Weeks + days: 27+2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): lettuce

    Upcoming appointments: OB on Monday. 

    How are you feeling? Not bad! Actually I’d go so far as to say good. I think I might be starting to get sick though, woke up with the slightest sore throat. Could also be from all the painting and sanding. The heartburn whenever I eat or drink anything is getting old but Tums work wonders. 

    Raves/Rants: rave- I finally painted the nursery! Yay! And I found the cutest mobile from petite pehr on marketplace for $40 (they retail for $120). It has baby chicks which I guess has unofficially become our nursery theme? I thought it was a little on the nose with a farmhouse but my husband loves it. The first thing he bought for the baby before we were even pregnant was a onesie with chicks on it. 

    Questions: none 

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? Overnight oats- specifically with plain Greek yogurt, strawberry preserves and fresh blueberries- and iceberg lettuce. I was on a kick of craving slightly stale no name brand marshmallows, that was a weird one. Was it the gelatin? Why didn’t they need to be slightly stale? Who knows. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: August 12th / 26Weeks + 5days

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Team Pink

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lettuce

    Upcoming appointments: glucose test on the 22nd

    How are you feeling? Overall, pretty good. Got some pain/sore spots but they haven't been too bad. A bit overwhelmed with all the decisions and things I'll need to take care of soon

    Raves/Rants: Don't really have a rave or rant

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: are you having any cravings? Nope. I haven't had any cravings yet. Or at least not things that I would consider cravings. *shrugs*
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 25 weeks, 2 days. EDD 8/23

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): big enough 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

    Upcoming appointments: June 2nd, need to get my glucose test before that though

    How are you feeling? Tired this week. Headaches on and off I think because of stress and sleeping weird. My neck and shoulders have been sore the past few days. I feel huge but keep thinking I still have a ways to go! I can’t be huge yet…right?! Lol

    Raves/Rants: I would say this week has gone better than the last few. I’ve been liking the warmer weather and I was able to get outside to garden earlier in the week!

    Questions: none

    GTKY: are you having any cravings?  Nope. Other than we’ve been gone a lot and eating junk and I just want salads, fresh veggies and fruit. I don’t really crave it though. 
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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