Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What are your sleeping practices with your newborn?

I'm curious about other parents' sleeping practices. In speaking with other parents, it seems most people bedshare either some or all of the night with their newborn, but do it on the hush, hush since it's so stigmatized.

What are your sleeping practices with your newborn? 50 votes

Baby sleeps in their own room (whole night)
2% 1 vote
Baby roomshares (whole night)
68% 34 votes
Baby bedshares (part of the night)
10% 5 votes
Baby bedshares (whole night)
20% 10 votes
Other sleeping arrangement (describe below)
0% 0 votes

Re: What are your sleeping practices with your newborn?

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    My son slept in a bassinet in our room until he was 5 months old. We transitioned him to his crib during naps first, then for nights. When he got the flu at 6 months old we moved him back to our room for a few days. 

    I have taken naps with my son in our bed, mostly when he was sick but occasionally when he was younger and I was just exhausted. I believe those times were risky, but not dangerous.
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    I don't 'bedshare' technically, but I do. I have a corner couch with armrests on both sides that I prop myself up in and his boppy pillow underneath him. Neither one of us wriggle too much. I tried getting him to sleep in his bassinet but I was having full blown panic attacks because I'm scared to death of something happening and me not waking up. I know it's not ideal but it's what is working for me and my sanity, so until I feel comfortable this is my nighttime routine
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    We use a bassinet in our bedroom for her. I nurse her and soothe her throughout the night and will let her sleep on me but if I am sleeping, then she is in the bassinet. Can never be too careful ♥️
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