2nd Trimester

Anatomy Scan at 21.5 weeks - findings help

Went in for my anatomy scan at 21.5 weeks pregnant and got the following results:

Suboptimal visualization of the four-chamber heart, RVOT and extremities. Additionally the left renal pelvis measures 4 mm. These structures will be reevaluated on subsequent recall.

Remainder of anatomic survey is unremarkable.

The placenta measures 1.3 cm from the internal os. No uterine fibroid.

Action required. +

They asked for a follow up scan. However its not for over a week which is the soonest they had. Im getting worried anyone know how bad this is? Thanks in advance!

Re: Anatomy Scan at 21.5 weeks - findings help

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    Not sure, but message or call your doc immediately and ask for clarification! It’s unreasonable and bad practice that they didn’t tell you what those results meant or why they’re requiring a follow up. Good luck!!
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    Also, to me “suboptimal visualization” of XYZ means they just didn’t get a clear or optimal enough look at those things so it’d make sense they want to check again. Not sure if that’s right. Not sure at all about the pelvis. Placenta distance is good from what I know. Either way it’s odd they didn’t discuss findings AT your appt. Def call or message!!
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    Suboptimal visualization means they couldn't see well enough to do what they needed. Baby was just facing the wrong way in the moment they were looking, so they're going to try again. That's quite normal, I wouldn't worry based on this, just go back for the second look. Eating something sweet or having a cold drink before the scan sometimes makes the baby more active, so you can ask if they recommend that (I think most of the time it's not necessary)
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