2nd Trimester

Failed glucose screen

So this is my 4th pregnancy, but one of those was a MC. I have two healthy kids. I’ve never failed a previous glucose screen and I’m confused and emotional about this. I eat primarily paleo/primal. I’m being told I have to do the 2hr test. Anyone have this experience? I’m not finding helpful info online either. Some have said eating before the 1hr screen can cause false +. Is this true? Any tips/encouragement is welcome. Thanks. 

Re: Failed glucose screen

  • The limits for the screen are lower than for an official diagnosis. Many people will fail the 1 hr and pass a subsequent one. You could also have developed GD. The GD diet is fairly similar to a paleo diet but you would have to add carbs (which you should be eating during pregnancy anyway)
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Yeah with my first I didn’t listen and had a small snack before I went, failed the 1 hour and my 2 hour came back normal.


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