May 2022 Moms


My hemoglobin came back in 10.1 and my midwife told me I had anemia. Is anyone else with the same problem? What are you taking? They sent me prenatal vitamins and iron supplement (slow fe). 

Re: Anemia

  • Hey there and welcome to the May 2022 board! Please start by introducing yourself on the “introduction” thread and read the “read this first” post. You may also want to change your user name because it’s nearly impossible to tag you in a reply. We try to limit one-off posts like this, and instead post broader subjects where you can find answers to all of your questions. This question would be great for the “great big question” thread or the February symptom thread.

    that being said, I’m also anemic and even the slow absorption iron makes me barf, so I’m supplementing with dehydrated beef liver supplements, cooking in cast iron, and upping my meat-based iron intake
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