February 2022 Moms


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    @modoodles That is hilarious, and the same reaction DH would have to finding random popcorn/food afterwards. 

    @lexilougolden +1 to Covid ruining my gift giving ideas for DH. Does your H like being surprised on Christmas/holidays? DH doesn’t care about the surprise part, and has enjoyed the new tradition of picking his own gift. He usually picks out a new tool that he’s been eyeing, or this year he picked out a new gun for hunting. I liked surprising him, but this way has been successful. If your H enjoys surprises, disregard all of that lol. 
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    @lexilougolden my and I don't do gifts for one another very well. Usually we just do a date night/cake for birthdays. This year I got him a gift card to a golf course he loves but isn't a member at and he seemed to really like that, so maybe a gift certificate to a ski resort that includes his skiing and a lift pass? Or if you're close enough, a season pass? 

    This brings me to another confession- I have really not liked some of the gifts my husband picks for me, and I like to be surprised but he always asks such direct questions about things that he gives it away long before Christmas- so now we buy something g large together for our home for Christmas. Last year we got new living room furniture, and I'm not sure what we will do this year, but I'm looking forward to that way more than whatever he'd pick out LOL. 
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    I have really really been missing my pre-kid life lately. Of course I love Samson to death but life with a toddler can get soooooo monotonous and boring. I’m sick of structuring all my free time around what he wants to do and I’m starting to panic about a long winter ahead immediately followed by a newborn and just feel super cooped up. All I want is to sleep in and have a long boozy brunch downtown and I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to do that again 😭
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    @makingbacon I'll have to ask him about that! I like that!

    @modoodles He has a ski season pass already but a golf pass might be a good idea! Sometimes he likes golf sometimes he comes back saying "I suck." lol.

    @kaf1788 I just realized I may up to 6 child-less weekends of my life left (we get my SS every other week). So I'm definitely trying to get together with friends and relax. Maybe YH and you can take turns once a month for going out for brunch with friends while the other watches Samson? But I hear ya, Covid and cooped up feeling is tough.

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    @kaf1788 how old is Samson? I feel the same way sometimes, especially because I stay home. I manage the home and life and most of my “free” time is just down time and filled with tik toks or something silly. I know as my son got older I took more time for myself to do things I enjoy but now being pregnant and going into the newborn stage again, I’m feeling it. Well get through this, just don’t forget to take care of your self too! 💕 
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    @photographerwife he turns 3 in December. In the span of 3 year olds he’s actually extremely chill and well behaved, but obviously still a normal high maintenance toddler. I would love to just have one week of no responsibilities (1 day isn’t enough 😅). Hopefully some day we can figure out an adults only vacation or something.
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    @kaf1788 can you send him to your parents or in laws or a family member for a few nights?
    I guess my FFFC would be almost every month the past two years my daughter has gone to my parents for almost a week. Soooo the past two years my mom has been raising her like 20% of the time and it’s been wonderful. I know I won’t be able to do that when we have 2 because it will be too much on her :(
    also, just getting out for the night is nice. My husband has man weekends where he goes out of town with his friends or stays at his past military buddies houses for a weekend and there are nights where I go to girls nights or go out with the girls or even girls weekends and he keeps the child alive. It’s necessary. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @livingoffpbjs he’s stayed at my parents’ for a night and did well. I should really start building him up for longer time periods since he’ll be staying with them when I’m in labor. I’m an introvert at heart so my ideal situation would really just be having a quiet house to myself for a few days. I love going out with friends but it doesn’t really rejuvenate me! Maybe I’ll see if my mom wants to do a test run for a few days when his daycare is closed for Christmas break 🤞🤞
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    ThePax89ThePax89 member
    edited November 2021
    I’m a SAHM, and I’m bored AF. 

    Pre-COVID (with my bigger kids) we did lots of classes, saw friends, etc. Now I stare at her unsure what to do with a 2 yo. 
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    @ThePax89 I hear you! We used to be so active before covid, but now all of the museums and parks and stuff are run down by kids and parents that I can’t trust to be careful. Especially being pregnant and having an unvaxxed kiddo. We’ve adapted some, but I still miss being able to go out. 
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    @ThePax89 I cannot imagine being a SAHM right now. I get bored trying to find safe things to do just on the weekends. I really hope vaccines for the littles come soon.
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    @ThePax89 I'm sorry! I'm afraid of this as well. As a nanny for six years, I would go somewhere everyday. Whether that was the park, zoo, library, children's museum, friend's house, etc. I've been thinking about what it will look like raising my son and I'm sad that it may not look like what I imagined it to be.
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    @kaf1788 Here's hoping! My 7 yo got her first shot. 

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