September 2021 Moms

Weekly Check-In 4/26 (9/16-9/30 due dates)

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling?:
GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be?

Re: Weekly Check-In 4/26 (9/16-9/30 due dates)

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 19w4d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a hedgehog

    Upcoming appointments: Friday anatomy scan! And tomorrow I'm meeting with another doula option

    How are you feeling?: I can't tell if I'm having RLP or Braxton Hicks... I thought it was RLP, but now I'm not sure because it feels like a charlie horse sometimes. I'm also just always rubbing my poor belly because I feel like I can't not engage my abs, and then they just get so tired. 

    Rants/Raves: Checked off another weekend of work! Now only 3 weeks until summer! I'm tired, but it feels so close now!

    Questions: naw

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? Overthinking everything.
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: EDD 9/20, 19 weeks today!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A mango! 

    Upcoming appointments: May 1st covid dose 2, may 3rd anatomy scan, may 6th OB. Busy week! 

    How are you feeling?: pregnancy-wise I feel fine... but today was exhausting beyond comprehension. I wish I felt this baby the way I felt DD. I plan to bring it up at my scan next week but I know they’ll blame it on the anterior placenta. Sometimes I feel her soooo muted and then other times I’ll go days with nothing. Luckily I felt her today because I certainly didn’t need that looming on my mind too 😂😂😂

    Rants/Raves: Hospitals are the worst. DD had her surgery which went well but it’s exhausting constantly having to advocate for he left and right with so much pushback. We tried to get DH access when she woke up from anesthesia since she had a very traumatic experience last time and he needed to be there emergently anyways. I called 5 different people and we had a plan in place and what do you know! Plan didn’t happen. I was a BITCH, excuse my french... but I was in there pregnant and unable to tame a belligerent toddler and trying to bottle up my own emotions about seeing her in that state...... it was horrifying. I’m sorry but what a horrible arbitrary rule that DH can’t come to post op but can come to her room down the hall an hour later....... what the hell does any of that have to REALLY do with covid? Everything I tried to avoid happened anyway. Last week was such a waste of my energy and breath and I totally plan on complaining but I put it on the back burner for now to focus on DD and her health. That’s what’s important right now and thank goodness she’s doing okay. 

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? Ruminating. See? I just did it above 😂

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    @runningonindie ugh, after all the time you spent to get things sorted out in advance, I’m sorry it didn’t work out when push came to shove! I’d definitely complain too. That’s way too much for you to handle on your own, never mind your poor daughter was probably so frightened! 
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    @runningonindie Wow, I'm so sorry you guys had such a rough day! Glad Indie's surgery went well, but that stress was totally unnecessary since you saw it coming and did your absolute best to warn them and try to mitigate it! Are you home now?
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    @Aerialmrs no we were admitted overnight (which is standard for this type of reconstructive surgery) and we will likely be discharged this afternoon 
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    @runningonindie Hopefully you get discharged soon, then. I'm sure you're anxious to get home after all of that. Hugs

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 09/25
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Poptart!
    Upcoming appointments: We have our private gender scan tomorrow (EEK!!!) Then I have my official anatomy scan at the hospital on the 17th with a follow up appointment with my OB on the 18th. That's annoying on its own because I've got to drive downtown two days in a row and pay like $50 in parking. UGH
    How are you feeling?: So much better than before! The queasiness is gone for the most part, just dealing with some random hip discomforts. 
    Rants/Raves: I'm just counting down the days until the 15th when BIL leaves bahaha. I'm so ready to get my kiddo back in her own room. 
    Questions: nah
    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? MH would say sleeping but it hasn't been that great lately. Maybe procrastinating! 
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    paulpawpaulpaw member
    edited April 2021
    @runningonindie that’s terrible that they didn’t communicate the agreed plan. I’m glad you will get home soon and indie is recovering. Take some time for yourself too.

    @babybelugaco same due date and same anatomy scan day, luckily without the $50 in parking though! Yay for gender scan tomorrow!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18w3d 9/25

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: 🥔 

    Upcoming appointments: OB on Friday, 2nd covid vaccine 5/6, AS 5/17

    How are you feeling?: These bouts of nausea are killing me but also oddly comforting. 

    Rants/Raves: J decided he no longer wants to wear his overnight pull-up (he’s 4). Night 1 woke up dry, night 2 bed/pj change @ 3:30, last night slept til 5 and heard little footsteps and the clink of the toilet seat. YAY! We just have to work on going back to his bed instead of mine.

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? I’m not sure I do anything gold medal worthy ha

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18W

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: artichoke 

    Upcoming appointments: next Friday for the anatomy scan 

    How are you feeling?: good! 

    Rants/Raves: Our house is still a mess from and disorganized from the's been hard getting everything back together and cleaned up - I just need TIME! But since everything is a mess I can't really put DS2 down to roam like he normally does and it's just been hard to get anything done. This weekend DH is going on a fishing trip with my dad and brothers, so I'm hoping my mom will keep the kids for day so I can hopefully get some stuff accomplished. BUT in good news - we took the opportunity to super deep clean the house since all the furniture was already moved out. I cleaned all the grout in our kitchen, cleaned the baseboards, rug doctored our carpets, and just cleaned every nook and cranny! 

    Questions: natm 

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be?
    this is a tough question..idk...sleeping? laying in bed the longest? most hours binged on Netflix? do any of these count as sports?
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18+2, 9/26

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Apparently weighs as much as a hamster today. That is very variable lmao.

    Upcoming appointments: Monday I have my anatomy scan and then 2 weeks I have my 20 week OB appointment.

    How are you feeling?: I thought I was having more energy but I am just exhausted lately.

    Rants/Raves: I really need to get moving and start packing or at least organizing what we've already packed up before DH starts moving everything into his parent's basement in preparation for our move. I can just imagine the unorganized mess it will become. But I'm so TIRED!

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? I'll probably try for the overthinking Olympic medal with @aerialmrs haha.

    @runningonindie I'm sorry that all your prep didn't help in the actual situation. I would definitely give them feedback so they know and hopefully something can change for the next family.

    @paulpaw YAY for night training success!!

    @chewie5990 Hoping she'll watch them for you! Must feel good to be all nice and clean! I love the feeling after a good deep clean but dislike the effort that goes into it haha
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/20, 19+1

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a mango 🥭 

    Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan and 20 week ob appointment next Tuesday!

    How are you feeling?: just tired. I’m still falling asleep around 8:30-9 every night. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night the struggling to go back to sleep too.

    Rants/Raves: I’m so looking forward to summer! I’m making so many plans, I’m ready for sunshine and activities!

    Questions: none

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? Sarcasm... or maybe pun usage. I love a good pun, and mine are always intended!

    @aerialmrs yay AS! And 3 weeks until your summer- wahoo! I have 5 weeks to go. Almost there!

    @runningonindie I’m glad DDs surgery we t well, but what a nightmare you had to go through! I think most of these covid rules have little to nothing to do with covid anymore. Sorry you had so much trouble.

    @babybelugaco enjoy your gender scan today! 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @runningonindie It's so frustrating when you spend so much time constructing a plan only for no one to follow. Hopefully y'all will be home soon!
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 18+2

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an artichoke

    Upcoming appointments: 5/14 ultrasound

    How are you feeling?: Ragey? Is that a word? But the tradeoff is that I've had energy, finally. 

    Rants/Raves: my teenager is trying to kill me this week. He had two huge projects/presentations due today which he informed me about on Monday. We basically have been working on it round the clock for the last two days, making poster boards, etc. Im having flashbacks to high school and don't like it one bit! I think/hope he learned a pretty big lesson this week about procrastination. (I can't preach too much on that subject though - I was the queen of all nighters in college 😬)

    Also, we got our house cleaned on Monday. So nice to hire that out for once! I doubt we'll do it again because the house stayed clean for a total of 5 minutes. Still, it was a good 5 minutes!   

    GTKY: If you were to create an Olympic sport to guarantee that you would get the gold medal, what would it be? I think I'd definitely get the gold for wasting time on the internet. And the silver in overanalyzing things people say!
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    @runningonindie sorry things did not exactly go to plan. Hopefully you're home now and can rest up after the whole ordeal!

    @whatabout2ndbreakfast I'm sure the packing/moving is daunting. We're shuffling bedrooms around here, which means cleaning closets etc, and it's overwhelming. Who knew we had SO much crap?! I keep thinking it'd be much easier just to burn the house down and start fresh lol.

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    @kissyfir1586 right!? Like where did all this shit come from? We’ve been in our current home 6ish years. I think I’m going to do a big purge while packing and just get rid of stuff. It’s hard though because I get attached to things haha like what if I need this in the future!?
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    @whatabout2ndbreakfast I do a huge purge twice every time we move - I purge while packing and then do a second purge while unpacking. When we moved to our current house I filled up 4 large boxes while purging during the unpacking stage - it was amazing! I feel like purging while unpacked is more lucrative because whenever I move to a new house not everything fits like it did before and I always want to be as clutter free as possible. I am not sentimental at all I don't have the attachment issue to work against me. 
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