Good morning! I just threw something up in the intro thread, but I'll repeat some of it here I'm due 1/31 so I've been in the January mom's board, but they are mostly 3 weeks ahead of me and therefore in an entirely different world. I would love to get to meet you all since we might be in the homestretch at a more similar time!
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 26+1
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Acorn squash
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test
How are you feeling?: Today, not so great. The baby was not super active last night like she normally is, and I missed waking up to her little mosh pit raves. I know I shouldn't panic so fast, but I started the day already nervous.
Rants/Raves: I don't know if it's just getting older or the pregnancy, but my skin has taken an absolute nosedive. I have all these tiny red spots anywhere I've ever been sunburnt (so basically everywhere). It's so dumb. I wish I could shake the 7yo me who thought waiting for sunscreen before getting in a pool was a crime against humanity.
Questions: Do you guys know what you're going to do about 529s or any of that financial stuff? I've heard some conflicting info, and it seems like 529s aren't that useful.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 all of it. It is so hard not to go to town on it right now.
Appointment PSA! If you haven't already, start scheduling multiple appointments in advance. My doctor is usually booked so when I called to reschedule my next one (11/19) we just booked out through December.
Feeling: I wasn't feeling much movement over the weekend but I think I was just busy. Fortunately my stomach pains have resolved with pepcid! Need to rehydrate after spending all weekend outside
R/R: DD1 rode her bike without training wheels!!!! She was so excited and did much better than I was expecting. I finished all the cookies and now I want more cookies 😭
GTKY: I loooooove reese's and kit Kats, but anything with soy gives me the tummy troubles so that cuts out the majority of Halloween candy 😭😭😭 my aunt sent me some yummy caramels though!!
@hanfam2021 hello!!!!! We haven't done any 529s but I did think about it. The biggest drawback I see is if your child doesn't go the college route I think your money is stuck, and those funds are considered when determining financial aide amounts.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: prairie dog
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow with the endocrinologist. Wednesday with the OB
How are you feeling?: Alright. Tired as always. So much heartburn that my esophagus could rival an active volcano.
Rants/Raves: Rants: we stayed up late to watch the football game, they lost and now I’m tired. My inlaws are being dumb regarding Covid safety and that impacts us. Rave: I got some new long sleeve maternity shirts. And was able to pick up a bicycle for my DS on my towns freecycle page
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? All of it lol. Except coconut. I have a sweet tooth and this pregnancy has only made it worse.
@hanfam2021 We started a high interest savings acct for DS (although the interest rate has gone down lot). We didn’t do a 529 bc it has to be used for education. So if your kiddo doesn’t go to school or gets a full ride or something it’s kinda stuck. We basically started the account bc we didn’t know what else to do and figured we would move it eventually and that was 2.5 years ago and we haven’t done anything with it except add money.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Baby's foot could fit on a tea candle. That's kind of a weird one...
Upcoming appointments: I just had a quick checkup Friday, all was well!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. It's getting harder and harder to sleep, but lots of kicks these days which is fun.
Rants/Raves: Rant - the Seahawks, ugh, enough said. Rave - It snowed all day yesterday which I know I will get tired of quickly as the winter goes on, but it 1) really helped with wild fires up in the mountains, and 2) made for a cozy day at home watching football and making yummy food.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A head of cauliflower
Upcoming appointments: none- just had my 24 wk check in last wk
How are you feeling?: fine. Feeling more movement at night, but nothing that is keeping me (excessively) awake yet.
Rants/Raves: Rave- Got our photoshoot pictures back so now I can start perusing Shutterfly, Tiny Prints, and Snapfish for all the Christmas card designs!
Questions: All of you doing/who have done GD tests- I have to do mine before my 28 wk appointment and my OB said I don’t have to fast before, just don’t eat a super sugary breakfast. BUT everything I’m being sent from the Bump is saying to fast before and I don’t remember what I did 3.5 yrs ago for DS. So long question short- did you fast or no fasting before your 1 hr GD test?
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 usually all the chocolate, but with this pregnancy it’s everything non-chocolate. So I’ll say Sour Patch Kids and Tootsie Pops (at the moment).
@szwill86 I have not had to fast in the past and was told I did not need to this time either. My instructions do say not to eat or drink between drinking the drink and getting blood drawn
Sometime when I get back home... I have to text my MFM/OB but MH had a delay come up at work and I wanted to wait in case something changes in the next 48 hours 😣
How are you feeling?:
Whale status is going strong. 😂 Overall I’m okay but the insomnia and BH have kicked it up a notch the past two weeks as I move towards the third trimester.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃
I’m not big on candy but my favorite is 3 Musketeers and I will also eat Reese’s and York Peppermint Patties. My friends laugh at me and say I’m old 😂
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Cauliflower
Upcoming appointments: 11/6 for bloodwork and vaccines
How are you feeling?: Ugh having a tough day, nauseous and sore.
Rants/Raves: I had my favorite burrito and salsa this weekend and it made me happier than I thought previously possible.
Questions: None this week
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 Reese's pumpkins and sour patch kids
Me: 31 Husby: 36 Married May 2014 TTC # 2 Since December 2021 Baby girl W born 2/2021 Our journey so far... (tw loss & infertility)
Diagnosis: Poor Egg Quality Working with an RE since March 2016 2 failed TI cycles 3 failed IUI cycles
IVF Feb - April 2017 23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17 BFP 4.21.17 MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17
Our adoption journey: 12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted! 5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house! 1.1.20 Homestudy process started 3.14.20 First social worker visit 5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency
6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test! Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Grapefruit
Upcoming appointments: 11/17 for glucose screening
How are you feeling?: My allergies are in full force today, but other than that I'm good.
Rants/Raves: I finally, after weeks of slowly chipping away at it, have the main floor house very close to completely clean. I just have to bust out the spin mop (any other GoCleanCo fans here?) and clean the stovetop. I LOVE having a clean house, and first trimester combined with a toddler really did a number on the state of things around here.
Questions: None this week
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Definitely candy corn, followed by Snickers.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Atlantic Puffin
Upcoming appointments: just had midwife appt last week so next one is 11/19
How are you feeling?: pretty good, still having trouble sleeping most nights, we are in a furnished rental and have a smaller bed than we are used to (I think its a full or queen) and my fiance is 6'4" and has to sleep diagonal so I don't think a full body pillow would even fit so I am trying to make do but I feel like I may need one soon to be more comfortable
Rants/Raves: Just loving how much I can feel him moving around in there now 🥰 even at 4am when he likes to be up partying
Questions: none
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃
Snickers or twix!
@hanfam2021 welcome! Agree with what most everyone said regarding the 529. If your child goes an alternate route other than college, the money isn't accessible so I was leaning towards starting an investment account. My grandma started a post-tax investment mutual fund account for me when I was a baby and deposited $100-500 for birthdays and Christmas and by the time I graduated high school and could access it, it had grown and was a huge help with me starting school and becoming independent.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: "During week 25 of pregnancy, your baby’s nose and nostrils begin to function. During this week, your baby will start to breathe in amniotic fluid."
Upcoming appointments: General OB f/u 11/3
How are you feeling?: Physically fine. Kiddo has started increasing movement a lot, especially in the morning.
Rave to our family for (mostly) going a long with us sitting out of big holiday get togethers this year.
Rant to those who think that that apparently means we need to squish them all into one event before Thanksgiving. No, I don't want to have HappyBirthThanks-Mas the week before because we told you I start my 3rd Trimester that week.
Not really a rant, but DH and I apparently had very different ideas as to what "No Holidays" means, and I'm pretty bummed about it at the moment. There will definitely need to be follow-up and hopefully we can come up with a compromise.
Questions: None today!
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Tootsie Fruit Chews
@mdfarmchick@jumpy57 - He wasn't wrong, per se. We just had a misunderstanding and took different meaning away from the same conversation.
We typically have up to 3 Thanksgivings and 4 Christmases each year. One of those Christmases we hold at our house on Christmas Eve with his 2 kids (Who will be 22 & 17). His parents usually come. His grandma sometimes comes. His ex & her daughter (their 1/2 sister) sometimes come. My family is a lot bigger, so sometimes we'll sporadically have parts of my fam but until this past year when we moved we didn't really have the space to host a bunch of people. 2 of the other Christmases are with my family (my parents are divorced) and the other is at his Grandma's with extended family.
We had discussed that since I was HR, PGAL, and entering my 3rd trimester right before Thanksgiving that we may skip family gatherings for both holidays. We were either going to do all of them or none of them, so no one can be upset at us picking "favorites" or what have you. We'd already discussed getting holiday shopping done & delivered/shipped to people early, stocking up on some staples for the pantry and switching to curbside pick-up for necessities as a combo of me being pregnant, COVID, and our new house being out-of-town (on a hill) combined with the unpredictableness of Midwestern winters.
I assumed that we would still have our Christmas Eve with his kids bare minimum. We'd do some basic décor, but maybe not the whole house. We'd have a smaller meal with the 4 of us, and depending on how things were going consider inviting people inside of the kids immediate household circles and thus keeping our exposure circle still pretty small. (SS lives with his mom and younger sister, SD floats between her apt. and her bf's)
DH assumed we'd do minimal décor, if any, and that we wouldn't host anything. Not even for his kids. We might pop over to his ex's house in the a.m. to take presents to the 9 year-old (his kids' younger sister). He feels awkward about having our normal gathering but specifically excluding his parents, who have come to Christmas Eve with us every year we've held it (this would be the 15th year). He's also expressed about being worried about SD's laissez-faire attitude about COVID and me (HR/PGAL) being exposed via her that close to my due date.
I totally get why he'd feel awkward given the circumstances and I think him being protective of our pregnancy is sweet. Part of me is mourning of my idea of what I had resigned myself that our Christmas was going to look like this year. But that doesn't mean I can't cook smaller batches of holiday foods, bake a few things, and have a quiet evening with the two of us. It just might mean he'll just have to indulge me with some holiday music and binging a few terrible Christmas Romance movies on Netflix for the evening. But we'll discuss it further and hopefully come up with something agreeable for both of us.
@WildMagelet That is definitely a tough situation to navigate. So many holiday plans are going to be upended this year. For good reason, of course, but still really hard.
Hopefully he'll be down for decorating a bit, still, and then maybe delivering some cookies or treats to people and doing front porch greetings. We're planning to have nobody over and go nowhere, but we'll have a "family dinner" via Facetime with everyone.
@WildMagelet that is a huge bummer. We haven’t really had family Christmases the whole time we’ve been married due to be geographically located too far away and I still go all out. Even when pregnant. He just has to help more and get it put away. I hope you find a compromise where you both get what you want. ♥️
We were supposed to travel for Thanksgiving this year but will be skipping. Between a 4-5 hour drive, cramming into my parent's condo, and exposure to multiple families we decided to skip. I had the cold from hell last pregnancy (weeks of cough/congestion, had to take two days off work to just sleep) so I would like to skip that this time
@birdiejo is the keeping active thread for talking about prenatal workouts and walks and stuff? My Jan board doesn't do those so I'm unfamiliar. I have been loving this youtube channel though! The workouts are enough to get my tired muscles stretched and warm and working, but not so much that I am out of breath cursing the woman running it
@jumpy57 howdy! those are really good points about the 529 - I think we will avoid it and stick with the HYSA. We've got one going for "life experiences" like summer camps and instruments/sports equipment and such, but we'll maybe start another for college. I doubt that if we conceive again we'll be as invested it's just that we've been living that #DINKlife and I've been stockpiling money for kiddos for years.
because the ingredients are so common and the recipe is so easy, it takes a lot of my self-control not to remake these every time I finish devouring a batch of them. Lastly, congrats to your DD!!
@moguippy I didn't realize it was void if she were to get a full ride! not that I'm capable of raising a rocket scientist or a D1 athlete as someone who is absolutely neither of those things. HYSA it is!
@kkfishy9 i'm assuming you're in CO based on your rant! i'm glad you're okay!
@tamalahoops i love your profile picture, and I'm sorry you're not feeling well!
@hannahbananas11 candy corn is DOPE as are the pumpkins. thank you for being brave enough to face candy corn haters
@babyturtle22 a mutual fund is another really good idea! and your grandma sounds awesome
@wildmagelet your Christmas traditions sound amazing and lovely. have you guys talked about maybe compromising with the one small dinner? we don't have family local so my hope was to take in another local family who's pregnant (and super good at staying covid free) and maybe do a ham and some sides. I'm not sure, but if you have a neighbor or someone you trust, you still get a little bit of interaction without going the whole family get-together route. My philosophy as a FTM who also likes to go all-out at Christmas is to use this to celebrate my husband and do a "last hurrah" before all the good presents every year are the babies It is tough to think of ways to make it special for just the two of us, but I'm really excited to stuff the stockings and get him some good stuff he wants, as well as some special dad gear.
@hanfam2021 I just started doing those same YouTube workouts! They are great since they are quick and enough to make you feel like you are doing something but not too intense where you dread doing them 👌🏻
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: An Atlantic Puffin
I had my glucose screening yesterday - and I passed! Phew! I rewarded myself with cookies..
I feel really good, I can't complain! Somehow still sleeping great, and midnight pee trips are down to 1... Second trimester really is the glory days of pregnancy haha!
Rave: My best friend is pregnant!! She is exactly 4 months behind me, so much we will be able to experience together!
Reese's PB cups are my fave halloween candy, but if we're talking "holiday candy", can I just say chocolate oranges are sooooo underrated?! They've been my favorite forever, & they're appearing in stores already! I'm a happy mama! 🎃
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 26 weeks + 2 days
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: No idea, LOL
Upcoming appointments: Nov 9th for just a normal tummy check
How are you feeling?: Honestly good for now. I am still wearing my rings which means i'm not even close to as swollen as i was last pregnancy because I took them off in september last time (and I was due 3 weeks later too) so that's good. Heartburn is starting to creep back, but it isn't horrible I just have to be careful what I eat right before bed, etc.
Rants/Raves: Finally excited my fasting glucose is under control. I think I was going to bed too early and leaving the night too long of a stretch for my body to handle. Ive had to stay up later this week for other reasons but my bedtime snack has been later which has really helped balance it all, so that is good I guess.
Questions: I don't think I have any questions.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Can't have halloween candy this year, but I LOVE reese. UGH YUMMMMMMM.
@hanfam2021 we have some sort of like savings type account for our son. I'll have to ask my hsuband about it cuz he sets all that kinda stuff up. Also, I'm due 2/1! so close. I will have a c section early though. I almost joined the Jan group but I didn't want to be one of the last ones to have my baby this time while everyone else was sharing their newborns hahaha so I joined feb instead welcome
@birdiejo tootsie rolls are your favorite?? STRANGE! lol good luck on your glucose
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: no idea.. big?
Upcoming appointments: just the normal
How are you feeling?: feeling good, but the kiddo is getting too heavy for me to move in his car seat and not feel like my abs are falling apart.
Rants/Raves: hubs is gone the rest of the week so I am going at it solo but we had a nice few days at the cabin with no cell service to start the week am that was a win!
Questions: no questions but I wanted to weigh in on the 529. We did start one for first kid and it has done really well. We hesitated because of what you can use it for but when you read the fine print it is pretty broad. If he goes to a trade school it works, and it can cover housing, books etc. we looked at it like retirement, if it doesn’t go to education it is like pulling retirement early so you pay a penalty but because it covers such a broad range of education related items we figured it would work.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Anything smothered in chocolate! 🎃
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: thumb is the length of a keyboard key
Upcoming appointments: nov 13th for checkup and glucose test
How are you feeling?: overwhelmed. I had a scan on Tuesday because they hadn’t been able to get a good heart image. They finally did and everything seems good except I have high amniotic fluid. They want me to do another scan in 4 weeks and if fluid is still high I need to do non stress tests every 2 weeks. I went to google which is always bad and now I’m on a tailspin of stress and freaking out about preterm labor, stillborn risks.
Questions: has anyone had any experience with high fluid levels? She said it could be a sign of gestational diabetes too. Does anyone have any experience with that?
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 Reese’s, m&ms basically all the chocolate
@hanfam2021 Yes, we have a 529 for our son and highly recommend it! If the child decides not to go to school you can pass the funds to another child or pull it out but you have to pay taxes on it. If your kid gets a scholarship or free ride you can pull the equivalent to that amount out tax free. You can also use the money for room and board expenses as well. I am a personal finance junky and we work very closely with our financial advisor. I highly recommend working with a trusted financial advisor...a good one will give you all the details about the 529 plans. Our son is 2 and the amount of money he has in his 529 is insane! It has grown like crazy.
@szwill86 I was told to fast 2 hours prior. No gum, candy, food, etc
@hannahbananas11 go clean co for life! I could watch her instagram stories all day
@babymamadimo thanks for your 529 insight! I haven't heard all the positives, for sure. As for your feeling overwhelmed - I totally get it! I know you're a STM and have your own process in place, but I had to make my husband the 'designated googler' and if I have a weird symptom I want to look up, I have him sort through all the doom and gloom to give me the realistic picture. It was way too easy for me, especially in early pregnancy and when we were TTC, to get wrapped up in a sinkhole. Even if I've already gone ahead and gotten too deep into webMD, I make my husband look it up too so he can calm me down armed with some facts. Best of luck, and keep us posted!
@wildmagelet I'm sure I could have one piece here or there, but I have NO SELF CONTROL haha so I just tell myself nope can't have it. My numbers are good if I'm strict, but I struggle otherwise - so I just say no!
Re: Weekly Check-In 10/26
Good morning! I just threw something up in the intro thread, but I'll repeat some of it here
I'm due 1/31 so I've been in the January mom's board, but they are mostly 3 weeks ahead of me and therefore in an entirely different world. I would love to get to meet you all since we might be in the homestretch at a more similar time!
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 26+1
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Acorn squash
Upcoming appointments: Glucose test
How are you feeling?: Today, not so great. The baby was not super active last night like she normally is, and I missed waking up to her little mosh pit raves. I know I shouldn't panic so fast, but I started the day already nervous.
Rants/Raves: I don't know if it's just getting older or the pregnancy, but my skin has taken an absolute nosedive. I have all these tiny red spots anywhere I've ever been sunburnt (so basically everywhere). It's so dumb. I wish I could shake the 7yo me who thought waiting for sunscreen before getting in a pool was a crime against humanity.
Questions: Do you guys know what you're going to do about 529s or any of that financial stuff? I've heard some conflicting info, and it seems like 529s aren't that useful.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 all of it. It is so hard not to go to town on it right now.
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 24 weeks
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: half of a baguette I think?
Upcoming appointments: this afternoon! Plus glucose test Womp womp
How are you feeling?: pretty good!
Rants/Raves: just nervous about weigh gain. I don’t keep a scale at home and I have been eating way too much dessert
Questions: should we start up a keeping active thread again? I sort of tried in the beginning and failed to remember to do it.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? I weirdly like tootsie rolls but maybe Twix , lollipops, milk duds? I like it all though!
Appointment PSA! If you haven't already, start scheduling multiple appointments in advance. My doctor is usually booked so when I called to reschedule my next one (11/19) we just booked out through December.
Feeling: I wasn't feeling much movement over the weekend but I think I was just busy. Fortunately my stomach pains have resolved with pepcid! Need to rehydrate after spending all weekend outside
R/R: DD1 rode her bike without training wheels!!!! She was so excited and did much better than I was expecting. I finished all the cookies and now I want more cookies 😭
GTKY: I loooooove reese's and kit Kats, but anything with soy gives me the tummy troubles so that cuts out the majority of Halloween candy 😭😭😭 my aunt sent me some yummy caramels though!!
@hanfam2021 hello!!!!!
We haven't done any 529s but I did think about it. The biggest drawback I see is if your child doesn't go the college route I think your money is stuck, and those funds are considered when determining financial aide amounts.
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 25+2
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: prairie dog
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow with the endocrinologist. Wednesday with the OB
How are you feeling?: Alright. Tired as always. So much heartburn that my esophagus could rival an active volcano.
Rants/Raves: Rants: we stayed up late to watch the football game, they lost and now I’m tired. My inlaws are being dumb regarding Covid safety and that impacts us. Rave: I got some new long sleeve maternity shirts. And was able to pick up a bicycle for my DS on my towns freecycle page
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? All of it lol. Except coconut. I have a sweet tooth and this pregnancy has only made it worse.
@hanfam2021 We started a high interest savings acct for DS (although the interest rate has gone down lot). We didn’t do a 529 bc it has to be used for education. So if your kiddo doesn’t go to school or gets a full ride or something it’s kinda stuck. We basically started the account bc we didn’t know what else to do and figured we would move it eventually and that was 2.5 years ago and we haven’t done anything with it except add money.
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 24+4
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Baby's foot could fit on a tea candle. That's kind of a weird one...
Upcoming appointments: I just had a quick checkup Friday, all was well!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. It's getting harder and harder to sleep, but lots of kicks these days which is fun.
Rants/Raves: Rant - the Seahawks, ugh, enough said. Rave - It snowed all day yesterday which I know I will get tired of quickly as the winter goes on, but it 1) really helped with wild fires up in the mountains, and 2) made for a cozy day at home watching football and making yummy food.
Questions: None
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 Reese's peanut butter cups!
@hanfam2021 Welcome! We have on our list to research savings plans. We were likely leaning against a 529 for the reasons @jumpy57 mentioned.
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days):25+0
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A head of cauliflower
Upcoming appointments: none- just had my 24 wk check in last wk
How are you feeling?: fine. Feeling more movement at night, but nothing that is keeping me (excessively) awake yet.
Rants/Raves: Rave- Got our photoshoot pictures back so now I can start perusing Shutterfly, Tiny Prints, and Snapfish for all the Christmas card designs!
Questions: All of you doing/who have done GD tests- I have to do mine before my 28 wk appointment and my OB said I don’t have to fast before, just don’t eat a super sugary breakfast. BUT everything I’m being sent from the Bump is saying to fast before and I don’t remember what I did 3.5 yrs ago for DS. So long question short- did you fast or no fasting before your 1 hr GD test?
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 usually all the chocolate, but with this pregnancy it’s everything non-chocolate. So I’ll say Sour Patch Kids and Tootsie Pops (at the moment).
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days):
26 weeks
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:
VHS tape or Fancy Italian Soda
Upcoming appointments:
Sometime when I get back home... I have to text my MFM/OB but MH had a delay come up at work and I wanted to wait in case something changes in the next 48 hours 😣
How are you feeling?:
Whale status is going strong. 😂 Overall I’m okay but the insomnia and BH have kicked it up a notch the past two weeks as I move towards the third trimester.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃
I’m not big on candy but my favorite is 3 Musketeers and I will also eat Reese’s and York Peppermint Patties. My friends laugh at me and say I’m old 😂
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 25+3
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Cauliflower
Upcoming appointments: 11/6 for bloodwork and vaccines
How are you feeling?: Ugh having a tough day, nauseous and sore.
Rants/Raves: I had my favorite burrito and salsa this weekend and it made me happier than I thought previously possible.
Questions: None this week
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 Reese's pumpkins and sour patch kids
Married May 2014
TTC # 2 Since December 2021
Baby girl W born 2/2021
Our journey so far...
(tw loss & infertility)
Working with an RE since March 2016
2 failed TI cycles
3 failed IUI cycles
IVF Feb - April 2017
23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
BFP 4.21.17
MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17
Our adoption journey:
12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house!
1.1.20 Homestudy process started
3.14.20 First social worker visit
5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency
6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 23+4
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Grapefruit
Upcoming appointments: 11/17 for glucose screening
How are you feeling?: My allergies are in full force today, but other than that I'm good.
Rants/Raves: I finally, after weeks of slowly chipping away at it, have the main floor house very close to completely clean. I just have to bust out the spin mop (any other GoCleanCo fans here?) and clean the stovetop. I LOVE having a clean house, and first trimester combined with a toddler really did a number on the state of things around here.
Questions: None this week
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Definitely candy corn, followed by Snickers.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Atlantic Puffin
Upcoming appointments: just had midwife appt last week so next one is 11/19
How are you feeling?: pretty good, still having trouble sleeping most nights, we are in a furnished rental and have a smaller bed than we are used to (I think its a full or queen) and my fiance is 6'4" and has to sleep diagonal so I don't think a full body pillow would even fit so I am trying to make do but I feel like I may need one soon to be more comfortable
Rants/Raves: Just loving how much I can feel him moving around in there now 🥰 even at 4am when he likes to be up partying
Questions: none
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃
Snickers or twix!
@hanfam2021 welcome! Agree with what most everyone said regarding the 529. If your child goes an alternate route other than college, the money isn't accessible so I was leaning towards starting an investment account. My grandma started a post-tax investment mutual fund account for me when I was a baby and deposited $100-500 for birthdays and Christmas and by the time I graduated high school and could access it, it had grown and was a huge help with me starting school and becoming independent.
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 25+2
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: "During week 25 of pregnancy, your baby’s nose and nostrils begin to function. During this week, your baby will start to breathe in amniotic fluid."
Upcoming appointments: General OB f/u 11/3
How are you feeling?: Physically fine. Kiddo has started increasing movement a lot, especially in the morning.
Rave to our family for (mostly) going a long with us sitting out of big holiday get togethers this year.
Rant to those who think that that apparently means we need to squish them all into one event before Thanksgiving. No, I don't want to have HappyBirthThanks-Mas the week before because we told you I start my 3rd Trimester that week.
Not really a rant, but DH and I apparently had very different ideas as to what "No Holidays" means, and I'm pretty bummed about it at the moment. There will definitely need to be follow-up and hopefully we can come up with a compromise.
Questions: None today!
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Tootsie Fruit Chews
SD: 21 & SS: 17
BFP #2 6/3/2020
*Trigger Warning*
We typically have up to 3 Thanksgivings and 4 Christmases each year. One of those Christmases we hold at our house on Christmas Eve with his 2 kids (Who will be 22 & 17). His parents usually come. His grandma sometimes comes. His ex & her daughter (their 1/2 sister) sometimes come. My family is a lot bigger, so sometimes we'll sporadically have parts of my fam but until this past year when we moved we didn't really have the space to host a bunch of people. 2 of the other Christmases are with my family (my parents are divorced) and the other is at his Grandma's with extended family.
We had discussed that since I was HR, PGAL, and entering my 3rd trimester right before Thanksgiving that we may skip family gatherings for both holidays. We were either going to do all of them or none of them, so no one can be upset at us picking "favorites" or what have you. We'd already discussed getting holiday shopping done & delivered/shipped to people early, stocking up on some staples for the pantry and switching to curbside pick-up for necessities as a combo of me being pregnant, COVID, and our new house being out-of-town (on a hill) combined with the unpredictableness of Midwestern winters.
I assumed that we would still have our Christmas Eve with his kids bare minimum. We'd do some basic décor, but maybe not the whole house. We'd have a smaller meal with the 4 of us, and depending on how things were going consider inviting people inside of the kids immediate household circles and thus keeping our exposure circle still pretty small. (SS lives with his mom and younger sister, SD floats between her apt. and her bf's)
DH assumed we'd do minimal décor, if any, and that we wouldn't host anything. Not even for his kids. We might pop over to his ex's house in the a.m. to take presents to the 9 year-old (his kids' younger sister). He feels awkward about having our normal gathering but specifically excluding his parents, who have come to Christmas Eve with us every year we've held it (this would be the 15th year). He's also expressed about being worried about SD's laissez-faire attitude about COVID and me (HR/PGAL) being exposed via her that close to my due date.
I totally get why he'd feel awkward given the circumstances and I think him being protective of our pregnancy is sweet. Part of me is mourning of my idea of what I had resigned myself that our Christmas was going to look like this year. But that doesn't mean I can't cook smaller batches of holiday foods, bake a few things, and have a quiet evening with the two of us. It just might mean he'll just have to indulge me with some holiday music and binging a few terrible Christmas Romance movies on Netflix for the evening. But we'll discuss it further and hopefully come up with something agreeable for both of us.
SD: 21 & SS: 17
BFP #2 6/3/2020
*Trigger Warning*
24 weeks, 3 days
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: An Atlantic Puffin
I had my glucose screening yesterday - and I passed! Phew! I rewarded myself with cookies..
I feel really good, I can't complain! Somehow still sleeping great, and midnight pee trips are down to 1... Second trimester really is the glory days of pregnancy haha!
Rave: My best friend is pregnant!! She is exactly 4 months behind me, so much we will be able to experience together!
Reese's PB cups are my fave halloween candy, but if we're talking "holiday candy", can I just say chocolate oranges are sooooo underrated?! They've been my favorite forever, & they're appearing in stores already! I'm a happy mama! 🎃
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 26 weeks + 2 days
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: No idea, LOL
Upcoming appointments: Nov 9th for just a normal tummy check
How are you feeling?: Honestly good for now. I am still wearing my rings which means i'm not even close to as swollen as i was last pregnancy because I took them off in september last time (and I was due 3 weeks later too) so that's good. Heartburn is starting to creep back, but it isn't horrible I just have to be careful what I eat right before bed, etc.
Rants/Raves: Finally excited my fasting glucose is under control. I think I was going to bed too early and leaving the night too long of a stretch for my body to handle. Ive had to stay up later this week for other reasons but my bedtime snack has been later which has really helped balance it all, so that is good I guess.
Questions: I don't think I have any questions.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Can't have halloween candy this year, but I LOVE reese. UGH YUMMMMMMM.
@hanfam2021 we have some sort of like savings type account for our son. I'll have to ask my hsuband about it cuz he sets all that kinda stuff up. Also, I'm due 2/1! so close. I will have a c section early though. I almost joined the Jan group but I didn't want to be one of the last ones to have my baby this time while everyone else was sharing their newborns hahaha so I joined feb instead
@birdiejo tootsie rolls are your favorite?? STRANGE! lol good luck on your glucose
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 25 weeks!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: no idea.. big?
Upcoming appointments: just the normal
How are you feeling?: feeling good, but the kiddo is getting too heavy for me to move in his car seat and not feel like my abs are falling apart.
Rants/Raves: hubs is gone the rest of the week so I am going at it solo but we had a nice few days at the cabin with no cell service to start the week am that was a win!
Questions: no questions but I wanted to weigh in on the 529. We did start one for first kid and it has done really well. We hesitated because of what you can use it for but when you read the fine print it is pretty broad. If he goes to a trade school it works, and it can cover housing, books etc. we looked at it like retirement, if it doesn’t go to education it is like pulling retirement early so you pay a penalty but because it covers such a broad range of education related items we figured it would work.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Anything smothered in chocolate! 🎃
How far along are you? (Weeks + Days): 26 +1
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: thumb is the length of a keyboard key
Upcoming appointments: nov 13th for checkup and glucose test
How are you feeling?: overwhelmed. I had a scan on Tuesday because they hadn’t been able to get a good heart image. They finally did and everything seems good except I have high amniotic fluid. They want me to do another scan in 4 weeks and if fluid is still high I need to do non stress tests every 2 weeks. I went to google which is always bad and now I’m on a tailspin of stress and freaking out about preterm labor, stillborn risks.
Questions: has anyone had any experience with high fluid levels? She said it could be a sign of gestational diabetes too. Does anyone have any experience with that?
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween candy? 🎃 Reese’s, m&ms basically all the chocolate
@hanfam2021 Yes, we have a 529 for our son and highly recommend it! If the child decides not to go to school you can pass the funds to another child or pull it out but you have to pay taxes on it. If your kid gets a scholarship or free ride you can pull the equivalent to that amount out tax free. You can also use the money for room and board expenses as well. I am a personal finance junky and we work very closely with our financial advisor. I highly recommend working with a trusted financial advisor...a good one will give you all the details about the 529 plans. Our son is 2 and the amount of money he has in his 529 is insane! It has grown like crazy.
@szwill86 I was told to fast 2 hours prior. No gum, candy, food, etc
@hannahbananas11 go clean co for life! I could watch her instagram stories all day
SD: 21 & SS: 17
BFP #2 6/3/2020
*Trigger Warning*