Baby Names

Emma or Antonella?

My husband was set on Emma from the beginning of my pregnancy, but both our parents didn’t like it. We considered other names like Antonella. Yesterday, when I asked him for Emma’s middle name, he said he no longer liked the name, for us to go with Antonella instead. I’m very confused, if you can help me decide. It could be Emma Sophia Lopez or Antonella Marie Lopez. Thanks! 

Re: Emma or Antonella?

  • You mentioned your husband’s opinion and parents’ opinions but which name are you more drawn to? 

    I’m tired of Emma so Antonella is more interesting to me.  
  • Antonella is definitely the less popular name, and it’s full of nickname potential. Annie, Toni, Nelly, Nella, Ella... sounds like you need to have a conversation with YH and quit talking names to people that are going to be anything but supportive.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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