April 2020 Moms

Birth stories and Announcements

Since we already have at least one baby whose made their entrance, I thought I'd start a birth stories section for those that are still around and want to share. I don't know how to have this stickied or whatever but if you do, help!

Re: Birth stories and Announcements

  • @BumpAdmin can we get a sticky??
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  • @BumpAdmin can we get this post stickied??
  • Congratulations to you both!
  • Congrats ladies!!! They're both adorable. Wishing you a quick, easy and less stressful recovery. 
  • Congrats @ejoseph16!! Glad you and baby William are home and doing well now! 
  • srb1028srb1028 member
    edited April 2020
    I haven't had the opportunity to participate much on this board due to issues I've consistently had with the app and due to the busyness of life in general but thought I would chime in and share my story.

    After a change in plan (mainly due to the pandemic we're in) I had a successful VBAC on 4/20/20 (38 weeks, 5 days). Last minute, I chose to opt for a VBAC to lessen the recovery and hospital stay. I went into labor naturally at around 3am and went to the hospital around 8am. I was dilated to a 5 when admitted and by around 1:30pm I was complete at a 10 and began pushing (I had an epidural but felt all the pain when pushing). At 3:05 pm out came our 9# 6oz baby (ouch!). Needless to say, I'm in a little pain but so thankful the VBAC was successful and free of complications, other than tearing which is to be expected with that size baby. We are so blessed and thankful that he is here and healthy!

    ETA: my previous delivery (June 2018) was a C-section so I had just planned on doing another C-section but chose VBAC after learning that baby was head down and I was a good candidate to try for VBAC. 
    26 y/o FTM (biologically)
    1 Child - Son - 9 y/o
    Married - DH 27 y/o 
    BFP: 10/13/17
    EDD: 6/22/18
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • KFrobKFrob member
    Here is Tessa!  She finally came 5 days late on May 5th.  I went to my weekly doctors appointment where they did a NST and U/S to check on baby since I was past my due date.  I was having regular contractions, was 3cm and 80% effaced, my fluid level was really high for being 40w5ds so they decided to send me to the hospital for an induction.  We got to the hospital at around 1pm and since I was GBS positive was put on antibiotics for four hours before they started pitocin.  Pitocin started around 4pm, I was comfortable until about 5:30 when they told me I could get my epidural at 6.  By then contractions were unbearable.  By the time the epi was placed and working on both sides the doctor came to check my cervix and break my water I was already 10cm.  About 15 mins later Tessa was born at 7:42pm weighing 8lbs 7oz 21.5in long.  

  • Congratulations @KFrob !!! Welcome, Tessa! I had GBS as well... so I’m feeling your pain on the antibiotics. Glad everything went smooth and baby is here and healthy! 
  • KFrobKFrob member
    @ejoseph16 thank you!!!  Hope you’re doing well! 
  • @KFrob we are getting into a routine finally since the one month growth spurt, so I’m thankful for that. Our little guy gave us a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night 🤣 it’s amazing the way you look at things when you’re a parent. Lol
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