I was not considering egg donation until now. I am 44 and have had 2 failed rounds of IVF with retrieval of my own eggs. No good embryos. RE suggests that any further retrievals will likely result in the same output. That being said, my last shot to give my husband a child of his own, is donor eggs. Since we have already shelled out over $50K this year for IVF...the thought of starting over for a donor round is a BIG PILL to swallow. It seems it is cheaper if you use the donors that the clinic you are a part of rather than going to an agency and really narrowing down what you are looking for. I found a donor on their site that seems to match the qualities I am looking for and am working with them on finding out what the price for a batch of the frozen eggs would be (not doing a fresh round - to avoid paying for their "trouble" and meds etc.).
If you did something similiar...would you mind sharing your general costs with me? THANK YOU!!
Me: 45yo, DH: 47yo
3 Daughters (singleton
@27yo, ID Di/Di Twins
@34yo)Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer:
November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor ProcessJune 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic -
CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
Re: How Much for Donor Eggs if using your IVF Clinic
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
My husband said the same thing about the Czec women being beautiful!! definitely a bonus! I have not had an ERA done, and since I got pregnant in my last round (even though it didn't stick), I am thinking I am generally receptive. I have had other kids too, so likely that is ok. Its been since May since my husband had all his testing done so sounds like they will want a repeat which sucks. That was over $600 last time!!
That's cool that your RE is looking at her U/S! Is that for follicle growth?
Thanks for the information. I'd love to connect with you privately so that we can keep up with each other.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
Thats crazy your husbands tests were so much! My husband has Tricare and the VA so they generally cover everything. And its just the semen analysis. They told me this morning they will do the STD testing when we get to Prague. And it sounds like you are good to go with having already had some successful pregnancies. We are doing the ERA to make sure we don't travel all the way there just to be off by a day or two in our timing. My AMH is super low and my periods have been quite erratic the past few months with all this fertility stuff, so I need that confirmation of when is the optimal time to transfer. Im actually super nervous about this ERA now....I keep reading other posts about how crazy painful it is. I just hope it is just the moment of biopsy is the pain and not a lingering one afterwards.
I think the Czech doctor wants to see a good view of my uterus so she knows what she is working with. Looking at lining, shape, etc. I barely have any follicles left, so I know that isn't really that important to her at this point.
How cool would it be if you did decide to go to Prague and ended up there the same time as us?!?!
And I did find you on Facebook and sent a request!
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
im wondering if anyone may know the answer to this. Obviously donor egg IVF is extremely expensive, it cost us close to $40,000 after all the fees involved.
does anyone know if any of these costs are tax deductible? If so, which costs? Thanks in advance.
I asked my uncle who is a CPA and he said that all costs of IVF, including if you use a donor, are tax deductible. His words were " here is the good news....expenses to obtain and egg donor including agency fees, donor fees, the donors medical and psychological testing fees, insurance paid for post procedure donor assistance and the legal fees for preparation of the contract with the donor."
That was my big concern too. But, the first 10% of your expenses, you cannot write off. So if you and your husband make $100,000 each, you cant write off the first 20,000, only the last $20,000.
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.