Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Baby girl in "boys" costume?

Hey everyone!

So this has been a controversial topic among some other parents I know and has been irritating to me.
I am not a girly girl type and actually have competed professionally against all men as a jockey in my pre mom life.  I never really saw anything as boy or girl exclusive and tbh being a girl mom has been trying because EVERYTHING is pink lol (no offensive to those who love it, you do you ❤)  
For halloween this year we decided to do a family costume.  Naturally my SO wanted to be something cool and so did I but obviously horror is out for her so we opted for Jurassic Park theme.  I found an adorable dino for my daughter Talia, which she seems to get a kick out of (loves the tail) yet I've had loads of comments already about how I'm "pushing" boys stuff on her and have an agenda (WHAT?!).  That she looks like a boy in it.  Perhaps it might have been intended for boys but I'm pretty p/o ed.  If I find adorable stuff for her (bibs, socks, jammies, a lil carhart outfit like her daddys, toys, ect) i buy it regardless of a gender connotation.  She can pick what she's drawn to but people seem to think I'm trying to make her a boy and comment on it.

Am I wrong here?  Is anyone else offended by these choices for a little girl?  Any one else here have this problem and how do you address it?  Would you use boy/girl products for the opposite sex?

Thanks and happy halloween!!!

Re: Baby girl in "boys" costume?

  • Tell them all the dinosaurs in the original Jurassic Park were females.

    I’m right there with you, even going so far as to buy “boys” shirts and shorts because they’re always such nice, thick material compared to the tissue paper the girls shirts are made of. Eventually your toddler will be able to make some choices for herself, but until she shows a preference for dresses and princesses, I don’t see any reason why she should have to conform to girly things. My daughter plays with dinosaurs AND dollhouses because she’s a person with interests, not a princess that has to fit into a gender stereotype.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I never understood it. Why do people like to meddle in other people's lives so much? My niece doesn't like things in the girls' department because she's very active, and all the T-shirts there have some kind of jewelry on them. Also, they are hard to wash, and in the boys' department, the shirts are dark, solid colors. It's time people stopped meddling in other people's business. 
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