Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Friday 10/18/19

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 




Typical LP length: 




It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

Me: 36 DH 35 
TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility

Re: TWW Friday 10/18/19

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    @NYTino24 I hope that the temp increase is promising for you as well! 

    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 23/9

    Timing: -3, -2, -1, 0, +1 

    Typical LP length: not sure

    Testing: I tested this morning and it was negative. I won’t test again till Sunday, depending on my temps. Surprisingly enough, I’m not down in the dumps about it. 

    R/R: who goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at two and stays up till their alarm goes off...this girl. My husband was up for reason as well. I feel like a) I could not get comfortable and b) I was so anxious to see what my temp would look like. Long story short, I’m on the crazy train. But I have something else to focus on so hopefully that helps. When we went to target last night he encouraged me to get some test last night. I told him that I had one at home, but he said that’s old, even though it’s not expired yet. I bought a box of three and used one this morning. So now I still have three left. I’m going to do my best not to test again until Sunday. But knowing crazy first cycle me, I may just test Saturday. And this is why I don’t need extra test in the house. 


    CS/Q: my temp went up! I never got out of bed, I was just up. So I hope that doesn’t affect my temperature. Fx! 

    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    @blackgirlmagic - yay for temp increase!! I was up from 12:45-3:00 this morning, so I feel ya. Hope the temp is a good indicator. 
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    @bluetickgal - I don’t know how you WFAF! Your patience and reserve know no bounds! Welcome back to the TWE boards. Also, you just changed my posting game! Going to go back and change my posts so it’s not so dang obnoxious! Thank you!

    @ziggymama06 - good luck testing!! Excited to hear about it!
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    edited October 2019
    I’ll be back when I can for tags!!

    Month/cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 22/8

    Timing: -3. -1

    LP: 10ish

    Testing: this morning. BFN. Still early tho

    R/R: I have an interview tomorrow!! Yay! Cooking a yummy dinner tonight but then I have to come back to work. Feeling kinda cruddy but that might be all in my head idk! 

    CS/?: temp up but I walked the dogs and went to the bathroom before I realized I forgot to temp. Lol I’m the worst. Anyone get ewcm in the tww?

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    @bluetickgal Thanks!  It's French gothic themed so we are getting dressed up and eating french cuisine!  Welcome back to the TWW!!  Yay!  Your timing looks good!

    @wildeflower Thanks girl... fx!

    @konoha Aww I'm sorry for the BFN... still super early girl!  Your temps are looking nice, even with today... Good luck on your interview!  Is this for a similar position?  On the ewcm, last cycle I had a ton one day and turned out to be nothing... I'm hoping that's not the case for you and it's a good sign for though!!
    Me: 33  DH: 36
    Dating 4/2008
    Married 6/2016
    TTC #1  9/2019
    BFP 12/13/2019!
    EDD 8/27/2020 Baby Girl  <3
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    Month/Cycle: 7/9

    CD/DPO: 16/3

    Timing: -1

    Typical LP length: 9-10 days

    Testing: next Friday if no spotting 

    R/R: it’s Friday! Although it was a short work week (Canadian thanksgiving), I can not wait for it to be over. We have no plans this weekend but I’m hoping I can use a chunk of it to meal plan for the following week. Also I’m tired and can not focus at work. Time for some coffee maybe 

    CS/Q: not a whole lot going on here 

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    @NYTino24 Hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend, but enough to occupy your mind before Monday comes. FX for you!

    @blackgirlmagic Sorry for the BFN...I was on that crazy train once, but eventually I just started losing hope. FX you just tested too early and you can get off at the next stop! Try to get some good sleep tonight girl, seems like a rough night you had

    @wildeflower your chart is looking nice! I can't imagine having to wait another 60+ days either for another chance. That takes some willpower! FX it's just too early and you're able to enjoy your weekend.

    @ziggymama06 Oh enjoy your Halloween party tomorrow! Also FX on testing :)

    @bluetickgal I agree, although your timing looks good either way! Maybe I can convince you to test with me next Friday!

    @konoha Good luck with your interview tomorrow! Ohh EWCM sounds interesting. I sometimes get creamy CM during my TWW. Could maybe mean a surge in estrogen levels?

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    @wildeflower BFN’s are too discouraging for me, so DH suggested I not test early and it definitely helps! You’re welcome, glad I could help! 

    @konoha sorry for the BFN, hope it’s just too early! Good luck at your interview tomorrow!! 

    @coffeeandcookies84 thanks! Haha, doubtful but I’ll root you on with testing! ☺️ I vote coffee for sure! Hope your day goes by fast so you can get to the weekend! 
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    ziggymama06ziggymama06 member
    edited October 2019
    @coffeeandcookies84 Thanks!  I'll totally root for coffee... Coffee and cookies are my favorite afternoon work snack  :D  I could totally use that now!!  I settled for some Jolly Ranchers... now I need the coffee!  Sometimes the shortest weeks feel the longest!  I hate that!  Enjoy your weekend, I'm a bit jealous as I need some down time... I actually need a vacation lol...  Your chart is starting of nicely.

    ETA for content
    Me: 33  DH: 36
    Dating 4/2008
    Married 6/2016
    TTC #1  9/2019
    BFP 12/13/2019!
    EDD 8/27/2020 Baby Girl  <3
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    @ziggymama06 yes me too! I’m trying to reserve this treat for Friday’s only, or during AF. Enjoy your weekend as well!
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    @nytino24 fx for your beta! are you going to wait for it or use the digi beforehand? 

     @blackgirlmagic sorry about the bfn :( yay for a temp increase though!! 

    @wildeflower I’m sorry you’re feeling defeated and that your nip hurt so bad you were awake that long!! Hoping af doesn’t show for you

    @ziggymama06 yes my crazy train buddy!! I’m probably going to test again tomorrow too. & thank you!! It’s the same industry but a different company and it’s not management (which I need a break from anyway) I hope I get it but it’s also going to depend on the pay. If they won’t give me equal or more than I am at now I probably won’t accept it since H is already taking a little pay cut. 
    & oh that’s interesting about the cm! I sometimes get it and sometimes don’t I was just curious if anyone else experienced it too! 

    possible tw
    I have a super cute idea to tell dh if I find out tomorrow because I bought him an unrelated-but-could-be-related present. it’s coming tomorrow so if I’m not then I’ll just think of something else. Or maybe I’ll still use it anyway lol

    anyway, that Halloween dinner party sounds so fun!!! Love Halloween. And fx those cramps are the good kind!! 

    @bluetickgal thank you!!! & yay for O! Happy to have you over here. Your temps look great! I saw your post in CS so I was gonna say I want to agree with FF. But I would definitely add in the opks next time (but hopefully you won’t need a next time!!) good thing you got some decent timing in to cover your bases! 

    @coffeeandcookies84 thank you!! I get that sometimes too! I’m pretty sure you’re right about the estrogen rising. Unfortunately it does that no matter what so not really a tell-tale sign lol I wish! I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy your coffee!!!
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    @konoha - I want to know your plan!

    also, where do we post if we get BFP? The TWW specifically said not to post here, but I don’t want to just miss out on knowing! Do we just label it as TW and cover with spoiler?
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    TW announcement idea 
    i purchased a blanket from a company I’ve been following for a while (it was finally on sale, they’re pretty pricey imo but good quality) H loves comfy blankets and I had to throw one of his away because my dog destroyed it so I wanted to replace it. anyway, they are coming out with baby blankets made of the same material so I was going to casually tell him “ya know they make these in baby sizes too....” and see if he catches on. Simple but I think k it would be cute, maybe I just really love blankets haha it’s supoozed to be an anniversary present for him but it would be cool to do both! Totally getting my hopes up lol
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    @bluetickgal - I get both sides. I suppose I just have a stronger constitution than most and am able to compartmentalize my personal struggle/grief from joy for others that they don’t share my struggles. 

    I actually love that! It’s personal and makes sense for your family. And I am also blanket obsessed, how can you have too many cozy blankets?!
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    @bluetickgal - I get both sides. I suppose I just have a stronger constitution than most and am able to compartmentalize my personal struggle/grief from joy for others that they don’t share my struggles. 
    Lurking from wto 

    @wildeflower I don’t think you meant your comment the way it came across but FWIW, the ladies on the board are some of the strongest people I know. Being hurt by something does not make you weak. TTGP is a community and the 3 month rule helps to limit pregnancy announcements to people who are part of the community. 
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    @bluetickgal - I get both sides. I suppose I just have a stronger constitution than most and am able to compartmentalize my personal struggle/grief from joy for others that they don’t share my struggles.
    I am taking this offensively, whether you meant it that way or not. *TW loss mentioned* I have lost 3 babies and have been trying for 11 months. I don’t know enough about your history (other than trying for a year + and PCOS) to make a judgement, but some of us around here have gone through some really tough stuff. Implying someone else should compartmentalize their grief is ridiculous. Good for you that you’re excited for a possible BFP, but we do things a certain way to protect our longtime active community members. A BFP doesn’t automatically guarantee a baby anyway. In fact, for me it’s more than likely to result in a miscarriage. */TW* You can be excited, you can wish things were different here, but you cannot passive aggressively put us down. 
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    @bows22 - I cannot help the way it came across. People tend to read through a personal lens, which colors statements with their own emotions. This, I cannot help and will have to be okay with being misunderstood. That’s ok, I know what I said. I was specific with my words for a reason -talking about the ability to compartmentalize, which is an ability/action, not their character/who they are. Some aren’t able to compartmentalize well, I don’t think that makes them weak people. So please don’t put words in my [mouth] post. 
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    wildflower_wildflower_ member
    edited October 2019

    You can choose to take it offensively. @NYTino24

    That is okay by me. I cannot help others emotions. I never said others *should* anything.

    Want my story?
     TW loss/abuse

     7 YEARS off and on trying to give my son a sibling, and I have lived every day in between wishing and hoping, answers are how upset and lonely he is. I have been through abuse in my marriage, divorce, and several traumatic miscarriages the last of which was at 12 weeks in May. I know what it is like to walk through the hell of ttc and ttcal. My current ttcal started a yearish ago after I waited 7 months to be okay after a miscarriage. So for someone who doesn’t want to be judged, you do a lot of judging without knowing.

    Edited to correct typos and add: 

    This isn’t a uterus measuring contest of who has it worse than the others. If you choose to see my words are harsh or judgmental, that is a reflection of something else entirely. I didn’t join this group to yell at/be yelled at. 

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    @bows22 - I cannot help the way it came across. People tend to read through a personal lens, which colors statements with their own emotions. This, I cannot help and will have to be okay with being misunderstood. That’s ok, I know what I said. I was specific with my words for a reason -talking about the ability to compartmentalize, which is an ability/action, not their character/who they are. Some aren’t able to compartmentalize well, I don’t think that makes them weak people. So please don’t put words in my [mouth] post. 
    I mean honestly this doesn’t make what you said any less condescending IMO. So I don’t think I misunderstood. I’m sorry for what you have been through. 
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