Trying to Get Pregnant

Hiya TTGP, I’m new

I really wanted to just intro in the randoms because I don’t like too much attention, but I figured since I did read the newbie post I should start off on the right foot and follow the rules. 

So, hi. I’m not exactly new to tb, I posted here (well not on ttgp, but other boards) years ago (a lottt) and then migrated elsewhere. 

I have been engaged for like a year and a half to my SO and can’t get my act together to actually plan a wedding so we’ll just be engaged forever I guess. We threw around eloping on 9/19 so maybe we actually will get married before I get KU? Who knows? Anyway, what brings me here is that we’ve decided to actually try for a baby. I’ve been wanting to for a while but it hasn’t really seemed to be something we could make work until recently. I removed my iud a few months back and we’ve just kinda been doing pull out for the most part/ok if I do get KU. It didn’t happen, obviously. And last month was the first time we had sex during what I believe is my fertile window and that TWW (which you’re all aware) is torture. I really had myself convinced I was pregnant for a minute. Alas, I got my period a few days ago. So SO and I discussed actually doing the damn thing and well, yeah, here we go. 

**TW child mentioned**

I have an 8 year old daughter with a previous SO. It was not my favorite to wait so long to have another but that’s just how it turned out and now I am looking forward to having a little helper and hoping she doesn’t resent not being the only anymore. She has talked about wanting a sibling a lot so we’ll see how she handles it if I get so lucky to have another. 

Anyhoo, I am new to actually trying to conceive and I’m sure I have a lot of dumb questions but I promise I’ll use the search function/google. 👋

Re: Hiya TTGP, I’m new

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