April 2020 Moms

August Symptoms


Re: August Symptoms

  • @sanpelligrino You’re welcome! I’ve got to order mine.
  • I am 5+6 ish. I am super bloated, and super hungry. I already brought the maternity clothes up from the basement, but I haven’t actually worn any of them yet. I’m going to try to hold off on cracking open the box until I get through the first ultrasound on 8/23. 

    Last time i had HG terrible from about 7 weeks until they ripped the placenta out in the OR. I puked AFTER baby was out, on the operating table. So, I have some PTSD and am just praying the HG isn’t worse this time; no signs yet. I’m thankful for modern medicine, IV fluids, and Zofran. 
    Me 30 | DH 40
    Married April 2013
    TTC #1 since January 2015
    BFP 4/27/2017  - EDD 12/25/2017 - DD born 12/15/2017
    TTC #2 since March 2019
    BFP 7/29/2019 - EDD 4/2/2020

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  • @kln62689 holy crap girl what a nightmare!

    I am experiencing mild physical symptoms off and on, but oh my GOD am I crabby. I feel so bad for my kiddo. Usually I’m ridiculously patient with him - I figure if I can stomach 25 eighth graders at a time all day long, one 2yo is no problem. But lately he is working every single nerve I’ve got. I feel like a terrible mom. 

    Don’t even get me started on the poor dog. She is permanently on my shit list these days.

    I’m a monster. It’s fine. 
  • I am 4 weeks 5 days, symptoms currently; are what I can only describe as the feeling of embedding into my uterine wall...like an attachment feeling- which is relieving and makes me sore but also internally chant 'embed, you go'.

    Another symptom is my inner most instinctual need to protect and any cost- my prowl is cautious and I watch everyone and everything with intention. Fuck with me and ill let you know it vibe.

    My favorite is my need for veggies- tomatoes have a top shelf on my list...which are a favorite but I'm OBSESSED. 

    You can call me, Beth
  • I’ve been heaving at random times, mostly the morning.  Before I tested I had a feeling because my heart was racing, and I always felt winded.  I’ve been having pulling type cramps on and off.  

  • I don't have any symptoms at all besides cramps here and there. It's making a little nervous.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • My first pregnancy was so easy, other than round ligament pains i had no symptoms. With this baby I have extreme nausea, extreme exhaustion, extreme bloat (Where are all my old maternity clothes!), i cry over everything and i feel like every time i move i am getting the best ab workout of my life. However, after 2 mc i am happy to have the symptoms, but i can still complain if i want to 
  • Well I'm on the MS train. Almost threw up in Target. :#
  • @littleredm I’m sorry. It’s so tough when it happens in public places. I barely made it through lunch with DH. Heading to the break room to make peppermint tea, because nausea. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • I don’t know what I’m going to do when I start back to work in the next week and a half... my 2 hour afternoon naps are helping ALL the symptoms. 😩
  • @emalue I’m with you.  I just have the cramping (no bleeding) but no other symptoms.  It makes me nervous too.  I didn’t get MS until my 8th week with my first pregnancy so I’m trying not to be over analyzing everything quite yet, but it’s hard not to.
  • @ejoseph16 I have no idea how teachers work when pregnant. Just the frequency with which I have to pee seems impossible for a teacher. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @ejoseph16 ugh I am so nervous about this. I’ll be 9 weeks when I go back to school, and that’s right about the time when I was taking 2-3 hour naps every day during my first pregnancy. I anticipate going to bed as soon as my husband gets home from work for a couple of weeks. 
  • @emalue I know easier said than done, but try not to worry. I was like you in my last pregnancy, and my bff who was also pregnant had all the symptoms. I was naturally freaking out. My OB assured me symptoms don’t determine pregnancy progression. He said he’s seen every outcome scenario with woman with no symptoms, to woman with all the symptoms.
  • Super tired an awful gas accompanied by a horrible blump.  Nausea started today, but only this morning. Also noticing heightened sense of smell.
  • No symptoms here as well. I get an occasional cramp here n there and it’s typically near my butt, I guess it’s like lightening crotch. But I used to get that occasionally before a period as well. So who knows if it’s even a symptom. It’s the bloat that reminds me I’m pregnant :smile:
  • @mercury94 I am thrilled to have a student teacher this year! So I’ll be able to go when I need to! Great planning on my part! Lol
  • 5w5d and still don’t really “feel” pregnant. Most of the time I forget I’m pregnant! (Anyone else??) My cramps are getting less. Still have sore boobs and today it felt like itchy nipples! 

    Im still worried for what’s to come! Especially reading people say their MS didn’t start till 7-8 weeks! 

    Im a nurse and I’ve always been worried about how to survive 12 hour shifts, night shifts, bad smells, no breaks etc while pregnant. Somehow my coworkers are doing it all the time though!! 
  • @ejoseph16 That’s awesome. Way to plan ahead on that. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @ejoseph16 Yes!! I know that will come in so handy! :)
  • @kath1414 I'm a nurse too! With my first pregnancy, I worked 3 12 hr night shifts in a row every week. It didn't get hard until the end, when you're big and uncomfortable and being on your feet for a long period of time is hard. Make sure you get help from your coworkers with lifting, etc. And pace yourself (I know, yeah right, lol) I never wanted to ask for help, but my coworkers were always willing to help. They really do understand!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Not a ton of symptoms.  Just tired, and feeling a bit emotional. Also i feel lots of fluttering in my uterus. Its definitely getting to work!!
  • I’m 5w6d and my only symptoms are occasional cramping, having to pee all the time, and my boobs are a little sensitive. No MS yet! I do have times where I am tired, but nothing crazy yet. I also get a little anxious that I’m not having more symptoms. 
  • @babyrummom I’m in the same boat! Thank you for sharing. Im 6-7 weeks along and still don’t have major symptoms other than bloating and occasional light headedness. I do also feel more thirsty and sometimes feel boob sensitivity, but my symptoms are mild and come and go. I had two MCs before this pregnancy and am trying to stay positive and be present. Prayers and words of encouragement appreciated!
  • Anyone else feel like their symptoms are lessening? I had sore boobs and cramping everyday for the first couple weeks and the last few days I’ve hardly felt anything. I don’t feel pregnant at all! I’m kind of worried! 
  • I'm with you @kath1414 I feel my "symptoms" (very few to begin with) lessening as well. I just feel a general tightness in my abdomen after dinner, like everything being taut and stretched out. I think i need to buy stretch mark cream soon and start prepping that area. i also dont feel anything and cant wait for another 2 weeks for my ultrasound.
  • So far I’m exhausted (but I also have a 15mo old who’s teething and nursing through the night, so that plays a part) and really queasy. This is my 2nd pregnancy and seems my morning sickness starts at or right before 5 weeks (last time it went on until around 15-16?). Saliva pools in my mouth and I’m nauseous all day and night. Oh and the bloat! The bloat is real. And the carbs I’m eating to keep nausea at bay aren’t helping. 🥴😆
  • I'm beginning to feel nauseous. I had some sweet potato during lunch and it did not sit well. 
  • @sanpelligrino @kath1414 yes, mine are less annoying than they were, and I can’t decide if I’m just getting used to them or what. My nausea comes and goes, but not bad enough to throw up. The exhaustion seems to be getting worse, though. 
  • fingers crossed you never throw up.
  • Any STM+ experiencing RLP in weird areas?  I got a GNARLY sharp pain way up high in my ribs yesterday.  I never really experienced it with my first, so I don't really know what to look for.
  • @NiceyMeany I feel like I'm getting some. Definitely feeling disconfort in my side and rib area. Like you, never experienced it with my first.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @NiceyMeany I’m having gas pain that’s in weird locations. I’ve had some that I think is RLP as well. It’s a bit hard to tell. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • So. Much. Gas. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was at the concert last night and felt like the old man sitting and farting the whole time. So embarrassing! 
  • @NiceyMeany definitely some RLP! Mostly when I stand up too fast or cough or sneeze. But mine are on either side of my lower abdomen.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kath1414 and @sanpelligrino I am with you! I don’t feel my symptoms much except being tired but when I get home from work I am wide awake. Makes me want to go in and get another HCG test just to ease my anxious mind... 1 week and 1 day until the ultrasound.
  • I had a weird stomach ache that went away in 10 minutes. I don’t know if that’s RLP? I’ve never experienced it before so don’t know. The stomach ache was like soreness all over , like the feeling of having done a lot of ab exercises combined with a tummy pain. 
  • I feel like I've had a little bit of everything. Bloat and tummy troubles, heartburn, acne. Consistently I've been very very tired. Like for example, I slept for 9 hours last night (was off work today) and felt the need to take a two hour nap in the afternoon. I've had some nausea mostly when I don't have anything in my stomach. My most annoying symptom has been sore boobs and nipples! It's driving me crazy but I'm taking it as a good sign. Also I've been stuffed up and sneezing, but I don't know if this is pregnancy related.
  • @chalmers1993 feeling stuffed up is a super common symptom, so it could totally be pregnancy-related! Hope you don’t have a cold. 
  • @chalmers1993 I feel stuffed up lately as well. I had it last pregnancy at the same point. Probably pregnancy related! No worries! 
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