Together since 2007 | Married June 2013
TTC #1: June 2015
BFP: 11/9/16 | EDD: 7/22/17
DD born 7/16/17
TTC #2: December 2018
BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
DS born 11/3/19
TTC #3
Mirena out 1/23/24
TTC #2: December 2018
BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
DS born 11/3/19
TTC #3
Mirena out 1/23/24
Re: TTGP Grad Check-in 7.11
How far along are you? 23 weeks today
Anyone have an appointment this week? Nothing this week.
Cravings/Symptoms? Heartburn has been awful lately, especially at night.
Rants/Raves/Randoms? Today was my big conference for work. After months of planning and hard work, it's finally over. Everything went well and it's a huge relief to have this done.
Questions? none now
GTKY: What is your worst roommate or house guest story? I had a roommate in college who was essentially a hermit and would literally never leave the room. I practically had zero alone time in that room, which it made it super fun when H (my bf back then) would come to visit me. There were a few times we booked a cheap hotel for the night to get away from her. To top it all off, she could be super messy at times and leave her dirty dishes all over the room.
Together since 2007 | Married June 2013
TTC #1: June 2015
TTC #2: December 2018
BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
DS born 11/3/19
TTC #3
Mirena out 1/23/24
How far along are you? 21 weeks
Anyone have an appointment this week? Not until the end of the month. I have to do an orientation for the office I’m using.
Cravings/Symptoms? My newest craving has been deli sandwiches. I am having horrible sacroiliac pain too.
Rants/Raves/Randoms? My dog has diarrhea and I brought him to the vet and they told me his teeth are in bad shape. So now he will need dental surgery. There has been so much poop. Soooo much poop. 😭
Questions? Has anyone decided on a car seat?
GTKY: What is your worst roommate or house guest story? My brother quit showering one summer. 🤢 We lived in Mobile AL at the time so it was hot and muggy. He stunk up everything. It was disgusting.
How far along are you? 23+5
Anyone have an appointment this week? I had one yesterday, a pretty standard doppler check/BP check.
Cravings/Symptoms? Exhausted still... and still into ice cream! Also, my back is killing me.
Rants/Raves/Randoms? I really used to love going to a farmers market on the weekends, but we no longer have one super close to the house (although there are a ton of actual farms) so I'm feeling a little grumpy about that today.
GTKY: What is your worst roommate or house guest story? Hmm, I don't really know that I have one.. my roommates in college were all okay, and my roommates after I moved out of my parents house post-college were never around and were also much older than me. I guess my worst is when some of my ILs stayed with us for about 6 months a couple years ago.. just too long in a house of our size (small!)
@emeraldcity1214 oh no, sorry about the poop and the dental work. This happened to me as well a couple years ago, ended up with thousands of dollars of dental work for our cat I think we are getting another Graco forever car seat for this little one, although I will probably use the infant seat I still have from DS at first (Britax)
@klstone25 happy birthday to your DD!
@creamcheeseplease Thanks! I'm impressed you survived that long with your ILs. I don't think I could live in the same house with my ILs for a few days never mind 6 months!
Together since 2007 | Married June 2013
TTC #1: June 2015
TTC #2: December 2018
BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
DS born 11/3/19
TTC #3
Mirena out 1/23/24