July 2019 Moms

Groups 3 & 4 Check-In (EDD July 17-31): Week of May 20

Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

Baby is the size of a(n): 


Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead?

Re: Groups 3 & 4 Check-In (EDD July 17-31): Week of May 20

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 18/31W4D

    Baby is the size of a(n): carton of eggs

    Team: pink

    Upcoming Appointments: check-up tomorrow. Starting biweekly appointments after this one. 

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good today! My third-tri mantra is to get stuff done on the good days and take it easy on the bad days. I had a few days last week where I either had to sit on the recliner with a heating pad under my thighs or eat nothing but bagels and cream cheese because my reflux was so bad, but the day after I was perfectly fine. Excited to make some freezer meals tonight :) 


    Rave: I threw a welcome back dinner for my parents and invited my in-laws and everyone had a great time. My in-laws were cracking up at my parents' stories from their crazy move and my parents were grateful to spend time with DH's parents who they've known for a while but are finally able to have a real friendship with. This baby is so lucky to have grandparents who will be friends with each other. And ngl, I'm patting myself on the back for throwing two great get-togethers in the last two months (the first being DH's surprise birthday party) ;) 

    Rant: My new cube neighbor works with contractors to provide special-order product to restaurants, so as he makes phone calls throughout the day I can hear him name-drop Taco Bell, sushi, pizza, etc. I know he's just doing his job, but it's not helping my suggestible cravings :cry: 

    Questions: Anyone getting started on freezer meals? I'm trying to build my stockpile slowly instead of exhausting myself right before baby arrives. 

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? My first choice of a date was a guy I had a crush on but a "frenemy" was pining for too. I told my friend well within earshot of her that I was "thinking of taking someone to prom," and the frenemy called him up that evening and asked him before I got the chance. (I knew I was baiting the frenemy--honestly, both of us got what we deserved.) I ended up asking my best friend's former homecoming date instead, and he said yes. On the day of prom, our group got to the venue and there were only a few couples dancing on the edges of the dance floor--nobody wanted to be the first one out there, especially during a swing dance song that nobody had heard of. My date was in showchoir and knew how to swing dance, so he took me by the hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor and busted out a swing routine that I managed to follow. After the song ended, everyone swarmed the dance floor. ;) 

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    I actually have time for this one this week! 

    @hestia14 I've got some of my chili packed, some instant pot chicken salsa packed, and I bought a veggie lasagna, but that's about it. Our fridge freezer needs a clean out, so I need to do that before I start making lots of freezer foods. I probably won't do too much, because between MIL and my mom, we'll get lots of food in the beginning.

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 31wk on Tue, C-Sec scheduled for Jul 18 (but hoping for VBAC)

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lettuce Head

    Team: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: May 30th for a checkup.

    How are you feeling?: Overworked and brain dead. I finally don't hurt anymore after the fender bender last week, other than my hip which is the norm. I'm really struggling with focus at work because I keep getting sidetracked by non-work life and shit (between the accident and rescheduling appts last week, I only worked 20hrs). So I'm getting stressed because the house is a mess, work is a mess, and I'm not sure if I can catch up before the baby and I feel like I'm failing, and I hate it.

    Rants: Caught a small cold that didn't bother me too much, until we got to the coughing phase and now I sound like I'm dying. Forgot my inhaler at home today, so FML. 

    Raves: DH has been so wonderful and amazing despite all the crazy of last week and what a grumpy witch I am at home. I wish I had more energy to reward him appropriately, lol. Another rave is throwing my last party before baby comes. We're having a Memorial Par-tea with ice tea bar, ice tea popsicles, and cold summer snacks with friends.

    Questions: Anyone else feel like the size of their bump fluctuates a bit? Yesterday I felt huge and had a hard time moving around, and today I feel like I can handle it more. Not sure if it's bloat or whatever.

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? Yes, both junior and senior year. The dance itself was okay. I had more fun being with my friends and doing the next-time theme park trip that was tradition for our high school. My senior year dress was silver taffeta with a simple up-do, and I loved it, and I still think it looks classic as opposed to mid-2000s in the photos without being these super sheer/bordering on inappropriate dresses I see for prom these days.

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    geoduck21geoduck21 member
    edited May 2019
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

    Baby is the size of a(n): 


    Upcoming Appointments: 
    Routine appt this week, along with CBC due to anemia. I think my mw is also going to ask me to do another US b/c of inconsistent fetal movement.

    How are you feeling?: 
    Feeling pretty well. Some pain in abdominal muscles (like a pulled muscle), and my pelvis hurts most days. Swelling (and accompanying carpel tunnel) and reflux are almost non-existent, and were very uncomfortable by this stage with my first. I switched to doing most of my sitting on a large exercise ball and I think that's helping. I do not feel prepared (our house is not ready, at all), but we'll get there. 

    We live semi-near a large military base and occasionally hear noises (cargo planes, often -- they don't bother me, artillery practice occasionally, helicopters rarely, etc.), but today already (945am) we've had about 15 helicopter fly-overs and a week or two ago overnight there were two that passed so closely my glass rattled on my nightstand. I always feel edgy with these noises. ETA: Now they are low enough that things are rattling on shelves. Bah.


    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead?
    We had jr prom and sr ball. I went to both. Jr prom I wore a white and silver floor-length spaghetti strap dress. Sr. ball I wore a lavender/lilac ball gown. This was a very long time ago... Both were fun. I went to both with friends, but hit things off with now-dh at sr. ball.

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 29th/30 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): zucchini 

    Team: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Not until June 4th or 3rd tri ultrasound 

    How are you feeling?: Physically still fine, fortunate for my relatively symptomless pregnancy. Mentally exhausted and feeling very ready to be done with work! I’m traveling today/tomorrow and again Thursday/Friday and hopefully these will be my last trips! I don’t trust myself though...


    Rant: every time I cross something off my work to do list before baby a million new things come up. Here I’m eligible to start my leave as early as June 10th (full pay until Oct 15th no matter when I stop so doesn’t cut into my leave at all). 

    I wasn’t going to stop that early but after working all weekend and a super early train this morning I’m putting it back on the table...I feel like it’s not super professional since my replacement for a lot of things arrives the 10th (new hire) which means no handover. However, we had the option to have him arrive earlier in the month but it’s a huge medical conference in the US the first week of June so lots of key people will be there...so my boss chose to have him come the 10th. 

    Rave: my FIL came over the weekend (hadn’t seen DD since Christmas) and she was very happy to see him. Deciding to rave instead of rant because I’m glad he made the trip and I think it meant a lot to DH (MIL definitely didn’t join...it’s a 2 hour train haha).

    Questions: anyone getting nervous about their plans for watching older children during the birth? Are you making backups?

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead?

     No prom...didn’t enjoy dances then (and still don’t like dancing...). None of my group of friends went either, I think we just hung out at someone’s house, probably mine...obviously not super memorable. I do regret not going a bit though.

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    @hestia14 wish I could join you on meal prep...our freezer is tiny so I could probably get a total of 3 meals max in there...delivery it will be!

    @foodislove definitely! I think it’s my fluid intake that impacts it the most....also I know my bump looks bigger in dresses than full panel pants
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    geoduck21geoduck21 member
    edited May 2019
    @hestia14 We need to clean out and organize the fridge freezer and deep freezer, then will start stocking things. We do a lot of non-cooking in the summer (gyros, etc.), so we'll just need to prep the meats for that. I also will make sure to have meal plans and grocery lists on hand so we don't need to think about it, and if someone offers to run an errand can easily pick it up for us.
    @foodislove Glad you are recovering well. Regarding the bump changes, I have noticed it this time and last time and I attribute it mostly to changes in baby position.
    @frenchbaby18 YES. Our 5yo previously didn't want to be here, so we semi-had a plan for that, but now he does ("but not during the scary parts" which he hasn't been able to explain to me), so I don't know. I don't have anyone to care for him that I'm also comfortable laboring around...
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    @geoduck21 I realized over the weekend that I have fairly good plans for if the baby comes the first week of August since I’ve just assumed he will be like his sister and come late/“never”. However I suddenly realized that I don’t realllly have a solution for end of July at all! It’s also the worst time here as it’s vacation season starting July 14th and we have no family here...so my options are very limited!!
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    I'll come back for tags a little bit later. 

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/19 31w+3d

    Baby is the size of a(n): bunch of asparagus

    Team: Green

    Upcoming Appointments: I met with my midwives this morning, everything seemed good. However, I had an awful MFM appt last week for my GD, which is leading me to get a 3hr glucose this week, and then another MFM referral for another hospital network. 

    How are you feeling?: I'm ok, my body feels good, I slept well last night. 

    Rants/Raves:  Rant/ My MFM appt was horrible, the guy was very against out of hospital births, vbacs, etc, and held me for over an hour trying to stir up as much fear-mongering as he could, despite me being in excellent health and being praised for my glucose management thru diet. I haven't had a 3 hr glucose challenge test because my monitoring revealed that I had issues, but in an effort to avoid being led down the path of what was threatened to me, I'm going to have one to see if it can lessen the chances of another MFM trying to impose their own beliefs on my care. Rave/ LO has been moving around the past few days and has flipped head-down at least twice, as they were during my appt this morning, so I'm feeling less nervous in that regard. 


    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? I did not go to prom. I felt too disconnected from my [very huge] school to attend, so I think I just stayed home. I had moved across the country when I was a freshman, so my school spirit and attachments of attending school functions went down the toilet with that move. 

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    @mamanbebe so sorry to hear about your MFM :( if you pass the 3 hour GTT will they have you stop monitoring in general? Do your midwives require a MFM sign off to continue towards the home birth? 
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    @frenchbaby18 My monitoring and management will continue regardless but the two favorable outcomes would be that either a) my diagnosis is removed or b) I will have very minimal co-care from a MFM. The situation goes that if I am managing well then a homebirth is possible, taking into account the of recommendations from a MFM. What I'm trying to avoid though is a MFM, like the one I met with, who is very pessimistic about GD diet regulation, vbacs and homebirths, who may require me to be subjected to twice-weekly non-stress tests, regular ultrasounds, etc, all while pushing for a repeat cesarean. I think if I can pass the 3 hr test, even if I have to continue seeing a MFM, they have very little reason to pressure me toward their preferences of care. 
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    @mamanbebe crossing my fingers you pass the 3 hour!! It’s so crazy how much they would make you go through even with your numbers under control through diet! Glad you have the option for another MFM...I’m the expert of changing doctors until I find one I like, even if it means tons of appointments explaining the same thing :) in my job I work with doctors daily and it amazes me the spectrum you can find, especially related to patient-centricity approaches vs. medical guidelines above all...
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    hakelehakele member
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: I dunno... 32? I'm starting to lose track a bit. July 17

    Baby is the size of a(n): Football

    Team: Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: 32 Week appointment is on Thursday. So it is 32 weeks. Lookie there. 

    Macaron class on Saturday! (I'm saying it is an appointment, hahaha.) 

    June 3 - Babycare class

    How are you feeling?: I'm SO exhausted. I did NOT sleep last night at all. I'm falling asleep at my desk at work (in my spare bedroom/home office) and still trying to get some things done. It isn't going well for me this morning. I feel like a complete waste of space and $ at work. 


    Maybe not a rant or a rave, but a bit of anxiety. I've been in an interim role for over a year and my boss was finally approved to hire for the position full-time. Everyone already talks like I have the job in the bag, but I still have to apply and go through the interview process, etc. And there is always a tiny chance I guess that someone could come and snatch it from me. But that is highly unlikely as there isn't a soul in the system who knows what I know. My bus factor is honestly way too high for my own comfort. Even my boss is concerned about covering for me while I'm on Mat. leave because I'm the one who knows this one technology system that we have the best. Nobody knows it like I do, not even our PM over at the company that maintains the software for us. So yeah. There is no way that I should be worried about it. And the big bosses all absolutely love me and think I do a great job at my job (or else why would I have been in it for a year and a half!), so I shouldn't be worried. But still interviewing is stressful. My boss told me that I had permission to take time to get my resume prepped this week so that I'm ready to hit submit as soon as the position is released. But our corporate policy requires the job to be open and requires people to interview at least 3 candidates for the role. (Which I think is total BS and not fair at all to the people who express interest in the position if they don't really have a chance. I dunno. I've been burned in that before, but I do know that some good can come from those interviews because you learn about the ambitions and career goals of those who interview and that is how I got this interim role in the first place.) 


    @foodislove I felt GIGANTIC on Saturday. And everyone was staring at me. And I just felt super duper pregnant. And her butt was just pushing SO HARD against my stomach, I know that must have been why. 
    Then, on Sunday, I felt like I was tiny again and people would probably be sitting there going, is she fat or pregnant, I'm not sure. She did gymnastics yesterday afternoon and I think got herself wedged weird. So my belly looks very odd today. 

    @hestia14 I don't really do freezer meals. I saw the idea for it, but I just don't think that is something that will work for us. We are planning to continue our Blue Apron subscription so that we don't have to worry about shopping for at least a couple of meals a week. 

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? 

    I didn't go Junior year, but I did go to After Prom. 

    Senior year, I went to two proms because I went with a guy from another school, so he came to mine and I went to his. Mine was at the tallest building in Downtown Denver (at the time, the Qwest building) on the top floor. It was really fun. We went to Il Fornaio for Dinner. After Prom for mine was at Dave and Buster's. One of the rich kid's parents had an in over there and paid for the entire thing. So we had a buffet all night. Unlimited NA Beverages. And each person got a $40 card to spend in the arcade. All the pool tables and shuffleboard and stuff like that was available all night. I think we stayed until about 6 am when my friend's dad came and picked us up. It was really fun! 
    His was at the football stadium. It was okay, but it was weird because I didn't really know anyone. Probably how he felt at mine. Then the after prom was a casino night at his school's gym where I won a TV! 

    My dress for mine was a black cocktail dress with red tulle underneath. It was cute and very me. For his prom, I wore a more traditional dress that I actually JUST bagged up last week to take to goodwill. It was like a champagne color with an ombre effect down to olive on the bottom. It had a black sheer overlay thing over the top. And yes, I looked very 2003 in both dresses. 

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    @hestia14 I haven't started on freezer meals yet--it's already an issue today with no baby so meals are going to be hard when LO arrives.  TBH my guess is we'll do a lot of deliver options to start.  Also i'm so jealous you Inlaws and your parents are getting along so well, that's amazing.

    @foodislove so glad to hear you're healing after last week.  My bump definitely fluctuates, mostly based on what i've eaten and sometime my water intake (although that's pretty consistent). 

    @geoduck21 we are not prepared yet either! hopefully we still have a good few weeks in us to get things finished!

    @frenchbaby18 I hope the travels are easy this week.  I'm with you on leaving sooner than later--i don't have pay but i'm hoping after the first of July the work i'm doing is very small.  Too many things at home i want to do.  

    @mamanbebe so glad you got some good sleep!

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 18th // 31+4

    Baby is the size of a(n):  bunch of asparagus

    Team: Green

    Upcoming Appointments:  none this week

    How are you feeling?: My belly is so hard--it's such a weird feeling.  I can tell i'm slowing down but still feeling pretty good. Nothing too horrible in the aches and pains for now. 

    Rants/Raves:  We have a baby shower from my husband's work on Thursday. I love his coworkers and am really excited to get to see them all now that i actually have a belly and let MH get some additional excitement towards being a dad.  (MH's boss is the best boss and seems like an amazing father which i think has help MH be more open to having kids vs when we first met 9 years ago he's wasn't keen on the idea).

    Questions: We have sleepers and onesies for LO and nothing else.  Would you get any other items or just buy if you need something specific event? (I know we'll buy something for them for the wedding i'm in in October but waiting until we know if it's a girl or a boy). 

    GTKY: I went to one prom with a friend. it was uneventful and underwhelming.  We came home to change and go to the after prom event but we fell asleep and missed the whole evening. I was bummed about that more than anything.  

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 30wk5d July 24

    Baby is the size of a(n): bunch of broccoli

    Team: Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: Next week 32wk appointment

    How are you feeling?: I posted in the third tri systems thread.. my poor feet are killing me. They ache so bad and my left foot likes to swell up nice and big. I've been on my feet a lot this past week getting ready for the shower so I'm sure that has to do with it. 

    Rants: I rented some tables and chairs for my shower, they got delivered and they were in such horrible condition I didn't even use the tables! I was so mad. I'm just putting this in the rant cause I was sorta bummed we went for the 4d ultrasound and LO was being her typical self and covering her face with her arm.. had to go back two days later to try again, she was a tiny bit more cooperative.. and then the tech goes, oh she looks like dad 100% not like you at all. I don't know why but I got my feelings hurt, I just want her to look like me lol. I'm hoping once she is here she looks more like me...

    Raves: Our new floors were installed in time for the baby shower, and they turned out great! The shower turned out great despite the rain outside, we made it work inside the house, just was a little more casual but I think everyone had a great time. Now I'm just waiting for my close out discount on my registry to get the things I didn't get... I also got a blanket fro my aunt that she made, it is so cute, I want to steal it for myself!!


    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? I did go to both proms. I had more fun at my Jr prom my date was a guy I liked and we had a really fun time although we just stayed friends. My Sr prom I went with my BF at the time, he went to another school and bitched the entire time how he wished he was at his prom instead... real winner... I have pics of my dresses I'll post.. Jr prom was a gold glitter halter dress and Sr prom was a black sequin dress my grandma made that had a deep V plunge in the back. I still have both dresses LOL!

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    gingermama46gingermama46 member
    edited May 2019
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 31w 2d, July 27

    Baby is the size of a(n): platypus 

    Team: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Wednesday for check in

    How are you feeling?: Just a lot of swelling and shortness of breath. Really looking forward to sleeping on my back soon!

    Rants/Raves:  Rant: I'm trying to approve transactions on a bank website for business card holders and it logs me out everytime I click on something new and I'm going to toss this computer somewhere. Rave: we're doing a Yellow Submarine theme for the nursery, and got some very thoughtful gifts this weekend at our shower. So excited!

    Questions: For those of you that are pre-registering at the hospital, should I do that at a certain time? I wasn't sure if I had to get something from doctor first.

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? Yeah, sophomore, junior and senior year. I mostly enjoyed the amusement park trip the next day but I enjoyed senior prom the most because I went with friends. Pale pink halter dress, cream knee length dress, and then big ole' white and turquoise ball gown. LOVED that last dress, I joked I would get married in it.

    Shout out to those of you who keep up with questions and tags, I can get so bad at it sometimes.
    @hestia14 yes! I am going to work on a couple of chicken casseroles, ground turkey, and lasagnas this weekend!
    @foodislove I didn't get the chance to say last week, but I'm glad you and baby are ok!
    @geoduck21 that's so awesome that you and DH hit things off senior year of HS!
    @frenchbaby18 glad your FIL made a trip, we were out of town with DH family over the weekend and since he doesn't see them often I know he enjoys those trips.
    @hakele I'm in a somewhat similar position at work. I've been told that I'll get a promotion/raise before mat leave but now everyone is talking budget cuts so they may not open the position. Even though I'm doing it now just not getting amount/title.
    @blackhottamales so cool DH work is throwing you guys a shower!
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    @hestia14  I haven't started freezer meals yet... Last pregnancy I started around now too. My GF is due the same week as me and we decided to each double a meal and a muffin type thing and then switch. That way we have some variety without having to buy ingredients for 4 meals. 

    @jennm0724 I swell by the end of the day too. Every night i have been lying with my feet raised up a wall for 5 mins and then rolling my ankles out a bit and its helped! 

    @blackhottamales No need to go crazy on the outfits. First month at least all you need is diapers, a few swaddles and a bunch of onesies/sleepers. It'll be summer so i figured I don't wanna over dress babe anyways!

    @foodislove My bump definitely fluctuates! Sometimes its super lopsided and looks so funny. Depends how baby is lying. 

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    canuckmommacanuckmomma member
    edited May 2019
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: DD July 17 - 31W5D

    Baby is the size of a(n): Small Clawed Otter

    Team: Green

    Upcoming Appointments: OB check up and pelvic floor physio both on Thurs. 

    How are you feeling?: This weekend have been feeling good! Today was Victoria Day here in Canada so an extra day off felt amazing and I think does wonders for my health, mentally and physically. 

    Rants/Raves:  Rant... my husband works a variation of 24/7 shifts with crazy hours and OT so I often single parent for 5 days at a time (2.5 year old boy). Plus i work FT. Some days I handle it all on my own fine, other days I'm a freaking mess. This week I had a melt down at the thought of having to "mom" alone so often with two kids. On top of that, my husband is lowest man oo the stressn totem pole and when his his shift booked off vacation for the summer they all seemed to forget he is having a baby ... he has NO time off when baby comes (other than his regular days off) and the earliest he could book a stretch off was end of September. Definitely cried/stressed over that... so if baby comes while he's working he'll have to book off sick. 

    Questions: What kind of time are your significant others taking off around baby birth??

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? In my city in Canada we did not really do prom. We had school dances that no one went to and a graduation dinner/dance once we graduated grade 12. So we got all dressed up like prom but only for Grad. I went with a good friend and stayed maybe half the night. I was so ready to be done high school!

    **edited because spelling and grammer**

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    @canuckmomma my work gives me 18 weeks off, I’m going to work up until my due date because I can work from home. And then I’ll supplement my time to not go back to work until January 1. My husband gets 6 weeks from the state to use however he wants. I think he will take the first 4 weeks off and then will take 2 more weeks around Christmas so we can all spend time together. 
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 21 / 31w3d

    Baby is the size of a(n): bunch of asparagus

    Team: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: midwife - today; and again on june 4

    How are you feeling?: mostly good, slept weird on the weekend so back has been hurting a bit more than usual. of course this is after i had my prenatal massage too. :( definitely feel like i'm slowing down as well. 

    Rave: got all of the big items we need in the immediate future - crib, bassinet, stroller, and car seat. now just need the room painted and we can start to set things up. also DH traded in his man car for a more family friendly/affordable option, so we picked that up this past weekend too! :) i can't wait to drive it lol. 

    Questions: no questions, but i'll come back for tags later. :)

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? i went to senior prom in HS with my long distance bf at the time. he came all the way from atlanta. we are still great friends to this day :) i wore a long champagne halter style dress. 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 18th 31+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): 


    Upcoming Appointments: 
    Today, got my tdap shot 

    How are you feeling?: 



    I hit the point where I crash at night. H is on nights so it’s hard getting the big girls fed and to bed with how tired I feel 


    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead?

    I went and it was kind of boring but after was fun. My close group of girlfriends went back and got a hotel with just the girls and it was a fun ending to the year to just hang and no one woke up with regrets. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @hestia14 yay for 2 awesome parties! :) good on you for starting to prep freezer meals! i wish i could do that, i have a hard enough time finding space in our freezer for weekly groceries lol. we will likely do the delivery meal service (like @hakele)like goodfood or chef's plate so we dont have to think about planning meals at least 2-3 times a week. 

    @hakele yay for a macaron class! that's going to be fun. i took one years ago and parlayed that into a side business for a little while. :) i still like that i can make them, but the process is so LONG it deters me from making them anymore lol. 

    @frenchbaby18 i am finding it hard to plan out DD's summer camp schedule because the baby could really come at any point. i have put her in for the first couple weeks of july and if anything happens, she can come with us and my mom will come get her from there. i've asked DD if she wants to attend the birth (she's 10) but she said no lol. 

    @blackhottamales we just have sleepers and onesies as well. i doubt we will be going anywhere for the first little while that will require any more than that :) if we do, i think we will just buy as required. also, i cant really say how big the baby will be, so i'd rather not buy anything until at least they come out and then you would have a better gauge. for now i have a few outfits in a variety of sizes. 

    @jennm0724 awww glad everything worked out for your shower, sucks the tables were not able to be used. i hope you got a refund at least! that was kinda strange and insensitive for the U/S tech to say. even if they thought that i think they should keep that opinion to themselves. i know the feeling though, my DD looks exactly like her father (who i am not with anymore lol) so it really irks me when people tell me she looks like him haha. even after all this time lol. 

    @canuckmomma that really sucks, pretty insensitive for them to not even think of ur hubby and this big moment in his life. maybe something might change? my hubby is a contractor for a company, so he doesn't get paid time off or parental leave. whatever time off he takes will be unpaid. he is planning to take a week or so after the birth, and then maybe another week or two when his parents come to visit. but again, bc it's unpaid and i'll be on mat leave, we'll have to be careful with how much time off he does take. 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/25 30w5d
    Baby is the size of a(n): cantaloupe
    Team: Blue
    Upcoming Appointments: 5/30 32 week ultrasound and biweekly obgyn appointment.
    How are you feeling?: I mostly feel good. Some vomiting has come back and I’m exhausted and having trouble sleeping.

    Rant: my sister handed out my shower invitations at a funeral and then a couple days later at someone else’s baby shower. I feel like it’s not only tacky but makes people not want to come. My family refuses to acknowledge how inappropriate that is. She’s made me kind of regret having a shower at all with that and other things like telling people diapers and gift cards when I don’t just want money. I do feel excited at the prospect of people thinking of me and baby and picking out something for us either on their own or from my registry. Plus it’s overwhelming to have to go to multiple stores myself and get things people could just have shipped to me from Amazon. It’s another way she made my shower feel grabby and again my family just thinks it’s ok despite me saying ‘I need other things too!’ Like a car seat and bottles and a stroller. Plus I don’t want people to think i just invited them for their wallet. I genuinely want people to come celebrate with me.

    Rave: my boss sells Paparazzi Jewelry and I asked her to help me find something that matches my baby shower dress. She gave me choices and I found a set I love. Then she wouldn’t let me pay for it. It really warmed my heart. 

    Questions: none

    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Yes, with my Young Life Leader
    Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? My brother bought me dinner at the restaurant he works at and my leader and I had a great time. She’s still one of the greatest women I’ve ever met. I’m from a small town so all of the 50 people in my class who went grew up with me and it was nice to see them all. My dress was a $15 dress from Walmart. It was brown and mid-calf length. I wore a gold lace shawl over it. I felt pretty though and that’s what mattered.
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    @hestia14 I haven't started freezer meals yet but am working on my list of what I want to make. I want to start next week! I'm hoping I can have 10-15 meals plus some breakfast and lunch grab and go type things. We will see how it goes!

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 23 / 31 weeks; planned induction for 37 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): large movie theater popcorn

    Team: Green! Getting so excited!

    Upcoming Appointments: 32 week appt next week and I start twice a week NSTs next week too

    How are you feeling?: Physically I am feeling pretty good, just so sore by the end of the day! Baby likes to keep their feet in my ribs. Also been getting really bad charlie horses! Mentally, I am starting to freak out that there is hardly any time left and so much to do!!! I'll be induced the first week of July so it's serious crunch time for me!

    Rants/Raves: We did a trial run of my boys staying overnight with my mom this past weekend. It was DS2s first time away from me for the night and he surprised us by doing so well!!! I'm relieved and I think my mom is too. 


    GTKY: Did you go to prom in high school? Did you enjoy it and what did your dress look like? If not, what did you do instead? I went both years and had a lot of fun both times! My junior year my dress was white with red flowers on it and my senior year my dress was a bright pink cinderella dress with beading on the top. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that pink dress, I loved it so much!

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    @hestia14 I'm not doing freezer meals, we have a pretty small freezer. I'm sure though my mom is going to probably try to make us some meals and drop them off.. last resort we'll use door dash LOL

    @foodislove yes, some days I feel huge and others not so much. Some days due to where LO is positioned and others from being backed up and needing to poop LOL!

    @blackhottamales I think LO is going to live in a diaper and a swaddle blanket and then some sort of swaddle outfit to sleep in... I don't plan on buying much more than what I got at from my baby shower. I'll play it by ear and see what she needs versus just buying a bunch of stuff.

    @samanthak46 My doctors office gave me my registration papers at my last appointment and told me I needed to drop them off at admitting by 32 weeks I think.. or 36.. not sure LOL! Either way I need to get them turned in soon.. I'll probably just drop them off after my appointment next week.

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    @foodislove I definitely feel like I have a sometimes bump. I googled it and apparently baby’s position can affect bump size. When baby’s bottom is facing your belly button, your bump is larger but when their back is facing your back it is smaller. Also having a longer torso can affect it so my height and the fact that baby is low makes me hardly look pregnant most days. 

    @hestia14 @jennm0724 I also am not doing freezer meals but I’ll be staying with my parents in the beginning so I’m lucky to have them to make sure I eat.

    @samanthak46 I knew the hospital since my first appointment because my doc only delivers there and I just googled them and pre-registered online. It was pretty easy. I’m still going to call and make an appointment to make sure they have everything they need from me but I’m relieved they have the basics.

    @blackhottamales have you already had a shower? I have tons of hand me downs from family so I haven’t had to buy anything. I just cherrypicked what I like but at baby showers almost everyone wants to get you an outfit so be prepared for that. 

    @ccmama3 that’s wonderful that your boys did good! I’m glad you’ll have that peace of mind. 

    @mixitupmel I have the big items now except car seat and it is relieving for sure!

    @jennm0724 I think my baby looks a lot like my donor but we’ll see on the 29th if that’s still true. It does hurt a little that you carry them for 9 months and they don’t look like you. HOWEVER, and I can’t stress this enough, I look just like my dad’s family and always have. Except that since I hit puberty I look more like my mom and now that I’m pregnant people often tell me how much i look like her. It’s not a forever thing just because she looks like one of you right now. Babies all sorta look like wrinkly old men. Even girls 😂. 

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    @leylea89 Yep--everyone was really good and we only got onsies and nothing impractical.  My nieces are 5 & 9 so no hand me downs from the family.  I think we'll just keep it simple for now and then i can splurge if i see someone I want after the LO is here.  
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    hakelehakele member
    @samanthak46 My hospital just had a form for me to fill out online. I filled it out back in February, LOL. That was when I signed up for all the classes, so that is when I did it. 
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    finnflanfinnflan member
    edited May 2019
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 20 / 31+4

     Baby is the size of a(n): forgot to look - otter minus tail maybe?

     Team: baby girl

     Upcoming Appointments: Tdap tomorrow with my regular gp

     How are you feeling?: I’m beginning to have déjà vu. Pregnancy wise I’m good but I KEEP getting sick. I swear I’ve been sick for at least 4-5 of the last 8 weeks. Over that...

     Rants/Raves: rave - proud of myself I’m still going to the gym 2x a week. Hoping to keep it up until my birthday in mid June. It tuckers me right out, but in a good way.

     rant - not a rant so much as embarrassing. I’m a lawyer and we wear robes/gowns here in court (no wig). I had an important appearance today and could only get the top 3 buttons of my waistcoat done up so had to rock the belly sticking out haha (with another shirt under, not bare skin). I have another appearance in 2 weeks and think I may ask one of the men in my office if I can borrow theirs. Also, 15 minutes into my 2.5 hour submissions the judge interrupted to specifically let me know that if I wanted to take a break any earlier than he had originally set I should just let him know - he was worried about how out of breath I was from talking haha. Combo of this kid crushing my lungs plus a cold I guess. (I refused to break early out of stubbornness but did finish an entire jug of water myself instead!)

     Questions: none
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    hakelehakele member
    @finnflan that sounds so interesting that you have to wear robes and gowns to court. Sorry you were feeling self-conscious about how everything was fitting. Also, I'm granting you permission to take care of yourself! 
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    @finnflan I’d want to wear a wig anyway 😂. But I totally feel you on stubbornness and being out of breath for no real reason except the crammed organs 😂😂😂. Also, on exercise, I totally walk almost 3 miles to work once a week. I was never super athletic but I’ve always been good with walking so I’ve been doing that for 31 weeks and am also proud of myself. The goal of keeping active as long as I can is a priority for me as well. But I’m due on my birthday so that as a goal may be unrealistic lol. I’m just making sure to pay attention to my body and making sure my doctor is happy with me. I’ve never been so happy to hear someone say ‘your weight is stable and I’m happy with that.’ Let alone welcome commentary on my body but she makes me feel proud of just being as healthy as I can. It keeps me motivated. 

    Anyway, good luck staying active! You’re pretty much to your goal so kudos!
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    hakelehakele member
    My job got posted today! I'll be spending my day working on my resume! :smile:

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    yes!!  @hakele you got this!!
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    hakele said:
    @finnflan that sounds so interesting that you have to wear robes and gowns to court. Sorry you were feeling self-conscious about how everything was fitting. Also, I'm granting you permission to take care of yourself! 
    I actually quite like wearing the robes generally - it’s kind of like I’m putting on my costume and getting into character. We don’t wear them for every appearance, but it always feels more important/proper when I do. Shouldn’t really surprise me, I was also the kid who didn’t mind wearing a school uniform in high school as it took away having to put much effort in deciding what to wear haha
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