November 2019 Moms

Hello again, and goodbye


Hey everyone,
I disappeared off this board at the beginning of April when at my first appointment it was discovered that I was measuring two weeks behind where I should have been. My doctor told me it was a possibility that it was just a dating thing but I knew that just wasn't possible. Anyway, it was confirmed at my follow up appointment that my pregnancy was not viable and decided to go with misoprostol since my cervix was still closed and it didn't seem like was going to miscarry anytime soon. It wasn't as bad as some of the stories if read but at my follow up after that not everything had come away so I finally had a D&C last Monday. I'm heartbroken but after such a long drawn out process that there's a lot of relief that it's finally over.

I wish you all the best and hope to be back on TB soon.

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